Snow skiing

Timely thread as I saw it after returning from my day skiing. It's great having a mid-week pass, the price is (relatively) cheap and the lines are minimal.

I'm 60 and still ski the blacks (diamonds) and double diamonds. (North East skiing so not as crazy as the doubles out west in places like Snow Bird) Losing a bunch of weight last year and doing daily walking &/or running has made this years skiing much easier! However, I realize my age and am much more respectful of my limitations - stay away from excessive bump runs (a little is OK) and excessive speed.

I won't ski on a weekend - that's when the crazy people are there.

ETA: Since RunningBum mentioned his speed - that's up there! According to my ski track app, I kept it under 40 max. For my old age, that is plenty fast. Even a blow out at 35-40 wouldn't be so much fun.
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btw, for any of you that buy an Epic pass (like I did this year), next year there is a real competitor to it, the Ikon pass. It's most of the resorts and then some from the Mountain Collective. Details not announced yet but I think it will be more like the Epic pass than the 2 free days at each resort that the MP has now.
Skiied from 6 years old until I got too fat.

Rest of the family still loves it.

Did have one friend in high school who ended up in hospital with their entire side bruised black from an encounter with a tree.

All they could say was "I remember starting the run..."
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