"I Ate Your Halloween Candy" from Kimmel

Hilarious, but sad too. These (predominantly white, middle class) kids have first world problems. Some of the older kids are acting like three year olds. It's just candy, kids.
Hilarious, but sad too. These (predominantly white, middle class) kids have first world problems. Some of the older kids are acting like three year olds. It's just candy, kids.
I was pleasantly surprised that at least some kids seemed to take it in stride. I expected all of them to go nuts!
I've seen this same act in the cereal aisle at the supermarket. :nonono:
Really? This is funny? I think it's sadistic. Do these TV show stars have no shame?

I fear for the guy who marries the little girl in the purple shirt.
Hilarious, but sad too. These (predominantly white, middle class) kids have first world problems. Some of the older kids are acting like three year olds. It's just candy, kids.

OK, but it sounds like you think that non-white, below middle class (or, less financially privileged) kids would react differently. Might be the start of an interesting study.
Funny link.
Hilarious, but sad too. These (predominantly white, middle class) kids have first world problems. Some of the older kids are acting like three year olds. It's just candy, kids.
Nothing first world about a tantrum, and it's not about the candy, it's the way kids are, and they need no reason to act that way, they just do.
OK, but it sounds like you think that non-white, below-middle class (or, less financially privileged) kids would react differently. Might be the start of an interesting study.

I didn't say that, and I don't assume that. I do know that there are many children in many countries around the world who are orphaned by war, poverty or disease, have no homes, go hungry and are abused, and they would probably be glad to have such trivial challenges in life.

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Really? This is funny? I think it's sadistic. Do these TV show stars have no shame?

I fear for the guy who marries the little girl in the purple shirt.
Purple shirt was worse than what the little angel (in the middle) near the end of the video said to her parent (too bad you didn't get to hear it) ?


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Funny link.

Nothing first world about a tantrum, and it's not about the candy, it's the way kids are, and they need no reason to act that way, they just do.

Could be.

I am assuming that these kids went out on Halloween and therefore "earned" their candy (one kid dramatically mentions this). I wonder: if they were just given the candy at home and then later were told that their parents had eaten it, if the kids would have been less upset.

Another thing to keep in mind (or not) is that this TV entertainment. There might have been many dozens of episodes filmed and the show simply used the most entertaining ones that fit into a 4:06 time slot.
The parents who did this have forfeited some trust that they may never regain.

Very bad judgment, unworthy of a parent. They have essentially humiliated their kids, and filmed it for the world to see and gloat over or whatever gross outcomes they achieved.

I thought it was sad in that the parents kept the "joke" going long enough to get an emotional reaction and then kept going. Poor kids. Next up: parents telling their kids Santa didn't bring them any presents.
Those parents are sick.

Those kids earned that candy and doing that work was a good lesson in life skills (doing a deed or chore, pleasant or otherwise and getting a payment).
I would never have done that to my kids. That is treating your kid like less than a whole person, and my goal was to treat them as a person with an adult inside them from the day they were born.

The reaction of the kids probably reflects exactly how they see their parents react. So those parents that video taped a tantrum just showed the world what crappy parents they are.
The parents who did this have forfeited some trust that they may never regain.

Very bad judgment, unworthy of a parent. They have essentially humiliated their kids, and filmed it for the world to see and gloat over or whatever gross outcomes they achieved.


Those parents are sick.

Those kids earned that candy and doing that work was a good lesson in life skills (doing a deed or chore, pleasant or otherwise and getting a payment).

I would never have done that to my kids. That is treating your kid like less than a whole person, and my goal was to treat them as a person with an adult inside them from the day they were born.

My thoughts exactly. And then these parents will wonder why their kids don't trust them.
The reaction of the kids probably reflects exactly how they see their parents react. So those parents that video taped a tantrum just showed the world what crappy parents they are.

Yep, my thoughts exactly.
These parents are teaching their kids to do this type of mean teasing and will likely receive this back from their kids. It looks like bullying to me.
Those parents are sick.

Those kids earned that candy and doing that work was a good lesson in life skills (doing a deed or chore, pleasant or otherwise and getting a payment).

I think the parents were trying to teach their kids life lessons. And, I imagine the kids will never forget the lessons they learned: be careful whom you trust; work, (hard or pleasant, etc.) doesn't always pay off; don't count your chickens; remember to rebalance; delayed gratification is over-rated; don't trust anyone over 25; a candy bar in your face is worth two in your candy jar; LBYM (keeping up with the Jones's (the Jones' kids got to keep all their candy) is not important; being on television at any cost is worth that cost.
I think the parents were trying to teach their kids life lessons. And, I imagine the kids will never forget the lessons they learned: be careful whom you trust; work, (hard or pleasant, etc.) doesn't always pay off; don't count your chickens; remember to rebalance; delayed gratification is over-rated; don't trust anyone over 25; a candy bar in your face is worth two in your candy jar; LBYM (keeping up with the Jones's (the Jones' kids got to keep all their candy) is not important; being on television at any cost is worth that cost.

I don't think that was their intent at all. But each to his own opinion.;)
I think we're taking this waaay too seriously. :) Here's a list of 46 reasons a three year old might have a melt-down. 46 Reasons My Three Year Old Might be Freaking Out | Jason Good

Folks that haven't raised children may not get the melt-downs and tantrums. Sometimes it's about poor parenting, other times it's just the way children are.

Here's another list that makes you want to laugh, and feel some empathy for the parents http://www.sunnyskyz.com/blog/119/3...g-Temper-Tantrums-You-Can-t-Help-But-Laugh-At
Did you see this in the comments section of the first link?

These are all so funny! I'm a grandma now, but when my daughter was about 5... she was playing with a little boy from the neighborhood. Of course, they eventually started arguing.... I was about to go in to stop it, when I heard the boy say... ''boys are better than girls'... after a few 'are not' ... are too.'... I heard my frustrated daughter say...'Well, I used to e a boy, but it fell off!'... Complete silence... then a screaming little boy running past me, out the front door and home to mom ! Luckily, his mom was my good friend! His mom called, laughing hysterically, and said her son was crying his eyes out, and kept screaming that he 'didn't want to be a goofy old girl'! We still get a laugh out of that one, over 35 years later!

What a howl!
I tried not to make my kids cry on purpose because really it is just too easy to make a little one cry and why promote a tantrum when they are perfectly able to melt down embarrassingly in public at the worst possible time without any help from me.
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