Ticklish ring question

Obviously I don't know the details, is it possible your Mom was just trying to split items between her children and just thought I'll give this SecondCor in case he gets a new lady in his life. Then if you didn't do that, it could always go to your only DD. Mom might had thought just saying give it to DG might make the other GKs wonder why they got nothing?

Families just about always come with strings of some type, but not all strings are bad..

Without going into all the details, no, it isn't really possible.

I was divorced in 2006 and my Mom died in 2016. She and my Dad were pretty constantly, while trying to be and appear respectful of my opinion on the matter, clearly hoping and preferring that I would find someone special. More or less they had a happy and successful marriage, they never really approved of my ex, and wanted me to have what they had. And of course they thought that I was smart, good looking, and an overall catch, as all parents do.

The jewelry was distributed round-robin to us three kids, so my sisters got to choose other pieces. My parents general plan is to split things evenly across their three kids, then we three kids can do what we want vis-a-vis our kids.

According to my older sister, either during or before the round-robin event, my older sister was interested in this ring and was thinking about making it her choice during one of the rounds. My Mom apparently shooed her away from it and told her it was reserved for me. I didn't hear that conversation, and it's a little surprising as my parents always were about fair/equal, but I'm not totally surprised given my Mom's opinion about my potential remarriage.

As far as DGs, my sister also has a daughter, so the ring could have gone to her by that logic. Beyond those two, there's 7 grandsons. I explained upthread about my views that the ring could go to any of the 9 grandkids without favor, but my Mom, as a creature of her age, was probably of the opinion that it should go to a woman.

I totally get and understand and accept my parents motivations. I just disagreed about whether I want to find someone special (that's a whole 'nother topic) and am more inclined to respectfully ignore my Mom's preferences in the matter.
Second Cor..every family had a back story and we all need to do what we need to do..
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