what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Went for my first swimming lesson. Was told by instructor that I need to re-learn breathing for swimming purposes - currently I breathe through the nose and breathe out through the mouth when swimming which is why I'm drinking pool water (ah, no wonder why I feel so bloated after swimming!). Instructor said that she'll teach me frogstyle rather than freestyle. She said I don't seem to kick well during freestyle :confused: Not sure what that means. I do see a lot of people in the pool swimming frogstyle rather than freestyle. Maybe easier to learn?
We spent the day relaxing , floating in the pool, barbecuing and watching the fireworks from our deck .All in all a nice day !
Ms G. along with Super Cooper took the most patriotic prize at our home town parade.

4th BP.jpg

US Border Patrol, Thanks for your service.
Enjoyed an afternoon of barbecued meats and high-calorie desserts at the neighbors. She has a bunch of military friends, who brought their military friends. I think that the last time I was surrounded by this many servicemembers & veterans I was getting sea pay.

Met a military couple who moved here a year ago after being stationed at Fort Carson (Colorado Springs) for six years.

Met the teen brother of one of our hosts, who moved here last week from Guam. He'll be attending the "big city" University of Hawaii, and hoping not to end up back in Guam for a while. Apparently Guam's explosive growth of the last 20 years has created just as many problems as it's "solved".

Ironically a friend of a guest there is a jazz pianist named Ronnie, vacationing here from New Orleans. He joked that he wanted to get away from the heat & humidity for a few weeks...
We spent the afternoon at the botanical garden. It was a beautiful day to be outside. Waiting for the fireworks to start.
I'm so far behind I'm marking everything as read and starting over.
We are now free from the medical emergency at home that cut short our summer RV trip and has been keeping us home the last 5 weeks. I am packing up to head up to my cool place "in the mountain" now. No internet for a while...
The thunderstorms that ripped through the DC area Friday night also hit us pretty good although we got off lightly compared to some. We still have electricity (and A/C!) while thousands don't.

We were without power for four days. Fortunately we didn't have any damage, but many of my friends' homes did. One friend had trees land on both their cars, across the driveway, and onto the shed roof. And she says they have neighbors who had trees land on their homes.

And now I'm truly enjoying having the power back! :)
Forecast calls for over 100 degrees today. So I do what any irrational person would do on a day like today and go for a bicycle ride (only about 5 miles though). Yep, it feels like about 100 degrees ;-/
Closed on the sale of one of our rental houses today. Will have a nice chunk of change to invest in the market on Monday.

It sold in less that 30 days which was a big and happy surprise.
With more time on my hands now I've been working on our automobiles now and then. I replaced the transmission in our Jeep CJ-7 (a month ago... not today). Today I finished replacing the water pump on our tow vehicle (we have a travel trailer). In both cases, we saved hundreds of $ so we have more money for traveling. Plus, I enjoy doing the work myself - gives me something to do around the house.
I'm off to make some sangria. DW invited some friends for dinner (we're grilling lamb, and it's >100 today) and we need something to cool the crowd. It's been 10 years since I last made any, as DD took over that chore when she reached proximity to legal drinking age.
Spent the day at work contacting insurance, contractors, and service agencies for repair and help with damages from a bad storm last night. helped organize and set up a cooling center and getting the word out to people without electricity. Very busy day.
Went for a run, went to the chiro, got the oil changed in my truck, bought two new router bits, installed a mulch kit and blades on the new mower, trimmed some brush and cut the grass, then went for a swim and boat ride. Now ready for a nap
How hot was it today, hot enough to stop by the roadhouse, on the way back from an all day shopping, and dining at the Bisbee Breakfast Club, for a cool cerveza.
Emptied out our Goodwill closet. Half of it is filled with 1980s electronics that can finally be donated to an e-waste pickup next weekend. The other half is filled with the usual excess.

(we're grilling lamb, and it's >100 today)
Is that like frying an egg on the sidewalk?
Replaced the two back porch screens only damaged in last week's storm, and built two more that were destroyed. Had to quit at 1:00 PM on DW's instructions when she said I was looking too overheated. One more to go later this morning and then that's all fixed.

Ordered a Nikon 85mm macro (close-up) lens for the camera so I'm looking forward to playing around with that.
Got up at 5:00 AM before sunrise. Deadheaded my flower garden, set the water and turned it on, did the laundry, dusted, vacuumed, and went for a walk. It's going to be 99 today, and over 100 degrees by Wednesday - I guess it's our turn.:hide: I'm glad it is cooling off in the Midwest, East, & SE.
Got up @ oh dark thirty to go kayaking before the scheduled 100F for SW PA arrives. Off the lake by 0900, now enjoying the great invention of AirConditioning. Outdoor thermometer reads 98 F.
Slept in late today...like most days.

Much of my time has been spent on my patio gazing at my back yard and watching the clouds float by. I have some plants in pots that are growing nicely. It won't be long before I'll have beautiful flowers from those plants. Someone very close to me gave me the seeds. It touches my heart each day to think just how fortunate I am to know someone so dear and dedicated to my happiness.

Life is good. :)
I finally stopped being so rootin' tootin' busy and logged on here.

Hi again everybody!!! :greetings10:

This lovely post reminds me of my gardening friends, who along with me are constantly giving each other samples of our ground covers, bulbs, seeds, and overflow of the different fresh veggies we all grow. When I look around my yard, the plants and trees remind me of the person who gave it to me or why it was planted.
This is a very special story...
Once upon a time, a flowering light pink crabapple in the front yard was blown over by a microburst (late 1990s or thereabouts), so my late husband and I went to a local big box store to find a replacement. We couldn't decide on one tree, so we ended up buying 2 fledgling saplings.
His tree is a creamy white flowering pear, and my tree is a brilliant reddish pink crabapple. We planted them right behind my back deck, so we could see them when in the kitchen. The berries they produce attract a lot of birds.
We used to welcome spring with "our trees", both blooming simultaneously. It was kinda romantic. :blush:

These days, I keep both very nicely topped so they don't get too tall, i.e. they are trimmed to spread horizontally. And year after year, they bloom together.
It was meant to be. :)
Donated blood, bought some bird food, and then stayed inside; with A/C only managing 20F less than outdoor (104).
Decided to put in a new garbage disposal. PVC pipe didn't fit new one. Two trips to Lowes later, happily grinding food.
One of the great benefits of early retirement to me is being able to "do it yourself" because of all the spare time.to actually get things done.
Went to see the film "Moonrise Kingdom" yesterday. Very enjoyable.
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