What new series are you watching? *No Spoilers, Please*

Another vote for Ripley. Bit of a slow starter, but I grew to really enjoy the measured pace as the narrative gradually pulled me in. The black and white cinematography is beautiful.

Also, another vote for Baby Reindeer. The story turned out to be more nuanced than I had originally anticipated.

And to cap it all off, I just finished binge-watching "One Day", tearing up a bit at the end. This mini-series caused me to become very nostalgic for my youth, and that period which a friend recently called "the flowering of the self". Oh, to be young again, and have all those experiences for the very first time. I think I could maybe do it a bit better the next time around.
DW and I recently started "The Resident" on Netflix, which is a medical/hospital drama along the lines of Grey's Anatomy, The Good Doctor, and/or House. I think it originally debuted on Fox back in 2018. We like it and have been averaging about 3-4 episodes per week. Definitely quite watchable for a network show. Bruce Greenwood is one of the lead actors and is great in his role.
I watched the first two, Dan is in his element. They shot this in the UK, and it was apparently no fun being away from home so long. You move to LA to be close to the action and they shoot over seas :)

There was an interview posted a few days ago. An interview about Dan's career. I was at the "Glass Menagerie" play he mentions. Comedy All-Star Dan Bakkedahl Talks ‘Veep,’ ‘Legit’ and ‘Dinner with the Parents’ - Casting Networks

I think that's pretty cool to have a celebrity family member!
Just watched Inside Man on Netflix. 4 part miniseries, so you can knock it out pretty quick. Decent crime/drama/mystery with a few laughs thrown in.
Shardlake is coming to HULU stating on Wednesday.

If the TV production is reasonably as good as the books, it should be a great show.

Mathew Shardlake is a somewhat disabled lawyer in the Middle Ages. Cromwell makes him an offer he can’t refuse and he has to use all his wits to successfully solve the mystery in a way that keeps his head on his shoulders and not on a pike outside Cromwell’s office in London.
I think that's pretty cool to have a celebrity family member!
I don't know how it is working for Sengsational, but for my family, it has caused some friction.

My first cousin removed is now a regular on a well known network drama. My first cousins have been pretty close through our lives.

Cousin-removed got married last year and had to keep it a secret. The wedding only included close family. Even aunt/uncles were not invited. Personally, I'm glad. I got tired of going to my cousins' kid's weddings. Glad to not get invited to one. But, oh boy, the cousins are cluck-clucking about the exclusion.

I want to say to my cousins "Get a life, she had to do this, she's celebrity." But, no, they are so hurt... Whatever.
I think that's pretty cool to have a celebrity family member!
It's weird when out to a restaurant with him and people are whispering and pointing. Not that he's THAT famous, but people do recognize him. He's currently on set with a reaaaaly big name star. Again, another shoot outside LA (but at least in the US).
Just finished Jerry Seinfeld's new movie Unfrosted (Netflix). The premise is the rivalry between Kellogg's and Post and the invention of the Pop Tart. We found it amusing in spots but that's about all.
Just finished watching "A Man in full" on Netflix. Very interesting short series about a man losing his real estate empire. Based on a few Atlanta businessmen many years ago.
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