Too early to plan Christmas?

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Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Apr 23, 2015
OK, we've got forum ideas for Halloween and Thanksgiving for this year.
Wondering on my possible plan for Christmas.

We usually have extended family celebration (my siblings, spouses, all our kids/grands, so can be up to 25 folks). We have a white elephant and $25 gift card exchange and everyone brings pot luck.

Thinking this year, IF folks still want to get together (which I am doubting, but want to plan something safer) what I may suggest:

Indoors, everyone wear masks for party and visiting. Windows open for fresh air, folks dress warmly! We only have 2 under a year old, other kids are school age and used to wearing masks.
Have tables and food/drink out in our garage, with the door and window open for fresh air exchange, and have folks eat out there.
Suggest even safer would be for "family units" or those who have been together during the virus, to go out together to eat at separate times, since masks would be off at that time.
Lots of hand sanitizer out, also.

Other than not having the group celebration, I can't think of anything else to make it safer, again, IF they do want to gather together. We have not discussed it yet, but I wanted to at least have plan to mention if someone does.

Is anyone doing anything different during these challenging times?
Again, I recognize the risk of being around family outside our bubbles. Trying to think of ways to decrease risk factors if there is a decision to have a gathering.
It is not too early to set expectations for your extended family - if traditions are being upset this year, then getting it out on the table early leaves time for hurt feelings to heal and plans to be adjusted.

We have not decided how to handle the indoor season. y expectation is that we will not have people over beyond a very limited family group, and we will be hoping for good weather so that things may be able to proceed outdoors. This sucks, but I am not interested in contracting an illness for the pleasure of a family gathering that could happen literally any other day of the year.
Our extended family group has decided not to gather this year. Usually it's up to 21 people from 10 households in 2 states and 1 province. This year it's just too risky, especially with some in their 80s and 90s.

Our DD and DH's Mom live together, and we can easily isolate for two weeks prior to their visit, so we'll host them. There are other bubbles with BILs/SILs and their grown kids, so I don't think anyone will be alone.
We just bought a patio heater for our patio so we can have some people over even when it gets cooler. Since we're in San Diego, snow or severe weather won't be an issue for us. Typically, we have inlaws (which is a large group) on Christmas Eve and then my side of the family (just a few people including my elderly mother) on Christmas Day. If we have Christmas Eve, it will be quick, outside and we won't play any of the fun games we have played in the past. Christmas Day will also be mostly outside.
For the past 15 or so years, I have hosted an extended family Christmas party 2 weeks before Christmas. Some relatives who live out of state make the trip. A fun time for the all the cousins to get together.

My 74 year old husband is immune compromised and has lung disease, so this year the party is cancelled.

We normally spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with my daughter and Son in Law at their house now that they have young children. My Son in Law is a contractor and is around his subs and customers daily. My oldest granddaughter is in school 5 days a week. Even though they have all been careful, they are still in contact with many people daily. It looks like my husband and I will be alone for both holidays.
It is mind-blowing how up-in-the-air any Christmas plans are for our families - close and extended - both sides. My 96 Year-old Father (mentioned in the T'giving thread) will not be able to travel, so my sister and BIL are tied to the mast in their home. This creates many moving pieces and may cause some tough choices to be made.

There is a lot going on in the world and there is a lot going on in our families and in some ways Dec. 25th just seems a long way off, sitting here in mid October.
Normally we spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with F's extended family here in New Orleans, hosted by his stepmother. However, she is in the very high risk group for coronavirus and we were worried about her health even before the pandemic. The rest of us are nearly all in the high risk category too, to a lesser extent.

So, we will check and see what plans his family is or isn't making this year. I imagine that we will all just stay at home, maybe making a few phone calls back and forth. Basically our limitations due to the pandemic (and advancing age in some cases) will pretty much define our Christmas celebrations for us.
DW has insisted we have Christmas dinner for the family we have left here. Son, DIL and GD will be here. She is insisting they get tested a few days before they visit.
We will be doing our famous ducks, and a chicken breast for GD.
Just DGF and her son, DB and me this year. We continue to minimize our Covid chances.
DW has insisted we have Christmas dinner for the family we have left here. Son, DIL and GD will be here. She is insisting they get tested a few days before they visit.

And after testing, isolate and not go out for the days until they show up at your place ... :confused:

I don't know if people (in general) are that concerned to do it so they don't get infected after being tested.
We’ve invited DM to come to our house over the holidays. We usually go to her since she doesn’t drive distances anymore, but she lives in a senior community that is still fully locked down (absolutely no outsiders allowed through the gates). If she decides to join us she will have 2 weeks of isolation upon return. We plan to isolate 2 weeks before picking her up (3 hrs each way). We will also pre-stock the pantry as much as possible and then use grocery delivery for fresh items while she is with us.

The only open question is whether to also invite my sister. I don’t entirely trust her to isolate before coming, since she has interpreted the early shelter in place rules more loosely than us. But DM is more likely to come if my sister is invited also.
My answer for Christmas is the same as I posted in the Thanksgiving thread. No gatherings.
I just went for my yearly "Wellness" visit with my doctor. He shared the story of four of his patients (two couples) about my age. They all share the same 20-something grand child. At a family gathering he passed on Covid to all four of them. One person in each couple didn't make it. :(

I'll be having a quiet Christmas this year.

But I fully expect to have a complete Blow-Out Extraordinaire!! about three months after than blessed vaccine is approved for folks like me.
I am happy about our family Christmas this year....much more than last year.

(Growing up, my family did not celebrate Christmas....a story for another day.)

We have booked a flight to San Francisco for DD, DH and myself to visit son/brother over the holiday. It will be the most wonderful Christmas I can imagine--even if we just walk around Golden Gate Park all day. <sigh>:)
No plans yet. Going to stay local, no airplane rides.
But I fully expect to have a complete Blow-Out Extraordinaire!! about three months after than blessed vaccine is approved for folks like me.

Don't miss out this year on the hope there is even gonna be a next year. Tomorrow is never promised.
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Our big family Christmas dinner has been canceled already. The weather is way too cold in December here to have dinner outside and no one has a home large enough to host the entire family while maintaining social distancing.
Too far out to plan yet but it's looking like just having our son over on Christmas day.
I just discussed with DIL. We are doing Thanksgiving alone, but my son and DIL and three grandkids will come over Christmas morning for brunch and presents. That gives me cheer and hope.
We just bought a patio heater for our patio so we can have some people over even when it gets cooler. Since we're in San Diego, snow or severe weather won't be an issue for us. Typically, we have inlaws (which is a large group) on Christmas Eve and then my side of the family (just a few people including my elderly mother) on Christmas Day. If we have Christmas Eve, it will be quick, outside and we won't play any of the fun games we have played in the past. Christmas Day will also be mostly outside.
Can I ask which one you bought, and would you recommend it? As I mentioned in the TG thread, we might use one to have a socially distanced holiday meal with my MIL. (We can't completely isolate for 14 days due to caring for our horse.)
We anticipate being home alone this year. Quiet Christmas, no winter travel to warmer climes.

Hardly the end of the world for us. We consider ourselves to be very fortunate. No illness or deaths in our extended family. For many others it will not be a good Christmas.

There will be other Christmases in the future.
Well, I have my answer already!

Shortly after I posted my question here, my youngest sib brought it up in a text.

As I anticipated, siblings are not comfortable going outside their immediate family bubble, so we will not be having our big gathering.
I am rather relieved, but miss everyone.

I haven't seen my siblings in person for over 10 months and we usually get together monthly for dinner.
We are doing another zoom, but its just not the same.
But, we are all safe and healthy at this point and none of the group of 25 of us has contracted the virus, despite having several of them working in healthcare or teaching.
Most of my family are doing a camping trip in death valley the weekend before. Unfortunately older son couldn't get off work. So hubby, younger son, and his girlfriend (she's in our bubble) are going. My sister is going, my favorite cousin and his wife are going. Social distance and around. I am hanging back with older son.

3 campsites for the three bubbles... Lots of fresh air.

We normally do a big Italian seven fishes on Christmas Eve. Typically about a dozen people. Not this year. We may do a more intimate version for our bubble (DH, 2 sons, and the girlfriend)
Last year was a first for us. All but one kid was able to meet on Big Island for Christmas. Even got to be with our latest grand child (and only grand daughter). First time we've had that close a Christmas in 10 years! This year, virtually no chance, so we'll just think back on last year and remember. Maybe we'll have "Christmas in July" in 2021. YMMV.
We plan on travelling up to the USA for Christmas and staying someplace between FL and NY. Currently undecided on location. Major problem is Intl flights at this time due not include the USA. We need to travel to another country first (ie Mexico) and then catch a flight to the USA. Depending on connections this can mean 36 hrs travel time for what is normally a 5 1/2 hr trip. Not concerned about flying as the risks are like 1 in 4300 per flight segment and with four travelling, will take up most of the row. We will look for states that are fully open, so we can enjoy our Christmas meal and hopefully see some snow as my family has only seen it from a distance.
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