Don't piss off the judge

Texas Proud

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
May 16, 2005
I thought about posting this in the funny video post... but decided to put it in it's own thread as it might get some strong feeling from some...

From the article:

"A Miami woman facing drug charges made her situation much worse when she laughed at and then flipped off the man with the gavel. File this case under: Ill advised."

Giggling woman flips judge the bird, judge not amused | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News

I have to agree with the judge on this one...
Reminds me of an episode of The Andy Griffith Show...

Sheriff Andy Taylor: Guilty as charged. That'll be twenty dollars. Or 24 hours in jail.

Defendant: 20 fish for a crummy parking rap?

Sheriff Andy Taylor: Well, we try to keep it low for the first offense.

Defendant: Yeah, and how much of the 20 do you stick in your own kick?

Sheriff Andy Taylor: Ohh, I wish you hadn't said that. I mean I don't mind an insult personally but you've offended the dignity of my robes. Now, let's see... what's our price for robe dignity offending? Why, that's $50.

Defendant: $50?

Sheriff Andy Taylor: Yeah, plus the $20. That's 70 altogether.
I saw that yersterday. Until she flipped him the bird, I really thought that she had not been bad. He had been kind of light and easy, and she only said "Adios". I didn't personally see where that caused the bail to double from $5k to $10k. They (she and Judge) had SEEMED to be reasonably dealing with matters.

Then, the $10k completely shocked her, and she made a serious judgement error. Oops.
She could use some coaching in a more subtle approach by Lindsay Lohan :LOL:
I saw that yersterday. Until she flipped him the bird, I really thought that she had not been bad. He had been kind of light and easy, and she only said "Adios". I didn't personally see where that caused the bail to double from $5k to $10k. They (she and Judge) had SEEMED to be reasonably dealing with matters.

Then, the $10k completely shocked her, and she made a serious judgement error. Oops.

Yea, looking back I have to agree that raising it to $10K was probably not justified... but did you see how her demeaner changed drastically when she heard that:confused: Prior she looked like she did not have a care in the world... laughing and acting like she was high.... but when she heard that... cold sober...

I wonder if there was something else that we did not get to know... I think that I read it was a first time offense... but we do not know if she had arrests for other things...
Yea, looking back I have to agree that raising it to $10K was probably not justified...

I only saw this once on CNN last night and may have missed something but thought the judge was out of line if the bail was doubled because she said "adios"? Maybe I missed something though.
Many missed the words spoken by her, along with the flippin'. She said f**k you. The Judge asked her to confirm if that is what she said. She confirmed.

That is the rest of the story.

Hate it when the media conveniently edits stuff that is relevant.
IS99 - agree that after the bail was doubled she made a terrible judgement error to flip off the judge and telling him "f*ck you". I think I and a few others think that the Judge (perhaps, perhaps not) overreacted to the "Adios" when he doubled the bail. As TexasProud pointed out, she had been pretty flip, but that in itself is not THAT big of a deal. This was only a bail hearing. Remember the purpose of setting a bail amount is to ensure appearance at any subsequent court dates - NOT to be punitive in and of itself. It kind of appears that the Judge took some offence to her "Adios". I believe he is Hispanic and perhaps had a reaction to the Spanish. Who knows.
Frankly, I agree with the Judge.

Cutesy flip, smarta$$ attitude is not conducive to beleiving by the trier of facts, that she has any understanding of either her actions that got her into the can, or the understanding of what proper behavior in court is.

30 days in the county jail for contempt of court will give her some time to reflect. Along with all the new skills she will acquire from the fellow jailbirds. Which way she goes after getting done with the sentenece and other consequences is her choice.

Call be a pessimist, I do not see a bright future for her. Hope I am wrong.

I beelive she said her jewelery was worth around $10K. Hmmm, so young, so rich, wonder where she got the funds.
Don't piss off the judge reminds me of Lindsay Lohan. She does this regularly and still seems able to avoid jail time, she's better than Houdini at escaping justice.
Many missed the words spoken by her, along with the flippin'. She said f**k you. The Judge asked her to confirm if that is what she said. She confirmed.

That is the rest of the story.

Hate it when the media conveniently edits stuff that is relevant.

Not okay but I thought she said this after the bail was doubled so I still think the judge over reacted to her "adios" comment.
I think it was more than OK to double bail.

She started off with being a smarta$$. I am sure it was not the Spanish word that got the judge's attention.
I suppose we will never know why he chose to double the bail. He had his reasons. Since we have no clue, I guess it is pointless to debate whether he should have doubled it or not.

That said, 30 days in the clink for her horrible rejoinder to him after the doubling of the bail seems a correct response, IMHO.

Re her future... who knows. Who cares. The look on her face when the bail was doubled was priceless. BWWAAAAHHHHHAAAAA
I was on jury duty many years ago. For the trial there was an extended recess for a few hours so the judge said to the jury "Ok..everyone, take it easy, go shopping or whatever, be back at 1 pm" Well, since there was plenty of time, I decided to take the train home, get lunch, then train back. That still would give me enough time to return and do what I gotta do (bathroom break) etc before the trial starts. Bad move on my part as the train on the way back was delayed. Luckily..not by a whole lot. But when I hustled back to the courtroom, the judge, attorneys and rest of the jury were already standing and ready to start. I did apologize aloud for being a bit tardy. No harm, no foul, but I could sense that I irritated the judge as all eyes were on me as I crept into the jury box :LOL:.
Seeing young people like this saddens me, and acts as a reminder that there is a large slice of the population who are nothing like me, and with whom I want as little to do with as possible.

Such a rotten attitude at such a young age. This is the time of life when the world should seem like completely new territory, just waiting to be conquered. That, to me, is what being young is all about. Somehow, I don't think that is what the world looks like to her. What a sad way to squander a life.
DH had an aunt, who appeared before a judge many years ago. The judge sentenced her to 15 days in jail. She told the judge that she could do that standing on her head. The judge gave her an additional 15 days to get back on her feet.

Don't mess with people who have power over you!
I had a friend that got a traffic fine. He said that sucks! To the Judge. The Judge doubled it. I asked him if he replied "That really sucks!". He indicated that he had nothing further to say to the Judge at that time.:LOL:
Seeing young people like this saddens me, and acts as a reminder that there is a large slice of the population who are nothing like me, and with whom I want as little to do with as possible.

It's not just young people by any stretch.
Seeing young people like this saddens me, and acts as a reminder that there is a large slice of the population who are nothing like me, and with whom I want as little to do with as possible.

Such a rotten attitude at such a young age. This is the time of life when the world should seem like completely new territory, just waiting to be conquered. That, to me, is what being young is all about. Somehow, I don't think that is what the world looks like to her. What a sad way to squander a life.

I agree completely.
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