Songs that make you dance

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Those Coreanos are real get down party on folks. Also, North Korea has apparently worked out any obesity problems with high carb diets. I think it's called impending starvation.
73ss454, I love your taste in music. Growing up (well becoming an adult, anyway) in the '60s, this is the music I still know and try to listen to. Keep 'em coming.

Actually I'm a Doo Wop and 60's girl group kind of guy. Funny, but Doo Wop was a little before my time but I've always loved it. The 60's stuff I posted here was really the music during my teen years and I did like it but not as much as the other stuff I mentioned.
Have to add my 2 cents worth - went to a wedding reception last weekend that was straight out of the movie "Footloose" - no dancing allowed (and obviously no adult beverages as well...). Finally talked the DJ into playing the Isley Bros. "Shout!". While everybody followed the letter of the law, there was a lot of (silent) singing along and the occasional 'throwing your arms in the air' (while seated). That song is almost impossible NOT to dance to.

BTW, I was counseled later by the groom's new MIL that my choice of songs was inappropriate
Ellis, that sounds awful! And gold star for choosing inappropriate songs for such a boring event! Sounds like it needed some livening up! Yikes!

I remember bringing hula hoops to DH's class reunion a few years ago and shocking some of the more fuddy-duddy types with my hooping and getting a few others to hoop along to the DJ. Though the music was better than at your party, and there was something to drink, at least!
Have to add my 2 cents worth - went to a wedding reception last weekend that was straight out of the movie "Footloose" - no dancing allowed (and obviously no adult beverages as well...). Finally talked the DJ into playing the Isley Bros. "Shout!". While everybody followed the letter of the law, there was a lot of (silent) singing along and the occasional 'throwing your arms in the air' (while seated). That song is almost impossible NOT to dance to.

BTW, I was counseled later by the groom's new MIL that my choice of songs was inappropriate

What a great song!

Shout! - The Isley Brothers - YouTube
DW REALLY wanted to start a second line, but it became clear that it would NOT be appreciated.
HaHa - my thoughts exactly......

On a brighter note, I have figured out that if I live a VERY bad life, I know what group of people I'll end up with when I die.......which is incentive enough to behave myself at all costs.
Muscovites "Putting On The Ritz":

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