Older women having too much fun to retire

It's nice to see it all recede in the rearview mirror, isn't it?

It never mattered much to me what I was CALLED at work.. to me it mattered more what I was PAID. Some of you can relate to what I am saying if you ever got a new and prestigious sounding job title, but without a penny more in pay.

Oh well, those times are behind me now as I happily enter my 8th year of blissful retirement.

(BTW, "Older women having too much fun to retire" was the title, but if it was up to me, I'd change that to "Older women having too much fun to work".)
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Years ago when I moved to Baltimore, went to a local restaurant/bar to have dinner. Along with dinner I ordered a beer. Halfway through my bottle was empty. The barmaid says, want another one hon?

Amused I asked, geez calling me hon after one beer, don't even know your name, what happens after the second beer? BTW she was probably half my age. Noting may accent she blushed, and asked, you not from around here are you?

Name of this thread sounds like a title of a country western song. Lol I have nothing to add to this post but every time I see the topic it reminds of that. LOl
...I suppose we could retitle the article, Old women just want to have fun.


I have not thought nor heard of Cyndi Lauper for a while. Ain't calling anybody looking like that "girl".

So, I looked it up and found that she's older than I. Wowza!
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I have not thought nor heard of Cyndi Lauper for a while. Ain't calling anybody looking like that "girl".

So, I looked it up and found that she's older than I. Wowza!

Yup, 63.

I was looking for an image that made Cindi Lauper look old. It boomeranged on me, though. It just made me feel old, lol.
Cyndi Lauper simply looks her age (which is of course old!).

It happened that I also just saw Christie Brinkley in a Web article. She's also 63. Here's a photo taken two days ago on Feb 16, 2017.

Wow, she looks great, maybe 40. I wonder if that's all natural. In any case, good for her. She's prettier than me, that's for sure.
Her beauty and good condition do not look unnatural.

I would say that she's the physical equivalent of good luck + lots of willpower and LBYM = successful early retirement.

Everything below the neckline looks, to me, like plain old gym work and careful eating. That, and starting out with a fabulous figure to begin with. I've seen the recent photos of Christie in a swimsuit and there doesn't appear to be anything fake about her chest...just lots of pec work in the gym plus a very expensive swimsuit. Clothes can be engineered to hide or accent all sorts of things, but those kinds of clothes are not sold at Wal-mart.

As for the neck and above, sunscreen has been available in drugstores since Christie was a teenager, and I'm sure she used/uses plenty of it. In addition, makeup, a blowout, and professional lighting can do wonders. As a career model, she has access to such things. No doubt some skin peels and Botox have been invested in, as well.

Wow, she looks great, maybe 40. I wonder if that's all natural. In any case, good for her. She's prettier than me, that's for sure.
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Heh, the word girls. I once was in a meeting, happened to be all male. The director of engineering was sharing something by prefacing it with "just between us girls..." A couple of us almost in unison: hey speak for yourself. He never tried that line again.:LOL:
Early in my career, I worked in an office building in what was essentially a construction/industrial site. Dress was more casual than the "home office" in the city, with jeans and work boots not uncommon. A man wearing a jacket and tie was either a salesman, or going on a job interview somewhere else.

I worked in a very small office with 4 women. My boss was one of them.

One day a big-shot from the home office was in for some reason, and met with our whole group (us 5 and another small office down the hall.) Loudly, so everyone could hear, he sternly addressed our (male) manager:

"If any of MY girls came in like that I'd send them home to dress!"

I'll leave it to your imagination how the "girls" reacted to that. Suffice it to say it left a lasting impression.

Now, to be fair, I do use the term "kids" to refer to anyone (male or female) who appears to be roughly my children's age. I think at a certain age, you're allowed to do that.

I'll also use the phrase "guys and gals." I think that keeps things casual without being demeaning. I hope.

There are times when using the words "boys" or "girls" aren't demeaning. A night out with the boys (or girls) is a perfectly acceptable way to spend the evening. There are also times when it's a deliberate put-down to either gender.

I think we need to assume the former unless there's no other interpretation.
I've always used the word ladies when referring to women older than high school age. Must have been taught to me when I was growing up. MIL and DW refer to their outings as "out with the ladies". I referred to my female assistants at work as ladies and I got along with them better than the guys that referred to them as girls.
With time, my male co-workers began referring to me as their colleague. I really preferred that to gender terms. Of course the ladies' room was still the ladies' room:LOL:
I referred to my female assistants at work as ladies .

That reminds me - I ducked into the ladies' room at work the other day, or so I thought. That part of the building had been renovated, and the restrooms closed off for a long time. I saw the "restroom" sign and headed [ha ha] in, stopping to comb my hair in the big mirror conveniently located just inside the door. Then I noticed male faces peeking at me in the mirror...

Nobody in the bathroom screamed or even said anything, but after a hasty exit, I could be heard laughing down the hallway. The renovation had switched the position of the men's and women's rooms! Good thing I never got as far as the funny sinks on the wall.
Nobody in the bathroom screamed or even said anything, but after a hasty exit, I could be heard laughing down the hallway. The renovation had switched the position of the men's and women's rooms! Good thing I never got as far as the funny sinks on the wall.

Ha. Yes, you might've seen some things you can't unsee. Made for some awkward encounters in the hallway.
... but not from people you worked with, ahem.
Wow, she looks great, maybe 40. I wonder if that's all natural. In any case, good for her. She's prettier than me, that's for sure.

When asked how she managed to look so young though being well into her 60's Dolly Parton is said to have replied, "Honey, haven't you heard about doctors?"

I know a lot of women who in their 60's have good figures. Eating right, exercise and the right undergarments are a huge help. Some might even take hormonal 'supplements'.

The face and neck are the true test. I think odds are good that Ms. Brinkley has had some work done, and probably had professional makeup work before that photo was taken. Her dress is probably custom fitted to her body. These are not small advantages. Still, if every 60+ woman looked like that, many males would die early, but with a smile on their face. :D
With time, my male co-workers began referring to me as their colleague. I really preferred that to gender terms. Of course the ladies' room was still the ladies' room:LOL:

That reminds me - I ducked into the ladies' room at work the other day, or so I thought. That part of the building had been renovated, and the restrooms closed off for a long time. I saw the "restroom" sign and headed [ha ha] in, stopping to comb my hair in the big mirror conveniently located just inside the door. Then I noticed male faces peeking at me in the mirror...

Nobody in the bathroom screamed or even said anything, but after a hasty exit, I could be heard laughing down the hallway. The renovation had switched the position of the men's and women's rooms! Good thing I never got as far as the funny sinks on the wall.

I was at a restaurant recently and they had painted "WOMEN" on the inside of the men's room door. It gave one quite a funny panic moment when reaching for the handle to leave! .....even though you knew that you were in the right place as soon as you thought about it.
I've walked into mens' rooms when I'm wearing jeans and the door choices are a person in trousers or a person in a dress. IMO the womens' rooms smell a lot better.
"OMG! That lady saw us with our pants down! Neither she nor we can show our faces in public ever again!"

Naaaaah. I'm too old for them to care.

... but not from people you worked with, ahem.
But whenever your eyes meet again in the future, that brings back the, er, encounter.

You would wonder if you saw him flashing a wink. ;)
Or if you were talking to him, and you looked down for some reason, he'd wonder what you were looking at. He'd have to say, "Um, Ms. Amethyst, my eyes are up here."
Heck, while in Japan, the cleaning ladies would be cleaning the urinal right next to you while you're doing your business.


Two guys were standing on urinal row, when one says "You must have been circumsized by Rabbi Swartz".

"Why yes, how would you know that?"

"Because he cuts on the bias, and your pi$$ing on my shoe."
Any opportunity for weiner jokes.

Boys will be boys!

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