what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Took Gabe to his grampas house, we went to the park and analyzed the various ways of mixing dirt with water and then benchmarking which little girls could run the fastest when approached by a small boy with muddy hands and a large grin.
.... Went outside to get sprayed with the garden hose by the same grinning evil child....
He's definitely a chip off the old block.:D
Eh, he's got the DNA and a full time trainer! :)

He seems to have gotten over being perplexed as to where all the other kids dads are all day long. I've got him trained so that when we drive by my old work building he yells "thanks for all the money!" out the window.
That description sounds slightly better than the one I saw: fermented soy milk. Sounds a little bit too much like liquid tofu :p
Viili, or viilia or filia, depending on your spelling preference is based on milk, is slightly sweet, and thinner than yogurt. It is easy to make. If your culture gets contaminated or loses its whump, you can get more from the old Finnish ladies.
Well the day is still young, but the little one is off to school and I have niemann ranch bacon and home baked cinnabons in the oven and some yummy starbucks in my cup...I'm guessing with this sort of start its going to be a good one...
Well the day is still young, but the little one is off to school and I have niemann ranch bacon and home baked cinnabons in the oven and some yummy starbucks in my cup...I'm guessing with this sort of start its going to be a good one...
Have you ever noticed:

BEFORE parenthood you'd be thinking "Man, this would be great to share with my SO, I wish they could be here right now"


AFTER parenthood you're thinking "Yahoo, I have the whole house to myself!!"

Or so I've been told...
"What? You don't like my hair this way? What else don't you like? I suppose you think I'm fat, too..."
Nah, we got that out of the way yesterday when I came home with take-and-bake cinnabons.

"Oh...just what I need...THOSE on my ass"

"Hey, I can staple them on right now if you'd like!" *

Besides, it was a semi planned event, at least on her part. She volunteered to take Gabe to school by herself and the school is 100 yards from the hair dresser she likes and the gym. At 9am I'm thinking she wasnt up for a trip to the gym.

So I said "while you've over there, if you want to go shopping or something, I'll hold down the home front".

* an actual statement I made, which likely assures a complete and total lack of any sexual situations occuring for the next 2-4 days
* an actual statement I made, which likely assures a complete and total lack of any sexual situations occuring for the next 2-4 days

Yes - but just think how much energy you'll have to do other useful things ... like cut the grass.:D
No, I think its good as written. I've little interest in testing the fire retardant capabilities of my bedding.
Today......no golf believe it or not. Took the mutt on a hike and a swim. Great weather too. Got home, had lunch and then bathed the mutt. Whew.....she was reeking. Not doing much tonight other than watch the debate. Play golf tomorrow morning then get ready for some college football.:) Boy, USC took it on the chin last night.
I went to the gym . On Friday the kickboxing instructor teaches aqua aerobics so it's kickboxing in the water . Great workout !
Went for a run...achy legs made me stop running after a mile and a quarter, walked/limped home. Don't know what the problem was, but OK now, just a little sore. Found a calorie counter website and signed up (its free). Went grocery shopping with DW. Making some soup for dinner...gonna put some beans in the pressure cooker. Hope to get out for another couple miles of walking a little later. Its saturday, so no w*rk today.

Today was a busy day.....started off with the dentist (itty bitty cavity that needs to be filled), went to a meeting, stopped by the spa to talk to the owner about working at the school in addition to the spa, got my legs waxed and only had to pay $7.50! I love the perks at this place!
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