Songs that make you dance

Recently, I have had this song in my head. No, I do not dance, but look at the crowd moving to the music (I hope you have some good headphones on).

Aussi Libre Que Moi / As Free As I Am

Tu peux venir te poser sur moi / You can come & land on me
Je ne veux rien t'imposer / I don't want to impose you anything
Reste aussi longtemps que tu voudras / Stay as long as you want
Si le voyage à mes côtés / If the journey by my side
Peut simplement te garder / Simply can keep you
Aussi libre que moi / As free as I am

Aussi libre que moi / As free as I am
Aussi libre qu'on soit / As free as we are
Si tu es comme je crois / If you are as I think
Aussi libre que moi / As free as I am

N'ai pas à craindre de me bouleverser / Do not worry about upsetting me
Ce qui pourrait arriver / Which may happen
Je te laisserai sur ma peau / I will let you on my skin
Te tatouer / To tattoo yourself
À mon anneau t'accrocher / To hang on to my ring
Et sans barreau te garder / Without a barrier to keep you
Aussi libre que moi / As free as I am


Ne résiste pas à cette envie / Do not resist this urge
Viens contre tout, contre moi / Come in spite of everything, on me
T'engager comme avec toi je le suis / Engage yourself like I am to you
Sans garde fou et rester / Without guardrail and rest
J'ai fais le voeux de te garder / I made the vow to keep you
Aussi libre que moi / As free as I am
Si tu es comme je crois / If you are as I think
Aussi libre que moi / As free as I am


Portion taken from

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Here's a moldy oldie from 1971, courtesy of Dave and Ansell Collins --

"Too much --I like it"
We're doing a vacation this year. I'm going to force my friends to do this as the first tune. I'll play rhythm :)

I'm pretty sure he sings "There's a bathroom on the right", so I'll do that - ha!
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Raining men....hoo my, as long as I don't have to clean up after them, let it pour! :D

Doug and the Slugs nailed it with that peppy's great workout music. :dance:
Here's a tune I meant to post yesterday, but screwed up. It's not a dancer, but is one of those that makes me think "this is nearly a perfect song".

Plus, I'm a new kid in town.

It has to be the Hot Dog Dance from the end of Mickey's Clubhouse. Every time it comes on, my grandkids and I have to dance. I hope I'm not the only one.

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