Now that you are FIREd, what type of clothes do you wear?

We went to a wedding last Saturday evening. DW said I should wear a sport coat with a white shirt and a tie. I probably have 50 ties and a few suits/sport jackets.


Now it's extremely casual, or as DW says, "I dress like a homeless person"...:D
So CA has been so chilly that I’ve been wearing long underwear under my clothes. My usual winter outfit is yoga pants and a nylon workout shirt. Summer is bike or gym shorts with a cotton tank top. These outfits are for the house, the gym, or running errands.

For social occasions, jeans or black slacks with a cute top in the winter, sundress or nice shorts with a cute top for summer. Tennis shoes or boots in winter, flip flops or Teva Tirra sandals in summer.

For business events at the local university, I wear black slacks with a top and jacket, a nice businesslike dress, or a suit. I got rid of most of my former work clothes but kept some favorites for this purpose.

I spent a lot on clothes the first year of ER, as I needed a new shoe and casual clothes selection. Less now that I have most needs covered.
Very infrequently I'll wear jeans or casual pants. Mostly well worn cargo shorts and a lightweight button shirt. Never did like t-shirts, in our warm/hot humid climate I sweat easily and find the t's just get damp and clingy. The cotton/poplin shirts dry quicker and don't cling.
BTW most of my clothes are bought on sale. Just bought 2 nice pair of jeans from Cabelas for $15 each.
In Florida year round, sweats and a t shirt. Hoodie maybe a few times in Jan and Feb. My PJ pants I wear to the store. It's hard to tell it's PJ. I don't miss dry cleaning and ironing shirts. And also a hat. The FL sun is intense. When I'm outside even in the brutal heat I wear long pants and a long sleeve 'LL bean cotton shirt. The bugs and the snakes are everywhere and one rattler crawled up my leg when I was near the palm trees by the side of my home. I screamed like a little girl.
I wore suits every day to work but dressed casually (usually jeans or shorts) evenings and weekends. In retirement it is casual all the time with very little clothes expenses. I upgrade to "business casual" for dinners at high end restaurants. I lost 35 pounds a few years after RE so I ended up giving my work suits to Goodwill. I bought one nice dark gray suit for weddings and funerals.
Short/Henley's Long Sleeve/Flip Flops when at home and running around town.

Boots/Jeans/Tee and Henley's Long Sleeve when at the ranch.
I have 6 custom suits that I paid about $2000 each, I'm 6'5" and weigh 230#. I wear a size 14 or 15 shoe. I have never been able to buy anything off the rack, and I probably wouldn't even if could. I wear flannel and jeans during the winter/fall and shorts/tees/golf shirts in summer. I wear my old mine clothes (jeans, blue workshirt with yellow glow stripes) when working around house or my properties.
Summer: gym shorts, t-tshirts
Winter: jeans, flannel shirts

I sometimes wear a dress shirt with my jeans when going out somewhere, only because I still have a closet full of them.

Last year I spent a total of $68.97 on clothing.
During the Winter, I am usually in a pair of Wrangler jeans, a long sleeved "T", and a pullover sweatshirt with socks, and slip on shoes (trying to stay warm). During the Summer, I wear as little as possible, usually just a pair of shorts, or swimsuit, and bare footed most of the time.
During the winter basically jeans, long sleeved shirt, jacket if necessary and some hikers for shoes. For warmer weather - shorts, a short sleeved shirt (polo or Hawaiian), and topsiders.

I think I kept 3 suits, a couple of sport coats and a few pairs of slacks, but frankly I have not worn any of them since December or before. Unless there is a wedding or funeral I don’t foresee wearing them...
My DD can’t stand my winter at home uniform of plaid pj pants with a different plaid long sleeve flannel shirt. I couldn’t care less what I look like at home and I love cotton. I have a few outfits for weddings or funerals and an occasional visit to church. Other than that jeans or cargo shorts and flannel shirt, sweat shirt, golf shirt or t-shirt depending on weather and what I’m doing.
Noticed that by dressing too casual I don't get the same type of waiter service than the other guy who dressed up at the restaurant. Maybe the waiter thinks I won't tip well. But I still will give the customary 15% if service is good.
My wife says I should have been a model with how many wardrobe changes I do in a day! My order is: 1) sleep wear 2) workout clothing (I go to the gym at 7:30 after I drop off the kids) 3) Shower and get into 511’s or shorts 4) change to do activities with kids 5) night wear.

Now my sleep wear and night wear might be the same. Shorts/ sweatpants / or lounge pants. Active wear depends on temperature too: shorts / sweatpants/ or wind breaker pants.

1 outfit usually will last me 1 week before I put it in the washing machine too.

90% of the time its t-shirts and shorts or 511’s.

We both have big walk in closets, but, mine has transformed into a storage facility!
When I moved to Los Angeles from NYC to open an office for my company, I was asked to bid on a huge project. In my best 3 pc suit went to the meeting where the Banker in charge, who was wearing a button down short sleeve shirt said “congratulations”. I asked what for and he said for my wedding. Obviously I was not getting married and told him so, to which he replied “then my condolences”. Still confused I asked again why, and he explained that in LA you wear a suit like that for your wedding or a funeral and that is it.

I was reminded of that last night as I am going through all my clothes to decide what stays and what goes to our new 2nd home. Besides the things that don’t fit and never will there were many suits that I haven’t worn in 15 years or more. Some had been munched on by moths but all are being given away.

Besides my tux and one dark suit for formal nights on cruises got rid of all my suits and dress shirts that use cuff links.

Am I a sloth? Mostly no, except when painting or such, but formal dress or office work clothes, and the related expense have no place in my life and paying hundreds or thousands for a suit now seems absolutely crazy and wasteful to me. Of course where I live in Uruguay there isn’t one fancy restaurant that requires even a jacket for men. That helps. Another budget benefit of retirement!
I usually wear shorts or dresses & flip flops for when I'm cleaning, working on things, running errands or just goofing off. This part of TX tends to have a lot of warm/ hot humid days, so less is more. Comfort is the key & I live mainly in cotton.

In winter I add a sweater, or wear Ts with capris or jeans + sneakers.

I wear my biz casual clothes when I need to look decent- meeting friends or working on volunteer duties. My last few years working I ditched the suits, wearing them only when in meetings with very senior (VP or higher) folks. By the time I retired, I'd only bought new things that I knew I'd wear after my office days ended- so I didn't buy much. I've given away a ton of stuff and continue to do so.

Hubby has a few nice winter & summer shirts and the rest are Ts, shorts, jeans & Hawaiian shirts. He does have a summer & winter suit for weddings/ funerals, but they don't get much wear! We've taken things to the dry cleaner maybe 4 times this year... That has been a real budget cut for us- except now there is a bunch more laundry!
When I retired, I got rid of most of my dress shirts and ties, along with my tux. The only reason I still have one dark suit and a blazer is for formal nights on the cruises we go on. When we travel, I always buy a t-shirt or two. I have a great one from the Nazca lines, along with ones from the Falkland Islands and Tahiti.

I live in Southern CA, so most of the time my attire is like many here: T-shirt, shorts, and crocks. If we are going into town, golf shirts, slacks, and deck shoes.
Jeans, jeans, jeans. Shorts in summer. Plus a collared shirt.

My suits, jackets, ties, dress shoes went a year or so after retirement. One suit left and it will soon be gone.
Jeans, jeans, jeans. Shorts in summer. Plus a collared shirt.

My suits, jackets, ties, dress shoes went a year or so after retirement. One suit left and it will soon be gone.

Wouldn't you need one suit just for weddings/funerals?
Lots of yoga clothes, with a long sweater of jacket as needed. Jeans to dress up in. A few skirts and dresses for nicer things too. Shorts and t-shirts, lots of t-shirts as I am still quite a bit warmer than my DH in the winter months.

I have been retired from my downtown office job for almost 6 years now (!) so most of my work clothes and shoes are gone. Hard to believe I dressed up every day for many years.
Wouldn't you need one suit just for weddings/funerals?

We try to avoid both. So far so good. But if needed it would be business casual at best for me. I do not think I could bring myself to putting on a suit that probably does not fit properly anyway, and could be moth eaten for all I know.
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We have 4 seasons here so the way I dress changes constantly. Also, I spend some time in the country (giving a hand to my father on his hobby farm) but I live in the city, where people are always dressed up.

Shorts and flip flop would only be appropriate on a summer vacation.
Jeans every day in the colder weather with a pullover shirt. Shorts and short-sleeve shirt, or sleeveless tee, in warm weather. Oh, and I usually shave just twice a week.

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