what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Got new credit cards. Just an expiration date change, but that forces me to update all the auto bill pay info. Like moving - it is an opportunity to revisit things I am paying for that I'm not sure I want, or need.

Most sites update in real time. The two worst - Verizon Wireless and Comcast. Not just lousy customer interface, the back office processing in these companies is stone age.
Just came in from the back yard. We like to watch the moon rise when it is full, and for two or three days after it is full, weather permitting. It first appears as a giant orange ball on the horizon.

Tonight we had a double feature, with the moon rising at 36 minutes after the hour, followed by a northwest to southeast pass of the International Space Station starting 39 minutes after the hour ending about 5 minutes later.

The ISS is easy to spot when it passes soon after dusk. This website tells you exactly when and where to look, based on your location.
Heavens-Above Home Page
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I had a great lunch with a friend of mine, did some laundry, took a nap, worked on a client, and now just surfing the net :)
First time since retiring in June 2012 that I absolutely could not fall asleep. Nothing worked. Finally moved to guest bedroom where i slept on and off. Have no idea what happened, unless it was the moon...

Got up at 9:15 AM. (Easily) talked DH into Panera Bread for breakfast and people watching. Then, to gym. Home for lunch then to visit a hospice patient---first patient i have ever had that is younger than i. Nursing home has to be the worst...i despise that place-- two requests to nurses for pain pill for my patient. No pill came before i left, so reported it to hospice folks who will follow through. grrrrrr

Home for bible study and house cleaning. Okay, i dusted a bookshelf. It does have FIVE shelves.

Pizza with friends--a four year tradition on Tuesday evenings.
The young wife and I went to see Silver Linings Playbook at the movies. I can see why Jennifer Lawrence won an Oscar; her performance really was excellent, as was Bradley Cooper's.
DW and I went over to see her nephew and his family, played with the two girls ages 3 and 7, dinner there (we offered to pay for everyone to go out if they wanted) and generally had a great time not dealing with FIL's issues.

Very relaxing day despite the two-hour drive each way. Even the drive was easy & smooth.
Woodworking, scanned a bunch of receipts, target practice with my 22, took the corvette and riding mower for rides, getting ready for spring.
Volunteered as an appraiser at our local Destination Imagination tournament. Elementary kids (my group was 9 and 10 year olds) had to build cars that would fit in a 6" by 6" box and use three different propulsion systems (out of seven choices) to take up to 10 cars from a fixed starting point to one of several squares on the floor that had various points awarded based on where the car stopped.

And they had to create a skit that incorporated the cars. They had a time limit of 8 minutes to present their play and launch their cars. Parents weren't supposed to help at all and they could only spend up to $150 for parts and supplies. The kids all received the challenge rules last September and you could definitely tell which used their full time and which started were the procrastinators.

It was a fascinating day. Watching how they worked together, or not; seeing which ones had an engineering mindset vs who were the creative ones was all so awesome to watch.

This was my first year to volunteer but I'll be doing it again next year for sure.

My daughter was in Odyssey of the Mind, which later became Destination Imagination. They won their division for the State of WV and went to Knoxville TN for the finals. I think that it is a great activity with great kids and volunteers. My DH was one of the judges for a couple of the years.

Good for you for volunteering and it is great to know that it is still going on.
Got new credit cards. Just an expiration date change, but that forces me to update all the auto bill pay info. Like moving - it is an opportunity to revisit things I am paying for that I'm not sure I want, or need.

Most sites update in real time. The two worst - Verizon Wireless and Comcast. Not just lousy customer interface, the back office processing in these companies is stone age.

Our Discover Card was just compromised in the last couple of weeks. Someone was using it in NJ. I still don't understand how they can get the info, but I feel your pain. Received the new cards and had to update everything.
Woodworking, scanned a bunch of receipts, target practice with my 22, took the corvette and riding mower for rides, getting ready for spring.

You must be in Phoenix. I am not going to let my DH see this post. He would love to be driving his corvette, but is getting ready to shovel our driveways instead.:(
All that and it isn't even lunchtime yet. Impressive... :)

Sorry - did that yesterday and I was too exhausted to post until this morning.

You must be in Phoenix. I am not going to let my DH see this post. He would love to be driving his corvette, but is getting ready to shovel our driveways instead.:(

No - I'm in Illinois, but my driveway was clear enough to get to the street and take the corvette for a ride. Need to run it a few times during the winter. It was a bit nippy on the riding mower though

There are some warm days coming - your DH should be able to have his car out within a couple of weeks
Yesterday, actually... Went to breakfast/lunch at Mama's in North Beach, hit City Lights to browse the bookshelves. We wandered down to the Fisherman's Wharf area to check out the tulips that the Pier 39 folks had planted. Yow. Good job, folks! I couldn't believe the crowds at Fisherman's Wharf for early March. It looked like a summer scene, except warmer.

Today I'm loafing. OK, I filled the bird feeder. But that's it...
I started tilling the ground for my spring/summer garden today. I should be able to have the plants in the ground in a few weeks if the weather will cooperate.
I went to work today. Today marks the 20-days countdown for me. Friday March 29, 2013 will be my last day of work. I did not have the Sunday night blues last night knowing I have only four more weeks of this. I did not mind the traffic jam on the way in this morning. Everything feels lighter now that freedom is in sight. I love this Forum. Sharing feelings like this would be awkward anywhere else because the majority of the people who got laid off at my company are not exactly happy so I need to be respectful and compassionate of the somber mood around me. I keep my happy thoughts to myself and to share only with you ALL!
So happy for you, Retire2013! :clap:

I finally gave up and asked Frank for help in assembling the entertainment console that Amazon delivered to me on Friday. I had ordered from this particular company, because I had ordered a desk from them last year and was able to assemble it myself. Likewise I wanted to assemble the entertainment console myself

I managed to get to "Step 3" before crying Uncle. It is much bigger than my desk was. The pieces are solid wood, some are very thick, heavy, and cumbersome, and there are dozens of them plus hardware. The assembly was awkward and required about six hands. To top it off, the instructions were terrible.

The two of us managed to get through Step 3, and into Step 4, before we determined that the pre-drilled holes were about 2" off on one side. :rolleyes: At that point we called it a day. Today or tomorrow we will try again, and drill the holes properly so that we can get the base on.

I like being an independent woman with initiative, but having someone who is willing to be there for me when that backfires is a wonderful thing. He doesn't really read the forum, so I have and will thank him in person. I have to admit that watching him deftly fitting everything together yesterday was almost like reading the parable of the loaves and fishes. It seemed like a miracle. :LOL:

When we get the console finished, I will order the TV that it will be supporting. This is for my home gym room. The 19" flatscreen TV that is in there now, is too small for me to see easily at all any more. It is amazing to me how much TV prices have dropped in the past couple of years so a bigger one, probably around 60"-70", is what I have in mind. I'd love to watch the Tour de France on a big TV like that, while riding my exercycle! :D
I remembered to log on....hi everyone! :greetings10:

I am recovering from a major league ear infection. 5 days ago, my right ear swelled to 3 times its normal size. Within an hour, the jaw started swelling too. The pain was awful. :'(
So I got myself to Urgent Care and was diagnosed with cellutitis/infection. I was given some [-]pink horse pills[/-] antibiotics and told to stay home, take my meds and rest until the swelling went down. My balance was a bit off but I could manage driving, as well as walking [-]and talking at the same time[/-]. ;)
Possible source of the bacteria is some defrosted hamburger meat I was handling to make taco meat. I am religious about washing my hands after handling raw meat. However, I must have left some under a fingernail and absently itched at my ear later on. :facepalm:

A few days before the ear [-]that ate East Nowhere[/-] problem, I had upgraded my minimal Netflix subscription to include streaming, using my PS3 as the netw*rk device.
Mr B and I have been watching some very interesting B movies. :LOL:
And of course watching pre-season baseball when the Red Sox and/or Mets are playing.
LETS GO METS :dance:
I went to work today. Today marks the 20-days countdown for me. Friday March 29, 2013 will be my last day of work. I did not have the Sunday night blues last night knowing I have only four more weeks of this. I did not mind the traffic jam on the way in this morning. Everything feels lighter now that freedom is in sight. I love this Forum. Sharing feelings like this would be awkward anywhere else because the majority of the people who got laid off at my company are not exactly happy so I need to be respectful and compassionate of the somber mood around me. I keep my happy thoughts to myself and to share only with you ALL!
Just got home a couple of hours ago from second (and last, obviously) cataract surgery. It went well, so my huge sigh of relief probably blew over a few trees in the next county. I'd not been so nervous about anything in many years.

Now I can start enjoying my new bionic eyes. Going from 20/600 to 20/20 is such an incredible change that it's hard to describe.
Just got home a couple of hours ago from second (and last, obviously) cataract surgery. It went well, so my huge sigh of relief probably blew over a few trees in the next county. I'd not been so nervous about anything in many years.

Now I can start enjoying my new bionic eyes. Going from 20/600 to 20/20 is such an incredible change that it's hard to describe.

Congratulations! Can you see well immediately afterward?
Last night I went to our annual school meeting where the wing-nuts on the school board once again herded the tax-paying sheep to approve an 11% increase in school property taxes to over $1.50 per $100 this year. :facepalm: The school board claimed that it would have been worse if not for their valiant efforts to hold the line on the school budget and the sheep ate up the school board's slop. Budgets keep going up while students keep going down. I'm just wondering where the tipping point is where the sheep will wake up and start to revolt but the sheep are dumb and clueless that I don't have much hope.

Hanging at home today waiting for the Sears guy to come and fix the refrigerator. He was supposed to be here between 8-noon and showed up a 2pm .... but at least he called in the late morning to let me know he was running behind schedule.
Congratulations! Can you see well immediately afterward?

Well enough within a couple of hours (double vision until then while the brain adjusts). Based on the first surgery a month ago, it should be very good within a day, and just about perfect within a week.

For those who might be contemplating this, I spoke with the surgeon a bit afterward and asked him how big an incision he used. He surprised me by saying it was 2.4 mm. That's less than 1/10 of an inch. He rolls the implantable lens up like a taco and inserts it where the old natural lens was and it unfolds to full size. Truly impressive.

The other thing that surprised me is that while you're sedated enough to keep you quiet and comfortable, you're fully awake and alert throughout the operation. Just fascinating.
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