what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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My pup seems fine this morning. She's a Silkie so she weighs in at 11 pounds but that's still small for a doggie chocoholic. Maddie is a thief too. She will break and enter anyone purse that is unguarded - that's how she got her chocolate fix last night.

The fat content in the chocolate orange was 16% so the vet was also concerned with the possibility of developing pancreatitis - so watch out for those falling bratwursts.

I've had a number of dogs, all of which have gotten into chocolate at some point in their lives. After never seeing the catastrophic responses I was led to believe would happen, I did some research. Here's what I've discovered. The bad thing in chocolate is theobromine, which is a caffeine like substance.

The good news is that it takes, on average, a fairly large amount of theobromine (100-150 mg/kg) to cause a toxic reaction. Although there are variables to consider like the individual sensitivity, animal size and chocolate concentration.

On average,
White chocolate - 1.1 mg of theobromine and caffeine per ounce of chocolate;
Milk chocolate - 64 mg of theobromine and caffeine per ounce of chocolate;
Dark sweet chocolate - 150 mg of theobromine and caffeine per ounce of chocolate;
Instant cocoa powder - 151 mg of theobromine and caffeine per ounce of chocolate;
Unsweetened baking chocolate - 440 mg of theobromine and caffeine per ounce of chocolate;
Dry coca powder - 808 mg of theobromine and caffeine per ounce of chocolate.

Using a dose of 100 mg/kg as the toxic dose it comes out roughly as:

1 ounce per 1 pound of body weight for Milk chocolate
1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight for Semisweet chocolate
1 ounce per 9 pounds of body weight for Baker's chocolate.

So, for example, 2 oz. of Baker's chocolate can cause great risk to an 15 lb. dog. Yet, 2 oz. of Milk chocolate usually will only cause digestive problems.

Just fyi.
Jenny says she's going to whip my butt in bicycling when she visits -- I could beat her last year, but just barely.

We had a grueling 36 mile ride today (I should say "race"), and I extended my dominance for one more year. Yay! I think it's because I got more actual bike training in.

Went to see the early matinee of "The King's Speech." Lots of folks wanted to see this picture. Got great reviews. Good flick!

-- Rita
Went to see the early matinee of "The King's Speech." Lots of folks wanted to see this picture. Got great reviews. Good flick!

-- Rita

We saw that yesterday, we always go to the movies on Christmas. We all thought it was fantastic! Should be an Oscar contender.
Enjoying morning coffee, and waking sans alarm. I actually hate time off, because it makes it difficult to gear up for going back to w*rk... :'(

Starting to take down the holiday decorations. This may be the year I give up any pretense of decorating for Christmas. It would be so much easier to toss it all in the trash... :LOL:

After a month of gluttony and overindulgence, along with an almost complete lack of fitness, it's time to re-dedicate myself. Actually only gained a pound or two since Thanksgiving, but the distribution of said weight is troubling...

I swear I'll be younger next year! :LOL:
...I swear I'll be younger next year! :LOL:

Send me some of that pixie dust please! :D

Woke up to 8" [-]of snow you perverts[/-] on the ground and a nicely plowed and shoveled driveway. It's nice to be a guest for the holidays. :D

Helped Mr Boston fix a leaking kitchen sink. It turns out an incorrect plastic washer was used on the PVC pipe setup when it was repaired by some other [-]plumber wannabe[/-] person. :nonono:
The hardware store guy took one look at that beveled plastic washer :bat: and produced the correct one - straight sided with a lip.
Install, hand tighten, and PRESTO...no leak.

Getting ready to watch Robin Hood. Russell Crowe in tights.....woooooo :cool:
Flew back from St. Louis to the Land of Steady Habits via Detroit. The flights were on time and the airports quiet. It was a very easy trip. However, the standby list for our regional jet from Detroit to White Plains was 12 names long. I overheard some of the standby's talking - they had been trying to get back to LaGuardia for two days. Ugh.
I bought my girlfriend some Prada perfume, and took her to Happy Hour at the Fairmount Hotel. Very nice intimate atmosphere with friendly bartenders and patrons, an old wood paneled room, a very nice wine for a Happy Hour, and wonderful plump oysters.

Sorry, I guess I failed both frugality and asceticism today. But there is hope; tomorrow is another day.

Sorry, I failed frugality today.


Given that it was undoubtedly in the service of a higher goal, entirely excusable.
I spent yesterday helping scrape snow off the driveway. Solar radiation on a blacktop driveway is a girl's best friend. Scrape a little surface snow, spread it on warm driveway, wait 10 minutes, rinse and repeat. :LOL:
It was great to get out and feel warm sunshine and fresh air after 2 days of howling winds and snowfall.
The exercise will help offset the 4 pieces of decadent Belgian chocolate eaten at a relative's house. :blush:
No weight gain so far...:D

Today is a return trip to a relative's private club while Mr Boston does some insurance paperw*rk. I will definitely get these guys stirred up with Noo Yawker jokes. It's all in good fun! :flowers:
Flew back from St. Louis to the Land of Steady Habits via Detroit.
Minor threadjack here: That's the second or third phrase of yours that I've been forced to Google recently. It made me smile once I discovered the meaning as I'm currently reading about the Constitutional Convention and that phrase certainly captures the essence of Roger Sherman.
Hot time in the big town tonight: we went to McDonald's.

It's the closest one to our house, and we used to hang out there on hot afternoons for a few minutes with an ice cream cone in between running errands. It was probably built in the 1970s or early 1980s with decor to match. Unfortunately six months ago they literally tore it down, dug up the parking lot, relandscaped, and started over from scratch. We've been watching them rebuild it and it became clear that considerable thought/planning went into the project.

They've made no attempt to inform their steady customers of the schedule, let alone publicize their plans. No "pardon our dust" or "re-opening soon", not even a few column inches in the local fishwrapper. They just shut down, demolished, rebuilt, and re-opened without saying a word. I haven't decided whether that's incompetence, arrogance, or brilliant marketing. Heck, I would've paid for a behind-the-scenes tour and a technology/engineering discussion.

They re-opened a couple weeks ago. The play place is gone, the old confusing backwards parking-lot layout is fixed, and the building seems taller (storage?). It's all concrete block and, except for the large glass windows, would probably qualify as a hurricane shelter. When you walk in the door the place still has its "fresh hot grease" smell. They were working the last of the punch list-- installing the emergency AED on the wall by the trash cans. The interior is lovely, of course, and the layout is much better.

Our 18-year-old still remembers me tossing her into the old ball pit when she was a toddler. I guess the removal of the play place means that McDonald's is more of a pickup than a destination, or maybe the equipment was more of an insurance liability than a customer attraction. They certainly picked up a lot of square footage for parking, storage, and layout.

The biggest sign of the fast-food trend is that they now have two drive-through lanes for ordering. However they still only have one window for pickup. They handle the consolidation with networked digital cameras-- while the driver is ordering in each lane, a camera photographs their vehicle and displays the image at the pickup window along with their order.

Oh, and they have free WiFi now. Apparently that's so common they don't even bother to advertise it. Spouse is already looking forward to spending a quiet August/September hour with an ice cream cone and her laptop...

Yeah, I know, we don't get out much. $2.91 for two cones and an hour's entertainment. But it's nice to be able to resume one of our old habits even if the surroundings are completely new.
Played 9 holes today. Did OK considering I've only played 3 times in the last month. Needed a little break, but ready to get back at it. Golf will have to wait until next week though. Suppose to rain the next few days. I'm ready to hunker down for some bowl games anyway. And the frig is full.:)
Minor threadjack here: That's the second or third phrase of yours that I've been forced to Google recently. It made me smile once I discovered the meaning as I'm currently reading about the Constitutional Convention and that phrase certainly captures the essence of Roger Sherman.
We love Roger Sherman, although when contemplating the fact that Wyoming has only 14% of the population of Connecticut (500k vs. 3.5 M) yet gets 42% as many electoral votes (3 vs 7), we sometimes have second thoughts about the Connecticut Compromise he crafted.
I saw True Grit, the new Coen brothers version.

Best movie that I have seen in a long time. Not a quirky trademark Coen movie, but a very good straightforward western. I liked it better than the John Wayne version.

Very happy to hear this Martha. Love the original, love the Coen brothers, glad to hear it works.
DW and I took the grand kids bowling and then out to eat at Chilis. All of us had a great time.
Saw the Little Fockers at the movie theatre. Saw Pay it Forward at home. Watched DW pick out new pendant / track lighting fixtures to replace recessed can lighting. Patching the can holes will be fun. Fired up the kegerator for the first time.

The biggest sign of the fast-food trend is that they now have two drive-through lanes for ordering. However they still only have one window for pickup. They handle the consolidation with networked digital cameras-- while the driver is ordering in each lane, a camera photographs their vehicle and displays the image at the pickup window along with their order.

Very interesting - I wondered how they figured out what food order matched what vehicle.
We've got some family visiting. My nephew frequently goes outside to smoke, and when he comes back in, just the residual smoke in his lungs makes the house smell bad. I'm considering asking him to stay outside a few minutes afterward, to purge himself, but I guess I'll keep my mouth shut.
I'm considering asking him to stay outside a few minutes afterward, to purge himself, but I guess I'll keep my mouth shut.

Oh! No. Go ahead tell him... and, also, suggest he jog once around the block to insure he is thoroughly cleansed. That should please everyone.
We've got some family visiting. My nephew frequently goes outside to smoke, and when he comes back in, just the residual smoke in his lungs makes the house smell bad. I'm considering asking him to stay outside a few minutes afterward, to purge himself, but I guess I'll keep my mouth shut.

It might be on his clothes and that is what you are smelling. I know that my smoking relatives always smell of smoke.
Very interesting - I wondered how they figured out what food order matched what vehicle.
I took a little family grief for being such a geek, but I think they were curious too and secretly relieved that I had the courage to ask...

I was curious whether they used some sort of numbering system or had to ask what they were driving or just had to remember what was on camera. I thought it was interesting that the system is totally automated and auditable.
I took a little family grief for being such a geek, but I think they were curious too and secretly relieved that I had the courage to ask..

I should have asked McDonald's too because I asked an office full of engineers how they handled this and none of them had a clue.
Recovering from surgery I had yesterday. Had deviated septum repaired, a turbintate reduction, tonsilectomy and UP3 which includes removal of uvula and trimming of soft palate. All this to hopefully cure sleep apnea and stop bad snoring. Yesterday was hell whenever demerol wore off. Had no idea I swallowed so much. Big time youch. Anyway, spent last night in hospital but came home about 10:30 today. My DW has made a wonderful transition into being my nurse but maybe even a tad over attentive. Recovery expected to take 2-3 weeks before back to normal.
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