web pages for dummies

simple girl

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Site Team
Sep 10, 2006
Hi all,

I will soon be looking at putting up an informational web page for a social club I am starting in my local area.

I know there is a ton of info out there. I'm hoping someone can help me sift through the info and point me in the easiest direction. I am looking for the easiest way a layperson can create their own website. I don't need a lot of bells and whistles. I want to find a place that will help me create it and will let me host it for free.

Recommendations on where I should start?
Nvu is a free wysiwyg html editor that supports tabbed pages so you can work on more than one page at a time and copy between them. It also allows editing on the raw html so you can learn by peeking at what the editor is creating. It creates clean simple html not the multi filed mess that a lot of editors do.

My personal short list of web page design:

For speed of download pages should be less than 100 Kbytes

Pages should print easily

Power users have multiple web pages open so the page should
display well in less than full screen

Not all users have large screens see above

No blinking messages or animated graphics

No sound and music or optionally off
Many people are web surfing while doing other things

No ads for products other than our own, this includes
the kind of computer used or web authoring tools, it takes
away from our message.

Return to home buttons on all pages

Titles on all pages, titles are used in bookmarks

Don't make the page hard to read with busy backgrounds

No frames

Some other good check lists:

Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design
Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)

The Top Fifteen Mistakes of First Time Web Design
Dog Hause - Everything Else: Top 15

Style Guide for online hypertext - Old but still useful
Style Guide for Online Hypertext

IMO the most irritating thing of any web page, by far, is any type of intro.

Flash intro that starts playing music = frantic search for "skip intro" button.

Any page that has anything resembling "click here to enter" is just a waste of time.
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