Thinking about a new iPad


Full time employment: Posting here.
Apr 25, 2004
While I prefer Android phones, I do have and like an iPad. My current iPad is 6 years old! Ancient in electronic gadget terms.
My current iPad is an original iPad Air, 32 gb, with Lte. It is starting to seem slow to me and cannot upgrade to the latest IOS.

Because my phone is much better than the phone I had 6 years ago, I don’t feel the need for an Lte version. The last time I used the Lte functionality was a year and half ago. I always turned Lte on and off and only paid for it when I wanted it while traveling.

Any recommendations on which version of iPad I should choose? I don’t care for the mini or the very large one.

I checked with the Apple store and they will only offer a $60 trade in on my current iPad, so that is not an option. I expect I will jump on a Costco sale when offered. I haven’t decided what I will do with my current iPad when I get a new one. Recommendations on where to sell if I decide that option? The other option would be to give the iPad to my sister...she does not have a tablet and I think she would enjoy one. The only thing that is stopping me from that is the possibility that my brother in law will use it, get frustrated, and call me screaming and cursing. Hey, that is what happened when I helped sister set up her phone. However, I don’t want my current iPad to sit around the house and become useless e-waste.
My advice is to get one with at least 64gb and, if your 32gb is nearly full, go for 128gb. If you don't plan to use a keyboard or mouse or anything that might require the latest and greatest, get whatever's on sale (wifi only) as it will be a big improvement from what you have. I have a 3-year old iPad Air and it's pretty snappy.
Forgot to mention that there are a number of places that will buy your old iThings. Just google "where to sell old ipad" and you'll get dozens of suggestions. You can get a free quote from any of them. is one that I've used in the past.
Yes, I planned on 64gb and maybe 128gb. I’ll review this information and see what I decide. I’m in no hurry and can wait for a sale.
I had an iPad I used daily for many many years, but last year it would no longer upgrade to the new ios. When I went shopping for a new tablet, I was shocked at the price differences between Apple and other options. Because I had just purchased a Samsung S10 phone to replace my iPhone 6 and had endured the painful adjustment from an ios to an android phone, I decided to go with Samsung Tab A 10.1 128gig, with the ability to add additional storage. I bought it last November at Sam's on sale for $199. I love it. I think its superior to an ipad.
Samsung is a consideration. My phone is a Galaxy S9 that I bought last year and love. It is a great piece of technology and I have it paired with a Samsung Watch. More to think about.

I just looked at the iPad Pro and at $800, it is more than I want to spend. I can afford it, but it is so hard to break my frugal ways.
Samsung is a consideration. My phone is a Galaxy S9 that I bought last year and love. It is a great piece of technology and I have it paired with a Samsung Watch. More to think about.

I just looked at the iPad Pro and at $800, it is more than I want to spend. I can afford it, but it is so hard to break my frugal ways.
You know the great thing about buying the Samsung tablet when you already own a Samsung phone, is when you fire up the tab for the first time and login to your Samsung account, the tablet syncs with all of your phone settings and apps. I was so thrilled. And I now have soooo many apps on the tablet, far more than I ever had on the iPad. DH has been using my old iPad since November for basic solitaire and a couple of newspapers. But even that doesn't work anymore. The same model Samsung that we bought, described above is now over 300 I think. I'd like to wait for the November sales and snag another deal like the one at Sam's. My frugal ways.[emoji16]
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Samsung is a consideration. My phone is a Galaxy S9 that I bought last year and love. It is a great piece of technology and I have it paired with a Samsung Watch. More to think about.

I just looked at the iPad Pro and at $800, it is more than I want to spend. I can afford it, but it is so hard to break my frugal ways.

iPads come in a pretty wide range of price points:

"iPad" - a really good, but w/o the frills (although it now supports the pen) which starts at $329 with 32GB, $429 for the 128G. A really solid entry level iPad.

"iPad Air" a bit sleeker, a bit larger screen, a bit faster starts at $499 with 64GB and 256GB for $649

"iPad Pro" 11" is the best in every way, but starts at $799 for 128GB and tops out at $1299 for 1TB - or get the giant sized one (12.9") for $1499 at 1TB.

My old iPad Air 2 has served me well over the years, but this week I'm getting an iPad Pro 11" (the 256GB for $899). I can't wait.
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IMO, an iPad that old would likely frustrate anyone who you give it to, just as you appear to find it. If it were me (and it's not nor do I have all the context and background, so forgive me) I'd take whatever money I could get for it and run. Sixty bucks doesn't sound all that bad for a device as old as this with only 32GB. I have an iPad Air 2 64GB with wifi from 2016. It still serves me 'OK' but it's starting to seem a bit slow and the battery life isn't what it used to be. The current sell value for that on is $83.

Regarding LTE, don't neglect the fact you can tether it to a phone in the few times you might want to connect and you're out of wifi range, such as in an airport (remember those?). That's what I do. Or maybe that's what you were implying by mentioning the phone you have now is better than the one you had back when you got the iPad?

Good luck. Only my $0.02, FWIW.
My wife "owes" me a new iPad for my 75th birthday. But the stores were closed when my birthday hit a few months ago. We just haven't gotten around to getting it yet. But here's what I plan to do with my current iPad, a second generation that was my wife's first one. (She has a much newer one now). When my gym closed I started working out to one particular set of exercise videos and that's become my preferred regimen. I'm going to take everything off the iPad except for wifi internet and my browser. I'm gonna keep it permanently in my basement "gym" and use it solely for exercise videos. Until it craps out for good. (Or until I crap out from too many cardio videos!)
Thanks for the suggestions. Interestingly I found myself seriously considering the Samsung a10 is currently $80 off at Costco. I really thought about getting it to test knowing Costco has a good return policy on electronics. However I will probably stick with iPad. I have had an iPad since 2011 when the iPad 2 was released.

Consumer Reports likes the iPad Pro. It is pricey but as I get older I am more into “blow that dough “. My current iPad is functional even though it is 6 years old, so I can wait for a sale. I will probably end up buying more than I need or really use, but I do like electronic gadgets.
I have an Ipad Air, 2019 It is my 3rd Ipad and the best. This time I loaded up on memory and am so glad that I did. I think no matter what model you get.....memory is key. I also bought a Logitech pencil that works great. My old Bluetooth keyboard still works fine.
My new Ipad is a 10 inch Kindle Fire. Works for what I want out of it and dirt cheap. :)
My new Ipad is a 10 inch Kindle Fire. Works for what I want out of it and dirt cheap. :)

My old Nexus 7 has died a slow and painful death. All I want from a tablet is surfing the net, and reading books. I assume you are happy with that?

For about $190, it looks like a bargain.
The Kindle Fire works great for books and internet and I can access the magazine app at my local library. I got ti at a big discount on Amazon day :) I could do all of this on my phone but the big screen is easier for me to see.
Just bought an iPad Air 3; 64 GB. It syncs with my iMac and iPhone. I don’t think I’d change a thing. Takes great pictures, I like the sound, good battery life. I’ve always had Apple products.
Many years ago I started with an iPhone 3, then after several years I upgraded to what ever the current iPhone was at that time, and an iPad. I upgraded to an iPad Air shortly after that. When the iPhone died, I switched to a Samsung Galaxy S7, and an iPad Air 2. Last week the S7 self-destructed, and the iPad Air 2 was ready for retirement, so I bought a Samsung S20 128gb and a Samsung Tab S5e 64gb which are both on a shared unlimited data plan.

I don't miss the Apple gadgets at all.
I don't miss iPhone either. It was a pain to upgrade.
I kept running out of room on my old iPad Air2 with 128GB and so in January bought the iPad Pro 11" with 1 Terabyte of storage. Now I never worry about photos, music, data, etc.

Why was that?

I hit the update button, and mine updates, restarts and works. It takes a while so I don't update during busy times.

A couple of times, one thing or another didn't work afterwards, and I had to go to iTunes to redo the upgrade. Very inconvenient. I heard this rarely happens with newer iPHones. I think they do this on purpose so we'll buy new iPhones. Upgrades on my galaxy phone have been very fast and painless.

And I have 3 iPads. Some were getting old and the iOS was too big (memory-wise), so I had to go to iTune to upgrade. I now use Chromebook. I can type faster and I can zoom (touchscreen) so I like it better.
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