my dog's idea of a nice gift

bright eyed

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 4, 2007
Yesterday I saw something on the floor in my office by my feet.

At first I thought it was a small twig or something, but I looked more closely and it seemed strange - alien.

So I took a nice thick wad of paper towel and picked it up - it was wiggly!

It was cone shaped - pointy on one end and larger on the other. On the larger side, if you looked in from the top it had squishy, wiggly, noodly things sort of coming out. I gagged! What the $#Q#$ was this? It was about 3 inches long.

I showed my SO and he had no idea! I just dumped it in the trash.

Having just watched the recent Gr*y's An*tm'y w/ the "penis fish" episode - I wondered, did this come out of my dog's butt? Was this a parasite?

After the google scan of parasite pics, none matched the wiggly thing in my trash.

Later, when my teen son came home I showed him, and he said, very casually, "oh, it's a lizard tail" the dog apparently likes these to snack on once in a while and apparently thought he was giving me nice present.

It is almost mother's day. :LOL: :LOL:

It's stiill disgusting and I feel a gag coming on now - but at least the alien is identified and it won't burst into a bunch of baby aliens or anything like that in my trash can!
Nice, I just had a package salmon fillet and some cottage cheese..I think Ill go lie down now...
Many cats ago..... we had one who was an outdoor cat and she would hunt and bring presents home for us. Sometimes she'd eat the parts she liked and leave us the rest. Like a mouse nose and whiskers.

I didn't scream until I realized what it was that I just picked up.
so nice that lizards have that helpful ability to shed their tails when they need to get away.......that's pretty handy.

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