Ten Years Ago Today I Retired! An Update

Wow, lots of insight in that post! Congrats.

Now I have to ask, how did that 12/2/2005 and 12205 days come about?


Wow! Thanks to everyone for your positive replies. A bit overwhelming.

I did forget to mention 2PM naps, so, sorry for that omission!

ERD, the date/days were purely coincidental...just had a lot of time one day and out of curiosity used Excel to figure how many days I had worked.
Wow! Thanks to everyone for your positive replies. A bit overwhelming.

I did forget to mention 2PM naps, so, sorry for that omission!

ERD, the date/days were purely coincidental...just had a lot of time one day and out of curiosity used Excel to figure how many days I had worked.

Like the time I figured out that DW and I had been married for 10,000 days. I thought that was romantic - DW not so much. :confused:
Wow! Thanks to everyone for your positive replies. A bit overwhelming.

I did forget to mention 2PM naps, so, sorry for that omission!

ERD, the date/days were purely coincidental...just had a lot of time one day and out of curiosity used Excel to figure how many days I had worked.

The number of days that I w*rked is fewer than the number of days I've been employed... :cool:
.....ERD, the date/days were purely coincidental...just had a lot of time one day and out of curiosity used Excel to figure how many days I had worked.

Talk about a classic "It must have been a slow day at [-]the office[/-] marko's house".

Would the Mods consider a link in the FAQ forum? Marko's post is a great summary of the essence of the Early Retirement Forum.

I agree. I am just over 2 months from my planned retirement. I have been counting the days. Then suddenly the past few days I have started thinking maybe I should w*rk longer (OMY). The position I have recently been asked to take doesn't require much and usually only 40 to 45 hrs /week. I am taking a lot Friday vacation days, so it is really less than 40 hrs/ week. It is even boring some days, so why not stick around a little longer and add some padding to my plan.

Marko's post is helping to work through these crazy thoughts and stick to my plan (I hope!) There are things I want to do!

I am so glad I saw this today.
Thanks Marko!
Good for you. I left at 58 when I was fortunate enough to get a golden handshake.

I considered going back-as an employee or as a consultant.

What made me change my (our) minds? First of all our focus was not on longevity, but rather on how many years we would have left to be unencumbered by health problems that would prevent us from travelling etc. and doing what we wanted to do. Despite being in good health, and even better since retiring, that number, on average, is short and actually statistically getting even shorter in North America.

Once you hit 60, it’s time to take ‘carpe diem’ seriously | Financial Post
Thank you Marko. You give us all hope for a successful retirement!
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Excellent post. thank you Marko, very reassuring.
thank you Marko..... very insightful, practical and inspiring.. I'm 10 DAYS into my retirement at age 55!
Great post. The details might be different but so much of it applies to many of the people I know who were faced with an involuntary retirement in their fifties. Love the numerology too.

We can get those high schoolers to read these boards--just start them in the Funny Joke thread.... Some good dirty jokes there.

Totally agree with how much the boards have taught me (especially the Funny Joke thread--just kidding). Every discussion includes so many circumstances and POVs, and some will apply to me--maybe (usually not) not the adamant "this is the no-brainer way and everyone should live like this" post, but the "this is what worked for me" posts often contain invaluable information, based on actual experience. The lack of agreement among posters is one of the strongest elements for me, because life is so different for all of us.
Thanks Marko.

It's funny. It's said that as you get older you get set in your ways. Seems to me, there's quite a bit of evolution happening in your life. And for the better.
Excellent post. I can relate to some of your experiences now that I am 4 years in. I hope I can share as thoughtful a summary as yours when I reach 10 years.

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Enjoyed your post Marko. Reassuring for those about to RE and those of us that recently made the leap.
I agree that this forum is awesome. I continue to learn from the posts and definitely attribute my ability to RE to the knowledge and motivation from others on this forum.


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One of the best things I've read

Absolutely great post Marko.

About 2 years ago when I decide that I was pulling the plug on work at megacorp in 2016 I decided to start really doing some retirement investigation.

Talk about eye opening.

99.9% of retirement stuff on the net is all about how we are doomed, we will be eating cat food under a bridge somewhere or worse.
Now I recognized that most of the articles are written geared toward folks who have done nothing, but the whole time I kept wondering....

Isn't anyone out there actually enjoying retirement?? Not uber wealthy folks, just plain LBYM jane and joes? Why weren't they writing blogs?

Your post was very refreshing and I admit I still have anxiety some times but it's nice to hear from your happy side.
Fantastic post!!! Thanks for sharing your insight. I'm coming up on 2 years and it just keeps getting better day after day after day. :confused:

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Today is my 6 month anniversary of ER. I'm behind in my forum reading because I'm out and about having all sorts of fun.

Wonderful post Marko. Eloquently written and very insightful. I'm so happy for you. Happy (belated) Anniversary

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