what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Wow W2R that was scarey ! If that happens again go directly to an emergency room and Congratulations on your weight loss . When I lost 27 pounds two years ago my BP meds had to be lowered . I would suggest you start checking your BP regularly .Glad you are checking it out !
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: You know, with my luck I wouldn't be surprised! :D Thanks! Me too. Growing (slightly) older isn't for sissies, or so I'm told.

Well, I'm working it right now. I'm not going to clog up the screen with a YouTube, but the choice is obvious: everyone find "Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans?" and play it again one time for her.
Add me to the list to say so sorry about your 'adventure' and pleased you will be going to see your doc. :flowers:

In the meantime, if anyone stares at you because of your boo boos, look 'em in the eye and say....'you should see the other chick'.

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W2R, Glad to see you are going to the doc. Might be nothing, but need to get a good check up. And congrats on the weight loss, I can't make myself lose 5lbs. After trying to get on a pair of pants this morning, I'm going to make myself do it. These fit me 6 years ago when I wore them to work.:facepalm:

Had jury duty this morning. Sat through the whole process but didn't make the final cut. :) But have to call tonight to see about the rest of the week.
Sounds extremely expensive to me, but probably a good use of my money (and/or that of FEHB and Medicare, hopefully, if they cover such things as fainting).

Glad to hear you made the appointment. And look on the bright side - you might come away with a prescription to "eat more chocolate". Well, it could happen.

Today I took out all the screens from the screened-in porch. All 28 of them. Each held in with 12 screws. Battery-powered drills are a wonderful invention. This is in preparation to clean and seal the porch and deck.
Today is the 3 year anniversary of my last day of w*rk. Time has really flown by. Both kids have graduated from college and are employed. We have the motorhome I dreamed of for years and are enjoying the freedom to take trips short and long.

Thanks to all of you ER-org veterans whose posts in 2009 and 2010 gave me the courage to take the leap. It was definitely time and you kept me from falling into OMY syndrome.

Looking back at what I thought ER would be like, I have not pursued college-level teaching as I thought I would, but haven't ruled out doing it in the future. Although I did all the paperwork, etc., to set up an LLC for consulting, I've had only one paid gig (plus a couple pro bono) and really no desire to do much more so I've stopped doing any business development (would probably take on some short projects if someone approached me, at least for the next year or two). My volunteer commitments have been more time consuming and extensive than I expected, but they are also by and large rewarding.

Overall the biggest change is that I am not always in hyper-overdrive, trying to do 4 things at once, as I was pre-ER. I feel a noticeable change in my overall attitude, and definitely don't sweat the small stuff nearly as much. Yup, life is good!
Add me to the list to say so sorry about your 'adventure' and pleased you will be going to see your doc. :flowers:

In the meantime, if anyone stares at you because of your boo boos, look 'em in the eye and say....'you should see the other chick'.


Thanks, bbbamI. :flowers: We just went out to lunch (he drove), and I was surprised at how many people stared at the boo boos. Raised in barns, I guess. :)
W2R, Glad to see you are going to the doc. Might be nothing, but need to get a good check up. And congrats on the weight loss, I can't make myself lose 5lbs. After trying to get on a pair of pants this morning, I'm going to make myself do it. These fit me 6 years ago when I wore them to work.:facepalm:
Thanks, Dawg. I have a lot more to lose, but gradually getting there. :flowers:

Glad to hear you made the appointment. And look on the bright side - you might come away with a prescription to "eat more chocolate". Well, it could happen.
I want your doctor! Mine hasn't yet prescribed chocolate. Maybe some day..... :D Thanks.
Do stink bugs have Internet access?

Apparently they do since every stink bug in West Virginia (and probably some tourists from Maryland and Virginia) have heard the news that I took the screens off the back porch and decided to form a flash mob and try to get in the sliding glass door.

DW is not happy.
Made a Muffuletta

This is a serious multi-meal sandwich containing:
1.2 lbs bread
1 lb cold cuts
1/2 lb cheese
about 14 oz olive salad

Italian Loaf
Boscoli Olive Salad
Black Forest Ham
Genoa Salami


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W2R... also following your progress. Best!

Maybe coicidence.... DW and I had our annual checkups yesterday, and mentioned to the doctor, some concern about DW's dizzy spells... After going through the list of possibles, and not finding any immediate cause, I mentioned "hydration", as I had seen this on WEBMD...
That opened up a floodgate... Probably the most common cause of fainting or dizziness among normally healthy people. Our doctor proceeded with a 10 minute explanation... that included not just fainting or dizziness, but a dozen or more affected body functions... digestion, bloodpressure, immunity, skin, etc, etc...

To cap it all off... minimum requirement for health. 64 oz. of liquids... or 8, 8oz. glasses of liquid during the day. More... and much more, with exercise, excess heat, stress etc... So simple, but so important. I guess we just forgot how much.

In retrospect, 15 years ago, age 62, after 5 hours of surfing at Daytona Beach, while driving home w/DW in front seat, and best friends in back seat... our car slowed and stopped in the middle of FL rte44. I was "out"... like a light. When I came to, I felt a little groggy, but fine. No warning, no "aura"... just out. Fortunately, no damage to friends, cars or me. Other cars just drove around us.

Subsequently... a myriad of tests... wore a Holter harness, stress tests, full body scan, brain scan, sleep tests, blood tests, ekg etc,etc... Nothing... Nada... and no mention of "hydration"... Never had it happen again... Now I wonder... Simple thing... water?

Final diagnosis... "an anomaly".
be well!
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Thanks, imoldernu! That could very well be at least part of the cause, due to our infamous summer heat down here in New Orleans. I'll be extra sure to drink plenty of water, especially at the gym.

Hopefully the doctor will be able to eliminate any more dire possibilities. The fact that I fainted doesn't really bother me (so what, big deal), and the fact that I got a lot of bumps and bruises doesn't bother me (I am already feeling a lot less pain and healing well).... BUT the very remote possibility that it could have something to do with my heart is pretty scary to me! I would like that to be checked out.

My appointment is in about 2 hours. :D

Thank goodness you, your DW, and your friends all survived that incident! It could have been so tragic had things turned out differently. Just to be extra careful, I am not driving at all until my doctor says I can do so safely.
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Well today is the first full day of my government shutdown furlough. Ought to be interesting - not. It really reminds me of the times I've been unemployed. I'll do landscaping in the yard to keep occupied.
This is a serious multi-meal sandwich

Rustward, great muff! Don't forget to toast/warm the bun right before eating. Yum! I am envious.

Back when I not trying to lose weight, Frank and I used to order one sometimes at a restaurant here. He would eat 1/4, I would eat 1/4, and each of us would take another 1/4 home for another meal later on. You are right about the multi-meal aspects. :D
I agree with imoldernu about hydration. I too have read that dehydration is a particular problem as we get older.
I fainted last year while eating dinner with friends. Just stopped talking in the middle of a sentence. My friends are more into doctors' visits than I am and called an ambulance. $5000 out of pocket later I get a diagnosis of "fainted".
I drink tons of water now.
Lots going on in our household. We're 10 days from moving back to NV from TX. Gave 90% of our furniture to Salvation Army since it's just too much trouble to sell and our new house is much smaller than current. Moving is one of our last steps in prep for retirement.

On the surprise front DH lost his job yesterday with an IT megacorp. They're doing a 5% reduction across the board he drew short end of the stick. His severance was decent and he can apply for unemployment so he's not in a rush to find a job. He deserves some decompression time after the BS he put up with over the last year with a new manager.

So now he has time to get us moved and spend some time figuring out what's next...
Lisa - Sorry to hear about DH and the IT megacorp. That story is just too familiar to me - quite a few people from my former IT megacorp lost their jobs in similar across the board exercises, and I know that many of them were in no way the people I would have picked to go. The timing, though, sounds like it couldn't be much better. Good luck with the move and the job search.
I agree with imoldernu about hydration. I too have read that dehydration is a particular problem as we get older.

During the past two or three years I've noticed I don't have the sensation of being thirsty that I used to and have to make a conscious effort to drink enough fluids. Well, the non-alcoholic kind anyway.
Lisa, so sorry to hear that your DH lost his job! Moving is so emotionally stressful to begin with; that has to be a double-whammy. At least he will have more time for moving.

During the past two or three years I've noticed I don't have the sensation of being thirsty that I used to and have to make a conscious effort to drink enough fluids. Well, the non-alcoholic kind anyway.

I don't drink the alcoholic kind, but it seems to me that I read somewhere that beer dehydrates people. If it said that on the internet, it must be true, right? :LOL:

I saw the doctor today and let the testing begin. Today's test was a CAT-scan of my brain, complete with IV contrast medium and all. I cheerfully signed a form confirming my acceptance of full financial responsibility for the contrast medium, if my insurance company (like many, so they say) will not pay for it. LBYM? What is that? :LOL:
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Alcohol is a diuretic and can lead to dehydration if one isn't paying attention.

And on the LBYM front, my experiment with trying to mix up my own deck-cleaning oxygen bleach fluid was a dismal failure. It did clean some but didn't have the effect that the store-bought and pricy deck-cleaning stuff does so I broke down and paid for it.

I should have paid more attention lectures in chemistry class than to the red-haired girl. Well, maybe not. One must have priorities.
I don't want to throw cold water on anyone's favorite anecdote, but there has been quite a lot of information out there lately showing that the old "eight glasses of water a day" (roughly two liters) is really in the category of urban myth.

The simple fact is that we get a great deal of the hydration we need from the water in our food. Most people get significantly more than the proverbial eight glasses simply through normal eating.

A 1995 survey in Australia found that on average women ingest about 2.8 liters a day, and men about 3.4 liters.

Even worse, some of the so-called "research" that seems to show the need to drink a lot of water was sponsored by the companies that sell bottled water.

The more reputable research shows that the proper approach is just to take a drink when you start to feel thirsty.

Incidentally, beer is roughly 95% water, so it counts! :dance:
Alcohol doesn't dehydrate you any more than coffee or tea.
Rustward, great muff! Don't forget to toast/warm the bun right before eating. Yum! I am envious.

Back when I not trying to lose weight, Frank and I used to order one sometimes at a restaurant here. He would eat 1/4, I would eat 1/4, and each of us would take another 1/4 home for another meal later on. You are right about the multi-meal aspects. :D

Yes, we toast before eating. This does not save much money compared to going out, but there is a satisfaction element. I just wish I could get the Leidenheimer bread here. Jason's Deli does use Leidenheimer bread, and that is my first choice when going out for muff.

BTW: Hope you are feeling better.
I don't want to throw cold water on anyone's favorite anecdote, but there has been quite a lot of information out there lately showing that the old "eight glasses of water a day" (roughly two liters) is really in the category of urban myth.

The simple fact is that we get a great deal of the hydration we need from the water in our food. Most people get significantly more than the proverbial eight glasses simply through normal eating.

A 1995 survey in Australia found that on average women ingest about 2.8 liters a day, and men about 3.4 liters.

Even worse, some of the so-called "research" that seems to show the need to drink a lot of water was sponsored by the companies that sell bottled water.

The more reputable research shows that the proper approach is just to take a drink when you start to feel thirsty.

Incidentally, beer is roughly 95% water, so it counts! :dance:
Alcohol doesn't dehydrate you any more than coffee or tea.

I was going to bring this up too, but figured it would be better coming from someone with more credibility than me (pretty much everybody).

I should have paid more attention lectures in chemistry class than to the red-haired girl. Well, maybe not. One must have priorities.

Judging by the fact that a red headed girl costs a lot more than a couple of gallons of deck bleach should prove you had your priorities straight.
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