What did you do today? 2018 version

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It's been 5 and 1/2 years since I've ER'd. Yeah!!! Everything is going great. I have time to take my dog to the dog park every day. Volunteer at the animal shelter daily, just taking the dogs out for a short walk since that's the only time they get to go outside and get fresh air and see the sky and walk on grass etc. It's just so nice to have all this time to do what I'd like to do. Have time to go to the gym daily and try out new recipes and meet friends for coffee and donuts! It's just so awesome each and every day!
Having a new mattress delivered. Checked out a furniture store, Costco, and the Chicago appliance store Abt. Abt won for price and delivery. I just took the tag off the old one and it says Marshall Fields (moment of silence), which was turned into Macy’s in July 2006. So much of our things were from Marshall Field, including my 40-plus-year-old three speed bike, our living room carpeting, our couch.... This mattress is probably 20 years old and actually isn’t in too bad condition. Great memories of breakfast in bed with the kids in it on birthdays (not to mention the after-hours fun with DH woowoo), so I’m lounging on it with my nostalgia for all things Marshall Field until the Abt guys take it away.

I LOVED Marshall Fields too. Really miss it!
My wife said it was the 20th time I had asked that.

Some years ago DW had some surgery and was severely afflicted with the forgets in the recovery room. I was there talking with her as she slowly came around and we had exactly the same conversation over and over. By the fifth or sixth time I was laughing uncontrollably every time she started another round, and of course she had no idea why. The funniest part was that my explanation for my laughter was part of the conversation, every single time.
:facepalm: :LOL:
Unless you have a family history of colon Cancer ,have had positive polyps or had colon cancer. If you have either of these they recommend the scope every year and if clear every five years .

Mo, my Doc said I was clear @74 and he did not recommend any further colonoscopies. Maybe this is new thinking? Maybe it has something to do with Medicare? A couple of my local friends were told the same thing by their Doc's.
Well, I will just say that I am among the high risk, and I do not mind having it every 5 years. :)
Went in for my annual blood draw and then had a good dim sum lunch to comp myself for the needle stick.
Heck, compare my colonoscopy hassle to that I should have comp'ed myself with 2 lbs of Wagyu beef, followed by 1/4 bottle of XO.

But I didn't. :facepalm:
Mo, my Doc said I was clear @74 and he did not recommend any further colonoscopies. Maybe this is new thinking? Maybe it has something to do with Medicare? A couple of my local friends were told the same thing by their Doc's.

This thinking has been around a while - MIL got an all clear 9 years ago at 80 and was told there was no need for further colonoscopies
Don't make the mistake of 2 pounds of wagyu before your torpedo procedure - :)

I'm low risk, so I send in the annual stool sample. That's worth a trip to the sushi bar!
That happened on the 1st colonoscopy, but not on the 2nd, nor the 4th. I was fully awake on the 3rd with no sedation, as it was a sigmoidoscopy. I think it depends on what they use to knock you out. And why they use different drugs, I don't know.

I'm in the high-risk, every-five-year club with colonoscopies starting at a young age. My first one they told me I wouldn't remember anything but I recall every second of it. I thought seeing my insides on the monitor was kind of cool. The second one was much the same. My third one, a couple of years ago, they knocked me out completely and said that was the standard procedure now. I have to say I liked that the best.

The doc at my first one called the anesthesia the "Michael Jackson drug." :LOL:

Glad you had a clean bill of health.
Today I bought and installed a new router. I got an Orbi mesh router. Setup was super easy and my WiFi appliances (like my iPad) are working noticeably better. All good. My other router kept losing the internet connection and needed rebooted. Sometimes several times a day. I can only hope that this new router solves that problem, but so far, I’m happy with the results. FWIW, I got the base with one satellite unit at Costco for $199. They had a better deal (in percentage terms) on the two satellite unit, but it was more expensive and my small house just doesn’t need that kind of power/coverage.
It's been a long morning. Around 4:00 AM I was woke by one of our little dogs. Thing was up in my face and shaking. I couldn't figure out what she was upset about, when the smoke alarm went bleep to indicate low battery. It wasn't going to wake me up but she sure did. I got up, cursed the 10' ceilings, and got the ladder. The dog was still shaking and upset. She finally laid down next to me, she will never touch me when she lays, today she snuggled up to me.

DW had a dental appointment, normally I'd do gym but really wasn't up to it. I've been adding extra weight, that has created some joint pains, a day off was good. Instead I drove to Durango for some medical cannabis. Didn't need it yet, but hey. Sunny day, fun drive even with tourists still around.

Couldn't figure out what some folks were doing on one side of the road going down. On the way back it became obvious they were sighting in rifles. A few miles past them there were a bunch of identical, ugly looking, brown horses walking around. On second glance they were a bunch of cow elk, heading straight to the folks with rifles. They were really heading towards lower altitude.
Mo, my Doc said I was clear @74 and he did not recommend any further colonoscopies. Maybe this is new thinking? Maybe it has something to do with Medicare? A couple of my local friends were told the same thing by their Doc's.

This thinking has been around a while - MIL got an all clear 9 years ago at 80 and was told there was no need for further colonoscopies

The truth is that most people in their 80s can't handle the rigor of cancer treatments, i.e. radiation, surgery, and chemo. Not when they are already weak with high blood pressure, diabetes, and who knows what other ailments.

And even with younger people, the above treatments don't work all the time. But at least the younger people have a better chance.

Look at Senator McCain for example. I was surprised to see he went so quickly after the announcement that he stopped treatment.
Well, I will just say that I am among the high risk, and I do not mind having it every 5 years. :)

I wouldn't either if in a high risk bracket. I had one earlier this year and got a clear report. My first was also clear 10 years ago. The doc said come back in 10 years but I will be 74 then so will see how I am at that time. If my health has gone to hell I probably won't fool with another one. But if still going strong, I probably will.

Haven't done much today other than had the oil changed and tires rotated in my SUV. Grilled some chicken earlier and steamed some mixed veggies for lunch. About time to pop a top on a cold one. ;)
It was so hot today that we could not cook dinner (we don't have A/C), so the young wife and I went out. They were having trivia contest at the bar/restaurant. We won! They gave us a $20 gift certificate.
Drove my father in his new Model 3 to the Central Valley to pick up some belongings left by his late younger brother. Boy, that car is quick. Nice to come out from the Harris Ranch restaurant to find the car fully charged at the Supercharger and ready to go in just an hour.
Made plane and rental car reservations to visit DS for six days. Car rental through AAA with member discount would have been $400 all in. Costco member rate is $260 all in. No brainer.
My neighbour is renovating.

So I took my motorhome and drove for 30 minutes. Now I am by the sea looking out on a modern lighthouse while enjoying my dinner. Some liver paté and a couple of beers. The only slight sound is a slight breeze. And me burping.

Quite good!
My neighbour is renovating.

So I took my motorhome and drove for 30 minutes. Now I am by the sea looking out on a modern lighthouse while enjoying my dinner. Some liver paté and a couple of beers. The only slight sound is a slight breeze. And me burping.

Quite good!

Perfect use of ER!
Mo, my Doc said I was clear @74 and he did not recommend any further colonoscopies. Maybe this is new thinking? Maybe it has something to do with Medicare? A couple of my local friends were told the same thing by their Doc's.
I did not make myself clear . I meant if you have a history of colon cancer or positive polyps and your last screening is negative they may let you go 5 years between screenings . People that do not have a history and are over a certain age they are letting go without screening sometimes due to the danger of possible complications .
Sadly I didn't get a photo, but I'm still shaking if that's any condolence!

Our dogs started barking at something, they acted really weird. I went out back and saw something in an open space 20 yards away, thought it was the back end of a young deer. Well it was brown. It took off running and I saw my first ever mountain lion running behind our house. Holy crap, those things are big!

I'd like to get a better view. DW says she doesn't want to go looking. [emoji12]
Finished loading the truck and went to the dump and got rid of some scrap lumber and yard debris. Next was going to the feed store to pick up some grain for the sheep.
Then came home and fed said sheep and switched out my old entertainment center for a newer one.
Relaxed for a bit watching tv on it's new stand.
Making dinner is next on the list. Was supposed to go into town for a free BBQ my congregation was putting on but I forgot :(
Sadly I didn't get a photo, but I'm still shaking if that's any condolence!

Our dogs started barking at something, they acted really weird. I went out back and saw something in an open space 20 yards away, thought it was the back end of a young deer. Well it was brown. It took off running and I saw my first ever mountain lion running behind our house. Holy crap, those things are big!

I'd like to get a better view. DW says she doesn't want to go looking. [emoji12]

I've seen them a couple of times around my place too. I also was surprised by how big they are.
Sat out at the point watching the sun set over the lake while hummingbirds and butterflies flitted about the butterfly bushes and jewelweed. Priceless.
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