What do you eat during strenuous exercises

tmm99 - I used to play sand court volleyball - 2 man, 3-man, and play nearly 4 hours a day on the weekends... all year long. What worked for me was a protein and glucose mix of about 1:1. I would have enough to get about 20g protein and 20g glucose. I always start with unflavored, unsweetened protein powder and add cocoa powder to taste. I would also have a few nuts (roasted, salted) for the fat (and salt).

WOW! That is a LOT of volleyball! I could never get used to the sand court - so hard to move or jump! (and under the Arizona sun? I would pass out with the heat in the first 10 minutes of playing!) I admire people who can play well doing beach style vball. Anyway, yeah, your diet sounds good. I currently have protein powder with no flavor but has some stevia in it and it is starting to get to me (A bit too sweet tasting although I initially enjoyed it.) I need to get some unflavored kind.
Don't eat anything. Drink water. Amount depends on how much I am sweating generally.
Glycogen stores are depleted after about 2 hours of continuous exercise. I "bonked" on a 10+ mile hike a few years ago and never want to do that again! Each 1.5 to 2 hours, I eat 3-6 Clif Shot Bloks which have electrolytes and sugars in them. They must be followed with plenty of water. At 4 hours, we stop and have a protein bar if we are still hiking. Never bonked again and swear by the Shot Bloks. My husband likes the Sport Beans which are basically the same thing. We buy them at REI or Road Runner Sports.

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