Sold all of my socks !

I have a diversified sock portfolio. White, beige, red, blue, black and a few [-]alternatives[/-] patterns.
I hate socks. Gave them up in retirement.

Summer time don't need them and winter time I wear fleece lined slippers.
My Thorlos socks cost $16/pair in 2005. I remember because I thought it was outrageous, but bought several pairs anyway because I was traveling, my feet were desperately cold and hurting from plantar fasciitis, and I felt I needed thick wool socks almost as much as life itself. (Yet another potential hidden cost of travel - - but my feet felt so much better.)

Today, according to the Thorlos website, the same socks cost $21/pair.

That's a price increase of 2.3% per year. Buy and horde sounds better and better!
I don't see why you all are giving upon socks. Studies show people can continue to enjoy socks into their eighties and even beyond.
That sucks, having sold your stock of socks! I'm stuck with my socks as I have stacks of white/black socks in my sock drawer in my stack of dresser drawers right over my dresser drawer full of under drawers.
Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming sockless.
My Thorlos socks cost $16/pair in 2005. I remember because I thought it was outrageous, but bought several pairs anyway because I was traveling, my feet were desperately cold and hurting from plantar fasciitis, and I felt I needed thick wool socks almost as much as life itself. (Yet another potential hidden cost of travel - - but my feet felt so much better.)

Today, according to the Thorlos website, the same socks cost $21/pair.

That's a price increase of 2.3% per year. Buy and horde sounds better and better!

Well that’s the sock market for you! :LOL:
I don't sell, donate for the tax harvesting


Oh well! If politicians could write off taxes for donating used underwear, of course citizens can write off holey socks too.
Just one word:


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Do you still hang on to them after they turn holey?

I believe in rotating my socks. Out with the worn out ones, in with the new.

I rotate my socks when they are holey, I turn them over so the hole is on the top and get twice the dividend of owning socks. :)

Plus I have diversified and own both white and black socks so I'm ready for formal or informal actions.
I do sell off my boxer briefs portfolio when they become holey. Mom always said to wear good underwear as you never know when you might be in a wreck and have to go to the hospital. Actually it's just a direct write off an no one will buy them.
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I rotate my socks when they are holey, I turn them over so the hole is on the top and get twice the dividend of owning socks. :)

Plus I have diversified and own both white and black socks so I'm ready for formal or informal actions.

People here know I try to squeeze more "dividends" out of my stocks by writing covered calls. But when it comes to holey socks, rotating them did not work for me because mine are not tube socks. The holey heels get bunched up when rotated. I discard holey socks, and I sell loser stocks.

Yes, I have a diversified sock portfolio, the same as having both dividend and growth stocks. It's good to have variety. Life would be boring otherwise.
Mostly don't wear socks in Florida. lol
Do you still hang on to them after they turn holey?

I can't remember the last sock I had that got a hole in it.

I tend to discard socks that aren't soft/comfortable enough any more. Perhaps they don't have time to develop holes?
Mom always said to wear good underwear as you never know when you might be in a wreck and half to go to the hospital.

My Mom said that too. It always worried me.

But eventually I learned that they will still take you to the hospital - even if you aren't wearing good underwear! Who knew?
I have a LBYM friends who is worth aprox 15 mil. He would always brown bag it. Always drive cars 10 years, etc... With socks he would buy the 12 pack from walmart and wear them exactly once. He absolutely hated the missing sock issue while doing laundry so he literally treated socks as a disposable resource. He figured 50 cents a day was not a bad habit. Full disclosure: he only did that with athletic socks. Not dress socks.
I have some socks that I bought many, many years ago. Other socks I've bought, worn only a few times, and then gotten rid of.

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