New Shingrx Shingles Vaccine

I think you are playing with fire if you think you can catch it in time to treat it. The symptoms aren't always that obvious, and I suspect that something that starts out mild (and maybe not so noticeable at first) could become much worse over time. Those ones I've heard of that spread to the eye - I don't think they started there.

It's not like I'm hearing of tons of side effects from the shot. That might be different.

And what about side effects from that early treatment?


Yes, that's it. I'm looking at "What's the least bad, bad outcome...?"

That anti viral drug, as I recall, had quite a benign toxicity profile, so it's got that going for it. And, I keep trying to find a Shingrix horror story and son of a gun, I can't really find any myself.
Yes, that's it. I'm looking at "What's the least bad, bad outcome...?"

That anti viral drug, as I recall, had quite a benign toxicity profile, so it's got that going for it. And, I keep trying to find a Shingrix horror story and son of a gun, I can't really find any myself.

You could always wait until you get shingles and then comeback and tell us how it went? (hopefully, you will be lucky and not get it).
Yes, there's always the one-off really bad, surprise attack, worst case. But do I need a vaccine for that? Or should I worry about it if I don't get the vaccine?
Like the investments threads about what if zombie vampires .... and then an asteroid strikes me in my belt and suspenders...?

I was totally super-duper healthwise ... until I followed my doctor's orders. And I will never fully recover. So I know zombies and the asteroid aren't just exaggerations.

Once bitten twice far as domestic vaccinations are concerned, you have a better chance of getting shingles then you do of getting all the others diseases put together.
Once bitten twice far as domestic vaccinations are concerned, you have a better chance of getting shingles then you do of getting all the others diseases put together.

Actually "MY" chances of that are not knowable. Group output numbers are of no real value diagnosing any single specimen. People like to think it works like that but it doesn't.

One in three people getting shingles in their lifetime? My GF was a medical researcher for 40 yrs. Worked on the human genome project. Lots of cred. She says that is baloney dreamed up to scare people.

Sounds like nobody here really knows anything about shingles except their own or somebody they heard of's case. Good information to juxtapose
Apparently you don't believe in hard science either. If you had chicken pox you are at risk for shingles. Baloney used to scare people has been the mantra of the anti-vax crowd for decades. lucky for me I can't catch shingles from you, so it's immaterial to me if you vaccinate or don't. Of the 8 people in their late 50's to 70 in my in-law family 3 have had Shingles...2 mild cases, one severe. Apparently we are outliers ….

One in three people getting shingles in their lifetime? My GF was a medical researcher for 40 yrs. Worked on the human genome project. Lots of cred. She says that is baloney dreamed up to scare people.

Sounds like nobody here really knows anything about shingles except their own or somebody they heard of's case. Good information to juxtapose

Looks like you have already made up your mind, and chose to ignore the references I gave, while you accept what you have heard, and reject what others have heard. So why are you asking us? :confused:

Good luck.

And friends who have had oh-so-painful bouts of shingles, some of whom had vision damage also, tell me of their painful suffering when they get a second or third recurrence. I'd prefer to avoid all that. [emoji33]
My United Health Care plan started covering the new Shingrix shot on April 1st. The guidelines say it's recommended starting at age 50. (The old shot wasn't recommended until age 60, so anyone being told that Shingrix isn't covered until 60 might be talking to someone looking at the old Zostavax guidelines).

I had it done at my doctor's office, but they told me that if insurance wasn't covering it, I should definitely go to a pharmacy/Costco/somewhere else because it would be cheaper. I'm not sure the actual shot itself is necessarily cheaper, but the administration of it is cheaper at a pharmacy than at a doctor's office.
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razztazz you don't know what the heck you are talking about regarding shingles. I was a very healthy 50 year old. One day out of the blue I had some back pain. Next day I started breaking out in the shingles rash. Went immediately to the doctor and got the antiviral. I don't think the antiviral helped at all. I had a terrible case of shingles. Had a terrible rash, terrible pain, ran a fever for weeks, could not drive for 6 weeks, could not bear to wear clothes, out of work along time, could not play golf for a year, worse health thing that ever happened to me. Now over 15 years later I still have pain in the area where the rash was. I would have paid anything to get the vaccine. I had the old vaccine as soon as I could and have had the new vaccine even though I had to pay for it. Razztazz, GET THE VACCINE!!!!
razztazz you don't know what the heck you are talking about regarding shingles.

In fact I do. You are not the only one who reads and researches and acquires knowledge of thing. If I'm talking about (fill in the blank) I tend to look it up, first.

And I know people who have had it. As far as your worst case experience... I have covered that and referenced it half a dozen times already. We know already.

Razztazz, GET THE VACCINE!!!!

I said I planned to. Old news

It's always educational observing the way threads go
In fact I do. You are not the only one who reads and researches and acquires knowledge of thing. If I'm talking about (fill in the blank) I tend to look it up, first.

And I know people who have had it. As far as your worst case experience... I have covered that and referenced it half a dozen times already. We know already.

I said I planned to. Old news

It's always educational observing the way threads go

Educational in what way? So you can keep telling people how wrong headed they are according to you that is. This is a valuable thread about how to pay for the vaccine and people's side effects. What's your purpose in baiting posters?
Some statistics--30% of all people who have had chicken pox get shingles (the percentage goes up to 50% if you live to age 85). Of those who get shingles 20% get the lingering nerve damage that I had that can last for years or for a lifetime. The new vaccine is suppose to be 90% effective. So why would you not get the vaccine? razztazz, why have you not had the vaccine already?
If we can all respect each others' opinions and discuss the issue calmly, this thread could continue. If not, ....
If we can all respect each others' opinions and discuss the issue calmly, this thread could continue. If not, ....

Sorry braumeister, I will quit posting on this topic. I had such a bad experience with Shingles I think I have post traumatic disorder on the topic of Shingles.
My experience with the Shingrix shot. 50 Y.O. Male

First shot: I had what I would call a welt (what I would imagine how a paint ball would feel if shot in the arm), where it was injected and a sore arm for about 3 or 4 days and by day 7 - I would have to press on the area to 'feel' it.

Second shot about 3 months later: Sore for about 3 days.

None of the malaise feeling, very minor sore arm. Like the flu shot but lasting two days longer.

I have recently heard that the Shingrix is in short supply and will be thru quarter 3 of this year. It is running about $159 cash price with no discounts at Costco and most Medicare Part D will cover with some type of copay, unless you are meeting a deductible.
If you've had Zostavax or shingles in the past it is still suggested that you get the new Shingrix vaccine as Zostavax's effectiveness (while the best at the time) can decrease to 50% by year 4 and its even less in older people i.e. 18% in 80+ year olds.
I think you are playing with fire if you think you can catch it in time to treat it. The symptoms aren't always that obvious, and I suspect that something that starts out mild (and maybe not so noticeable at first) could become much worse over time. Those ones I've heard of that spread to the eye - I don't think they started there.

It's not like I'm hearing of tons of side effects from the shot. That might be different.

And what about side effects from that early treatment?


My Dad just got it and it was first just a pain in his side, no rash at all. Was diagnosed as a muscle pull in an urgent care visit. Days later the rash broke out. He did get the drug but it was well after 48 hours, more like a week.
I got the first Shingrix shot yesterday, and my arm was sore enough that I couldn't sleep on that side last night. This morning I woke up to a headache, muscle soreness everywhere, and feeling pretty crummy all the way round. I plan to take it easy today instead of working out or bike riding. And my arm still hurts a lot, especially if I try to raise it up.

I will get the second shot in 60 days (if it is available). I had it done at Kaiser, and there was no charge. I was on a wait-list for this vaccine for a few months.
I had the less effective vaccine a few years ago.
I received jab #1 of the Shingrx vaccine after a routine PCP visit yesterday. It was listed on my UPMC (Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center) Healthtrak (electronic medical record) list of things I needed to do. The nurse came into the room after the doc left and explained that UPMC has not been clear about billing for this vaccine and even though I have a UPMC PPO plan through my former employer and they are a UPMC owned office, I might be charged up to $250/shot. She said they were not administering many of the vaccines because of this. I signed 2 waivers that said I would be responsible for the cost if UPMC declined to pay. I am not yet on Medicare.

About 6 hours after the shot the shoulder where I got it was very sore. A few hours later I felt flu-ish with a fever, headache and muscle aches. I am better today but feel weak. I had no reaction after the older Zostavax live vaccine 2 years ago. I will get jab #2 in October.

Received a statement from UPMC today. They covered my Shingrix vaccine at zero cost to me after all. I rather suspected they would since it was listed in my EMR as something I needed to get.
I've already dropped outta this but since this one popped up, I just wanted to finish with this, for the record.

=ivinsfan;2057145]Educational in what way?

I hear what people are really thinking and how they relate/respond to things.

So you can keep telling people how wrong headed they are according to you that is. This is a valuable thread about how to pay for the vaccine and people's side effects. What's your purpose in baiting posters?

Nothing I said implied any of that nor would it cause anyone to infer that's what was on my mind. This is one of the things I learn about people. It was a discussion, to include questions, about shingles/Shingrix

The topic was shingles/Shingrix. Not moi ;-)
I've already dropped outta this but since this one popped up, I just wanted to finish with this, for the record.

I hear what people are really thinking and how they relate/respond to things.

Nothing I said implied any of that nor would it cause anyone to infer that's what was on my mind. This is one of the things I learn about people. It was a discussion, to include questions, about shingles/Shingrix

The topic was shingles/Shingrix. Not moi ;-)
"toi" was trolling a little, peut etre?
Field report on my experience with the second Shingrix vaccine, yesterday. Very little pain at the shot. About 10 hours later, I began having chills. All my strength was gone. Went to bed. Had a fever all night. Every hour or so, I had to get up and empty the bladder. Each time after going poddy, I fell back to sleep right away. This went on for 13 hours. I never sleep 13 hours. Woke up at 10:15 AM with a massive caffeine withdrawal headache. That was easily fixed. I am OK, now. Today will be a low activity day.

First Shingrix shot had flu symptons but nothing this bad.

I believe it is still worth it, but just letting you know. Maybe you are not a weakling, like me.
I’m due for my second round. After the first shot, I had flu-like chills over night. Was hoping #2 wouldn’t be so bad, but if it’s worse... ugh. Wondering if I should get it as early as possible or as late as possible in the day? I struggle to get good sleep as it is.

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