Ultraprocessed foods lead to obesity

Red Vines has had America hooked since 1914. You don't shake a 100-year habit that easy. You don't need any narcotics, just sugar and flour to cause an addiction.

Agreed. And since this poison is called “food” the problem is compounded by the fact we must get some calories to survive.
Six years after dramatic weight loss on the TV show "The Biggest Loser," most contestants in a recent study had regained the pounds - and on top of that, their metabolism had slowed and they were burning fewer calories every day than they did before their stint on the show.....

The group as a whole on average burned 2,607 calories per day at rest before the competition, which dropped to about 2,000 calories per day at the end.

Six years later, calorie burning had slowed further to 1,900 per day, as reported in the journal Obesity, May 2.

While I don't deny the above, I suspect that part of the reason fewer calories were burned after the show is because people were exercising less than when they were on the show.
DH is a Food Scientist, PhD. Don't get me started. The magazines we get from the "food science" world are scary. The chemicals, fake flavoring, salt and all the man made ingredients to make food have a tantalizing texture, beautiful appearance, long lasting shelf life kept me away from the processed food isles for years. My go to article that makes sense to me is as follows:

We've Reached Peak Wellness. Most of It Is Nonsense.
While I don't deny the above, I suspect that part of the reason fewer calories were burned after the show is because people were exercising less than when they were on the show.

Read the article. Their metabolisms had dropped drastically and were stuck low. That is what was measured.
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While I don't deny the above, I suspect that part of the reason fewer calories were burned after the show is because people were exercising less than when they were on the show.

Exercise has many good benefits and I heartily recommend it.

But, as a weight loss strategy it is not that good. Unless one works at a very physically demanding job or is an elite athlete whose main job is training, most of us can't possibly burn off enough calories to make a big difference in our weight. It's what goes into our mouths that is the big problem. And highly processed foods that tell our bodies to store those calories as fat, and then eat more are the #1 villain from what I have read.
Read the article. Their metabolisms had dropped drastically and were stuck low. That is what was measured.

I saw that show once. IIRC, the 'trainer' shouted at the people, criticized and humiliated them, and forced them to work out to the point some actually vomited. Now, really.... is that a sustainable weight management plan?
As a person sheds pounds, less energy is needed to perform daily ordinary activites such as climbing stairs and moving about. Unless one engages in specific exercise, such ordinary activities account for 100% of calories burned. Lifting 150 pounds up the stairs burns fewer calories than lifting 250 up those stairs.
I saw that show once. IIRC, the 'trainer' shouted at the people, criticized and humiliated them, and forced them to work out to the point some actually vomited. Now, really.... is that a sustainable weight management plan?

Of course not. And if you read the article, it’s outrageous the amount of exercise they are doing AND the extreme calorie restriction they were subjected to in order to lose so much weight in such a short time. And the result - a severely damaged metabolism - life long repercussions.
Any apple, unmodified, just picked off a tree, can last about 5yrs in a controlled environment.
I know this as fact outside www/net. lure.
A few pals used to be 'produce buyers/inspectors for chains like S&S, Kroger or Winn Dixi.
Weight loss providers are a business model. Akin to gym memberships.
Very few paying customers actually benefit long term, less than 5% imo.
Fwiw Id agree w/both Gumby's & Rianne's posts & links above.
Good luck!
I saw that show once. IIRC, the 'trainer' shouted at the people, criticized and humiliated them, and forced them to work out to the point some actually vomited. Now, really.... is that a sustainable weight management plan?

Show biz...
Read the article. Their metabolisms had dropped drastically and were stuck low. That is what was measured.

One of the attorneys I used in the past went through a local bariatric program & lost ~90 lb.

Then found out to remain at his goal weight the same doctors are now telling him he needs to stick with 1600 calories/day...and he is over 6' tall!
I eat Brussels sprouts often, but don't think I can eat enough to get the calories that I need (38 cal in a cup), despite all the other nutrients that it delivers and I need. Even wrapped in bacon, I don't think that it will provide enough calories.

Need some supplemental Red Vines or an equivalent. :)
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It's about time the American Licorice Company updates its 100-year-old recipe to offer bacon-wrapped Red Vines.

And while they are at it, I don't see why they cannot add some vitamins and other nutrients to the mix. One Red Vine a day for 100% Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of all the vitamins?

Oops. Forget that some Red Vines [-]addicts[/-] aficionados like to eat multiple Red Vines in one sitting, and there's such a thing as vitamin overdose I think.

Scratch the vitamins. Keep the bacon.

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