Stressless Recliners


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May 20, 2014
I am interested in replacing our aging La Z Boy recliners. I've heard some good things about the Stressless brand. Any Stressless owners out there? Looking at their website, the chair/ottoman combo looks really comfy. I will need to find a local dealer to test out some options. I understand they are a bit pricey. But since I seem to be spending more time sitting, paying extra for quality might be a good idea.
Any Stressless owners out there? Looking at their website, the chair/ottoman combo looks really comfy. I will need to find a local dealer to test out some options.

Put very simply, once you sit in one you will immediately conclude that it is worth every penny.
I've had one over 20 years. As comfy as ever, and still looks great
I'm so glad we have them. The price is a bit ridiculous... but it was worth it for us. Mine has the elevation ring to make it a couple inches higher, and after a couple years I got the swivel out round table attachment thingy. The chair does wonders for my lower back pain compared to any other seat I've tried.
We've had the Stressless 'recliners' for 10 years or so and really like them. However, they are NOT true recliners and there are many times I want a true recliner so we are replacing them. Have some La Z Boy recliners that are scheduled to arrive mid April. The Stressless ones have found themselves new homes. DH also has the 'elevator' on his chair as he's 6'0" and all legs and without the elevator, he looks like his knees will meet his chin shortly :LOL:.

Edited to add: These are the most comfortable chairs I've ever sat in and I'm sad to see them go.
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I like the look of the Stressless Recliners, but they're not a true recliner. I have a Lazy-Boy and it's very comfortable, but for my newest recliner, I ended up with a Palliser because I wanted one that would recline to a zero gravity recliner. I need to get my feet above my heart for an hour or so every day. Here's the one I bought.;id=22E30A;cat=Chairs

I looked at a couple other zero gravity chairs, but they were beyond expensive (like $3-4K)
Love my stressless chairs. They are very comfortable and last a very long time
I sat in a friends and it was the most comfortable thing I ever sat on. I picked up a used one on FB Marketplace that was in almost new condition for $350. Money very well spent.
We have two: one 30+ years old and one 5 years old. Only way I could get a decent sleep for about six weeks following rotator cuff surgery! There are quite a few models and more than one size so probably best if you can test them out in a B&M store.
For $2,500 to $3,000 the Ekornes chairs are very comfortable.

They are a luxury item, but worth it.

We have a Stressless chair and ottoman. We also have 2 IMG recliners.

IMG is a company that makes nice recliners and they are more in the $1,000 to $2,000 range.

The money has to be spent somewhere.
Another Stressless fan here. My father bought one back in the 90's and my sister is still using it. I got one more than 10 years ago and absolutely love it. They come in various sizes so trying them out in store is very helpful.
Had two almost twenty years. Love them. But I also have a cheaper traditional recliner with cloth cover that flips up the feet. That is better for dropping dead into and sleeping.
I second the Ekornes tip. they are affordable and often come on sale...not much different then Stressless...
I second the Ekornes tip. they are affordable and often come on sale...not much different then Stressless...

Stressless is an Ekornes brand. So is IMG.

Go to a furniture store that features them (usually a high end store) and sit in a few. As mentioned here, they come in different sizes, and DW and I were surprised that the sizes that felt best to us were not the sizes we expected to like best.
Yes to Stressless

The Stressless recliners are terrific. Expensive, and if you want something they don't have in the showroom you may have to wait months for it to arrive via overseas shipping container. But it's all worth it. I actively look forward to sitting in ours, and do daily. Be sure to try all the sizes, it's a great feature of the brand.
I would never have another brand any more. We have two eKornes Stressless Mayfair recliners with ottomans, almost 10 years old now, one medium and one large. They still look good, work perfectly and they’re very comfortable. My parents also had a pair for more than 25 years. We bought ours on sale, still expensive, but worth every penny. We had several brands of recliners before, all turned into junk in a few years. As usual, you get what you pay for…

They’re probably not more expensive than other brands when you factor in how long they last.


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I am an outlier, tried one about 10 years ago in a showroom, and thought to myself, why is this brand so highly rated. At least for me, did not find it that comfortable, although my lower back can be a problem. Perhaps a few minutes sitting in one is not a fair test.
I am an outlier, tried one about 10 years ago in a showroom, and thought to myself, why is this brand so highly rated. At least for me, did not find it that comfortable, although my lower back can be a problem. Perhaps a few minutes sitting in one is not a fair test.

I have to agree. I tried several last year in a showroom and while it was comfortable, it wasn’t as comfortable as some others I’ve tried. Definitely not worth the cost.
My Stressless sectional is about 10 years old, and I am a fan. It has 3 highback seats, a large corner, and a lowback seat. All seats recline and they’re very comfortable for me. Very expensive to buy, but they’re very long-lasting and wear well.
What stores sell Stressless furniture these days? I bought my sectional from Scandinavian Designs, but they no longer seem to carry the Stressless line, from what I can see.
Go to where they have a "Find dealer" item in the menu.
Put in your zip code and you can see all authorized dealers in the area.
I have a little trouble finding comfortable sofas and recliners. Not the cushioning aspect, but the size of them. I am short-ish. The 'seat-size" = the length of the seat from the back of my butt sitting, to the bend in my knees is short, and from the bend in my knees to the bottoms of my feet is short. My husband is on the shorter size of average height and he has the same problem, but not as bad as I do. So we are picky when we "try on" furniture to see if it is proportionally the right size for our heights. My DD and SIL are tall and have 'big' furniture. I always feel like I am having to scoot back to stay in place on their couch.
At 5'4" my wife is comfortable on most any couch and recliner. Me not so much. We have some very nice quality all leather reclining couches and reclining chairs as well as a Stressless. Except for the Stressless nothing really fits me well. As I sit in the reclining position only half of my calf is supported by the extended leg rest.

Another Stressless fan here but I recommend you try them out. Models have different shapes - not just sizes. Various models offer more or less support and have uniquely shaped seats and backs.

We have several and added a height spacer to one after DH broke a bunch of ribs to make getting up a little easier. I prefer the firmer models and they have held up better over time. The puffier ones have developed some memory (aka butt prints).
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