Question for the ladies over 40


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 12, 2005
What are you doing for your hot flashes? seriously.
One of the things DW does is turn up the ceiling fan full blast. I feel like I'm sleeping under a helicopter.
73ss454 said:
One of the things DW does is turn up the ceiling fan full blast. I feel like I'm sleeping under a helecopter.

You took the word out of my mouth.
Some days I'm glad to be a man.

(OK, an oversized boy, but still...)
Drink ice cold water. It doesn't prevent it but it helps a lot once you have a hot flash coming on.
Martha said:
Drink ice cold water. It doesn't prevent it but it helps a lot once you have a hot flash coming on.

Thank you, Martha. Looks like we got attention from the male peanut gallery ::)
cube_rat said:
Looks like we got attention from the male peanut gallery ::)
Says the woman with the most amazing... er, avatars... that I've ever seen posted.
Hey Cube, I know it's no fun for the ladies but it's no fun for us guys either.
Nords said:
Says the woman with the most amazing... er, avatars... that I've ever seen posted.

The blue dot is really a representation of a 800cc saline breast implant.
cube_rat said:
The blue dot is really a representation of a 800cc saline breast implant.

It's very abstract.

All right....... I think I can make it work. ;)
Cool Dood said:
Some days I'm glad to be a man.
Apparently you're not currently cohabiting with a woman of this demographic.

Because if you were, by now you'd be sincerely regretting your membership in our gender...

cube_rat said:
The blue dot is really a representation of a 800cc saline breast implant.
I've always wondered how Victoria's Secret and Maidenform made those metric/size conversions! Some of life's most important details just can't easily be found in a reference manual...
cube_rat said:
The blue dot is really a representation of a 800cc saline breast implant.

Ok, the first one hurt, now I think it's time to walk away from the dot............far away.

Glad I didn't give any advice in this thread, I better just stick to trying to invest my $5.87 Canadian.
My Dream said:
Ok, the first one hurt, now I think it's time to walk away for the dot............far away.

Glad I didn't give any advice in this thread, I better just stick to trying to invest my $5.87 Canadian.

Us women here are very HOT and FLASHy. ;)
If its not to late to reply to the OP - I was taking estrogen (birth control w/o a "week off" break) which helped a lot. Due to risk of stroke I quit that. I bought some black cohash (herbal remedy) but haven't tried it yet, as I have not had too many problems yet.

I usually just throw off the covers and open the window. And whine alot. ;)
cube_rat, I use Womens Balance Cream-Natural Progesterone by Kokoro. I buy it at Whole Foods. I have tried the soy tablets, they didn't work well for me. The cream hasn't totally elemented the hot flashes but it has reduced them quite abit. The part I was having trouble living with was the feeling of either anxiety or nausea minutes or seconds before a hot flash. The cream has stopped those feelings.

I have also found that when I'm in Mexico, where its a hotter climate I really don't notice them, and there are fans all over the place so that helps ;).

I drink water right after a hot flash. I have had to cut down on my wine drinking :'(
I also switched from coffee to tea. Lots of green tea.
Cube I just talked with my dr about hot flashes on Friday, she wants me to try the black cohish again, so that's the plan. One of my friends that is going thru this too says she takes a cool shower before bed and it helps some with the night sweats.
I'm almost 47. This hasn't hit me yet. Doesn't sound like much fun!


When I asked the same question of my friends, they all were taking Estroven (or the Walmart Estroplus).

It has soy, black cohosh among other things. It really helped.
janeofalltrades said:
I have also found that when I'm in Mexico, where its a hotter climate I really don't notice them, and there are fans all over the place so that helps ;).

That's interesting. For me I almost welcome the hot flashes in the winter. Last winter was the first year I wasn't sneaking over to turn up the thermostat behind Greg's back.

Some of my friends say spicy food, caffine or alcohol makes hot flashes worse. Doesn't seem to effect me. I can set a clock by my 8:00pm hot flash.
cube_rat said:
The blue dot is really a representation of a 800cc saline breast implant.

And here I was thinking blueballs...
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