What did you do today? - 2021 version

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Today staying around home is a cold day. Took a long walk this morning will do the same this afternoon. A good day to get back to reading my book and putzing around.
80 F here today, did some weed whacking, cut one area of grass to grind up fallen leaves. It's supposed to rain this weekend so I may put out some winter fertilizer.
Flu shots for us today. I don't know why it took us so long this year; we usually get them in October.
Walked past the meat department in the supermarket today and noticed a pile of pork shoulders. Sale sign got my attention, so I picked up two beautiful butts, nearly 20 pounds total, for a total of less than nine bucks. Saved over $44 from the regular price!

Days like this make me so happy that I keep some room in the freezer for bargains when I find them.
Went to Costco to get my hearing tested. Results were exactly as I suspected. Hearing was damaged from my AF flying years and have deteriorated enough to need some help. Pick up my new ears on the 18th.
Sounds like a VA Disability claim. Are you already in the VA system? My Dad had major hearing loss diagnosed when he was well into his 70's. It was determined that the loss was due to his being a tank commander during WWII and then a Drill Sargent. He ended up with a 100% disability rating for 9 years until his death.
I talked to an old friend to wish him a happy birthday. I learned he’d been in a Marilyn Chambers movie filmed in Queens (no, credited as a “bar patron”). You always find out new stuff when you stay in touch! :D
I did a stupid thing today, luckily no one was hurt.

I was at a friend's place helping him install LVP flooring. I normally put my miter saw on top of my table saw as it's stable and the right height. Well, we were using the table saw to cut planks lengthwise along the wall so I put the miter saw on a couple saw horses. It fit okay (but barely) and I didn't bother to put a piece of plywood underneath for support. You can guess what happened next...after a few cuts the vibrations knocked it off the saw horses. It landed on the plastic handle/trigger mechanism shattering it to pieces. :facepalm:

I bought it on sale and got 15 years of use out of it so money well spent. Now I get to shop for a new one :dance:
Looked up an old friend I haven't contacted in a while and the first Google hit was his obituary from a couple of months ago. Second one this year.

I'm beginning to understand why my mother used to cling to her remaining relatives -- because she had outlived all her friends.
Went out to fly some R/C airplanes but didn't stay too long as the wind was much stronger than forecast. Sometimes the wise thing to do is simply pack up and go home which is what we did.
Lake muck

Shoveled or pitchforked muck. Lake muck to be exact. Coming on summer where I am and while we have a lovely little beach to swim from or canoe, after a year the shore collects all kinds of stinky vegetation, and slimy nasty stuff. So all there is todo in rake it out. That wet stuff is heavy so I guess it is a lot like shoveling heavy wet snow. 4 hour cardio work out!:dance:
Last cyclocross bicycle race of the season today. Took 7th in the morning race … warmed up after lunch and took first in the afternoon race.

A couple weeks off and then will be ramping up for a mountain bike race series starting in mid-January.

Let the good times roll!!!
1242Vintage, so what type of racing (downhill, cross country et.) are you doing? Do you race in an age bracket, and do you race professionally?
Was a nice sunny day, a little cold, but a break in the rain, so I went fishing.

Caught nothing but weeds. But hey, at least I was down the river!

And a bad day fishing always beats a good day working - :)

It's gonna rain all next week. Which is a good thing 'cause we really need it.
Pruned my Cousin Itts :dance:. First time out in the garden after almost 3 months due to recovering from eye surgery. I do not have my sight back yet so it was somewhat challenging with poor depth perception. I'm amazed at how much my garden grew in those 3 months.
How great to be out in the garden! Mine has just settled down for a long winter's nap, and I won't be out there again until March.
1242Vintage, so what type of racing (downhill, cross country et.) are you doing? Do you race in an age bracket, and do you race professionally?

Cyclocross races are mass start events held in the Fall and Winter and typically 45 minutes to an hour. It’s multi-laps on a closed course on a variety of surfaces (dirt, sand, grass, mud, snow, etc) and conditions (rain, wind, fog, snow). Bike looks like a typically road bike but with knobby tires and good brakes. Super fun racing and a great cardio workout.

I’m an amateur and race my age bracket. Fields range from a few dozen to sometimes as large as 50 guys.

In the Spring/Summer I switch over to Mountain Bike racing and fill in with my favorite wherever I can find them, endurance long distance dirt and gravel road races.

I don’t downhill mtn bike. That’s a sport for the younger and braver!
How great to be out in the garden! Mine has just settled down for a long winter's nap, and I won't be out there again until March.

Yes, I really missed it. I'm out 2-3 times a week depending on time of year. Living in the SF Bay Area, there's work to be done throughout the year!
Cyclocross races are mass start events held in the Fall and Winter and typically 45 minutes to an hour. It’s multi-laps on a closed course on a variety of surfaces (dirt, sand, grass, mud, snow, etc) and conditions (rain, wind, fog, snow). Bike looks like a typically road bike but with knobby tires and good brakes. Super fun racing and a great cardio workout.

I’m an amateur and race my age bracket. Fields range from a few dozen to sometimes as large as 50 guys.

In the Spring/Summer I switch over to Mountain Bike racing and fill in with my favorite wherever I can find them, endurance long distance dirt and gravel road races.

I don’t downhill mtn bike. That’s a sport for the younger and braver!
Sounds interesting! I was imagining 5-to-8-hour races and that would be very physical challenge.
(yesterday) woke up to a bit of snow on the ground, rain melted it away within the hour.
Found some WinterJack at one liquor store nearby, no one else had it. Had a nice warm apple cider last night!
Went and picked up some [-]donuts[/-] fat pills for the DW and I then brewed up a fresh pot of coffee before spending 23 seconds perusing the financial news. I can't help but laugh at this graphic...fear tactics, anyway? :cool:

Now enjoying a little Christmas music while farting around here. Happy Monday, everyone!


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I don’t downhill mtn bike. That’s a sport for the younger and braver!

I recall doing my Superman impression going over the bars one time. Tried to use the front brake downhill, bad idea.

Then wrapping my T shirt around my bloody hand and going to get stitches.
On the plus side, I extended my life line on my palm.

These days I wear gloves when I get on a bike.
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