what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Nice neighbor, Pb! We had one for one day last winter. I've been trying to get closeup photos of one, but they're elusive.

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A neighbor came over at 8:30 and we spent an hour doing exercises in the pool. Then hot oatmeal for breakfast, an hour or so of work (I still do some work for my company on an hourly basis), homemade chicken rice soup for lunch, a few chores, then out to dinner for DH's birthday tomorrow.
Now that I have restored the sprinkler and drip to keep my wife's beloved plants alive, we can now head up to our high-country place to escape the heat for a while. No internet up there, so will be absent for a few days. See y'all later.
Umm, I downloaded a show off the internets where many men spoke ill of one another; I think some of them believed 'some' of what they were saying! :)

Oh, and I finally figured out how to preserve my 'saved' stations on my Pi MusicBox!
This is hanging out in the neighborhood recently. It drives the loons crazy and we're keeping close track of small dogs but it is still pretty cool to have it hanging around. A neighbor took the picture and I have yet to see it.

We had one too, last fall. It was on the roof of the house next door. I had to use my phone so the picture's not great. We get lots of ospreys, but only the occasional eagle.


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We have a wall of windows that look over the lake and last fall one flew slowly right across them out over the lake about 200 feet out and 30 feet over the water so I got a real good look at it. Pretty cool.
Family breakfast - oldest DS made a donut run to go with bacon, hashbrowns and eggs.

Drove DW to her Zumba class, then off to do a propane tank exchange for the grill, grocery store run for the weekend 'q fest.

Got a jumbo pack of drumsticks at 99c/lb for tonight to go with homemade mac & cheese, and grilled corn.

For tomorrow, trimmed down and rubbed a big 'ol 8.5 lb pork butt for smoking - another 99c/lb deal!

DH's birthday - made him breakfast, then baked him a cake. We went to the library, then I made a giant salad for lunch, then a swim in the pool, and now we are getting ready to go to Longhorn for dinner, where we have a coupon.
Went to the Chicago farmer's market this morning. DW joined us for the first time and really enjoyed it. She'll be back for sure. Then we went to Xoco for breakfast - chilaquiles and this espresso / hot dark chocolate drink, both of which are amazing. :)
Just finishing up my dishwasher install on my rental... There was no dishwasher, and a incomming tenant requested it.

Lathe and plaster walls are a real pain to work with. I am not sure how the oldtimers ever had the paitence to do it.

Replaced the counter tops, sink, faucet, added some outlets, and a light over the sink. I split the plumbing so the dishwasher had a separate shutoff. I had to build a dishwasher end panel and take out a cabinet. The new counter top is about 5" longer than the old one.

I replaced the flooring with allure from Home Depot.

I have about 16 hours into it now, probably another four more to go. The original

The start. I already tore off the back splash.


Looking better

Ready for cabinets

Almost finished. I still need the dishwater and some trim.
Nice work, Senator. Do you hire out? ;)
Nice work, Senator. Do you hire out? ;)

Thank you. My rentals keep me busy enough. I probably saved at least $2,000 on this job. And next time, it will be less work and easier to rent. I did quite a bit of work on this rental turn. There was quite a bit of deferred maintenance.

This is probably a $5,000+ savings in total.

New 50 amp outlet and electric stove
New Hot water heater
Fixed furnace exhaust
Fixed furnace drain line
Fixed kitchen sink leak
Fixed tub drain main line
Unclogged bathtub
Replaced tub drain pipes
Fixed leaking toilet flapper valve
Installed dishwasher
Installed kitchen outlets and kitchen light
Replaced all light fixtures
Fixed plaster coming off in hallway
Painted ceilings
Painted all walls
Cleaned up a lot of junk
Thank you. My rentals keep me busy enough. I probably saved at least $2,000 on this job. And next time, it will be less work and easier to rent. I did quite a bit of work on this rental turn. There was quite a bit of deferred maintenance.

This is probably a $5,000+ savings in total.

New 50 amp outlet and electric stove
New Hot water heater
Fixed furnace exhaust
Fixed furnace drain line
Fixed kitchen sink leak
Fixed tub drain main line
Unclogged bathtub
Replaced tub drain pipes
Fixed leaking toilet flapper valve
Installed dishwasher
Installed kitchen outlets and kitchen light
Replaced all light fixtures
Fixed plaster coming off in hallway
Painted ceilings
Painted all walls
Cleaned up a lot of junk

Very nice job on the kitchen upgrade. Working with lathe and plaster walls is messy and you have to do a lot of innovating, especially with old wiring and galvanized or cast iron plumbing. ;)
This is hanging out in the neighborhood recently. It drives the loons crazy and we're keeping close track of small dogs but it is still pretty cool to have it hanging around. A neighbor took the picture and I have yet to see it.

Reminds me of this shot I got (back in '04), drove home one day and saw it flying over the driveway carrying something. When I got up to the house it was perched in a tree about 125 yards out. Didn't have a decent telephoto lens at the time, actually got the pic using a cheap digital camera lined up through a spotting scope :)


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There's always something, especially when doing a remodel.

Current tasks include painting and minor repairs in the pantry and laundry room, where one of the cats chewed and clawed up some of the molding around a door, and tracing a newly dead electrical line that feeds our dining room along with interior and exterior lighting.

It looks like the electrician cut the wire in one of the kitchen walls as part of the rewiring for code compliance, and the insulation and drywall were put up before the wire was reconnected to the new distribution panel. I wound up having to tone trace the power wire. Yuck.

I know what our contractor will be doing Monday morning. He won't be a happy camper...

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Emergency appendectomy.

From "a little indigestion" on Wednesday morning to "almost ruptured" on Thursday afternoon was 30 hours. They were able to do laparoscopy instead of scalpel slashing. Everything came out all right (so to speak) and I was back home Friday afternoon on antibiotics. But I'm beached for four weeks, so it's a good thing that the surf forecast sucks.

It was a rude smack upside the head. When the pain woke me up Wednesday night I finally recognized that it was worse than mere gluttony. As I researched the symptoms, my reaction was "Seriously?!? I'm too old for this crap." But apparently appendicitis can hit you at any age.

We submariners have plenty of horrifying sea stories about doing appendicitis MEDEVACs. Now I'm really glad I never had the honor. I can't imagine having to deal with this crisis if I was working, let alone in uniform.

Tripler's ER staff asked about a gazillion times whether I had a medical directive and a will. (Ironically I was also asked whether I'm an organ donor: "You know why I'm here, right?") By the time my spouse and I realized that we needed to hustle to the ER, there was no time left for notaries or sharing logins/passwords.

Carpe diem, folks. And if your paperwork isn't ready to go then... get your stuff together.

Oh, and in that life-affirming theme, our daughter (in Rota, Spain) just announced her engagement. He's also a Navy Surface Warfare Officer like her (in Norfolk), USNA '14, and with an option to switch to the cyber warfare or info professional communities. They met at EKMS (crypto) school last fall. They're tentatively planning a 2017 wedding, although they may pull a marriage certificate much sooner if the assignment officers won't co-locate them.

My opinion doesn't get a vote but yes, the progeny of two USNA alumni is marrying a USNA alum. Clearly she has learned nothing, or perhaps he's an exceptional fiancé. I only know him from the 10-minute announcement phone call, and he made a good first impression.
Wow Nords! Glad you're ok.

I had to go to the ER myself on Friday as my doc called and said my recent blood work showed my potassium was dangerously high and the situation could be life threatening. I got hooked up to gizmos and my blood was drawn. Thankfully my potassium was normal and I was able to walk out the door two hours later.
Nords said:
Carpe diem, folks. And if your paperwork isn't ready to go then... get your stuff together.
I couldn't agree more.

...oh, and I imagine he's an exceptional fiancé. :)
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A very boring but relaxing Sunday.

Made breakfast for the family, then got started on bbq'ing up a big ol' "butt" for pulled pork later.

Been watching, nursing, stoking, pacing...got the blues playing, smoke has been rolling, a cold beer...or two... Waiting for the temp to come up just right before resting. Then will start the cornbread and pull/plate some deliciousness.

Will zip the mouth as the family judging panel deliberates on the score. I think it'll be a good one this time!
Emergency appendectomy.

Oh, and in that life-affirming theme, our daughter (in Rota, Spain) just announced her engagement.

Never a dull moment chez Nords! Congratulations on both events. I hope you heal rapidly. FWIW, I knew a little old lady of 90 who developed acute appendicitis. She did very well, but was unable to surf afterwards!
Wow Nords! Glad you're ok.

I had to go to the ER myself on Friday as my doc called and said my recent blood work showed my potassium was dangerously high and the situation could be life threatening. I got hooked up to gizmos and my blood was drawn. Thankfully my potassium was normal and I was able to walk out the door two hours later.

The most common reason for a falsely high potassium level in blood is hemolysis (breakdown) of red blood cells in the collection vial. I'm glad it turned out well.
The most common reason for a falsely high potassium level in blood is hemolysis (breakdown) of red blood cells in the collection vial. I'm glad it turned out well.

Hmmm, nice to have folks who know these things.

Many years ago I was in the hosp. As usual around midnight the vampire came by to get a sample. In the morning when I woke up and ambled over the window, I found my vial of blood on the window sill. It was mine since it was labeled with my name.

I hit the call button, a nurse showed up promptly, I just held up the vial. Her reaction? OH $HIT! fairly loud.

My guess they just tossed it. Incidentally later that day I walked out of there AMA. It is one of my prized paper possessions. The assigned attending doc was visibly and audibly pi$$ed. Ahem, so was I. The blood thing was just the final straw on the camel's back. I never bothered to find out what the medical director said to whom.

BTW the nursing was wonderfully outstanding, the doctoring sucked big time. I informed the hospital of that good feature as well.
The most common reason for a falsely high potassium level in blood is hemolysis (breakdown) of red blood cells in the collection vial. I'm glad it turned out well.
Thanks Meadbh. :)

I wasn't feeling well (my body seemed to be telling me I had an infection), so I went to my doc on Thursday. She had the nurses take my blood, checked me over, then decided to write a script for an antibiotic. The rise in my potassium could have been from the infection..I dunno. I had taken 3 pills before the ER adventure.

Scared the beejeebers out of me tho. I'll go for a followup with her tomorrow.
Appendectomy? ER room for life-threateningly high potassium? Thank heavens you two are OK. But gee, what's going on? And I have one to add:

We were in a car accident today. Neither of us was hurt, luckily! Just really shook up. The other car was doing a u-turn on a busy 6-lane divided street (Elysian Fields, for those who know New Orleans). He didn't see us, stomped on the accelerator and broadsided us pretty hard. F did some evasive maneuvers at the last minute (while I brilliantly screamed, "oh no!" :rolleyes: ) which probably were why he didn't get seriously hurt. But still, his driver door will hardly close due to damage to the door and the metal surrounding it, and the driver's window won't operate. I'm sure insurance will pay for it and he has an appointment with his insurance people.

We called the police and waited for them to arrive so we could file a police report, but after 45 minutes of waiting the other driver left for work. Typical New Orleans. NOPD is understaffed and since there were no injuries, we were probably a pretty low priority.
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