Hair today gone tomorrow

"Got a spot on the top of my head, begging for a new toupee
And a tire on my gut from sitting on my
But they're never gonna go away"

5 bonus points for the artist and song title.....
Harry Chapin, W*O*L*D
If you get a toupee, I suggest getting a color update regularly. nothing worse than a dark toupee on very gray surrounding natural hair. As the eyesight fades so does the judgement calls on things like this.
I'm a big fan of this product.

I used to ride in the elevator with a guy who used this. Hot days he had "head paint" running down his face.
DO NOT get a hair piece. As much as you think it is unnoticeable, it is noticeable. My FIL had one. Ugly.
My hairline receded into my 40's. I made a commitment to myself to never have a comb over. I finally shaved it all off about 7 years ago. I love it. My wife loves it. People think I am 10 years younger than I am because I have no gray hairs to be judged by. Other bald guys come up and talk to me just because we are bald. No shampoo, no hair cuts, no worry about the wind. I shave it every other day. Takes me 5 minutes or less. I would never go back to having hair.
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Hats. A nice looking hat adds an air of mystery and intrigue to a man. Just make sure it’s properly matched to the clothes and the occasion.

I am not so sure about this. Every time I see an older guy wearing a hat, I always think that his hair is thinning and he is too embarrassed about it so he is covering it up. Look at Mike Love of the Beach Boys or Ron Howard. Always wearing a hat. Stuuuuupid.
A guy I knew no had a hairpiece says it is like having a pet. It requires constant care and attention, and the ongoing costs can be expensive for a high quality piece.
A guy I knew no had a hairpiece says it is like having a pet. It requires constant care and attention, and the ongoing costs can be expensive for a high quality piece.

My FIL had mannequin head he would keep the piece on. As much as he tried to blend it with the air on the side, you could always still see a break in fake vs real. That and no scalp showing. Always a dead giveaway.
My friend stopped her hair loss with rogaine and the hair came back. She uses it daily for the past 20 years.
DO NOT get a hair piece. As much as you think it is unnoticeable, it is noticeable. My FIL had one. Ugly.
My hairline receded into my 40's. I made a commitment to myself to never have a comb over. I finally shaved it all off about 7 years ago. I love it. My wife loves it. People think I am 10 years younger than I am because I have no gray hairs to be judged by. Other bald guys come up and talk to me just because we are bald. No shampoo, no hair cuts, no worry about the wind. I shave it every other day. Takes me 5 minutes or less. I would never go back to having hair.


It's really a case of gaining scalp, not losing hair. Preen the sheen my bald brother!:greetings10:
I went through a period of sudden large bald spots. Minoxidil and saw palmetto helped a lot and some topical steroid use. But mine wasn’t male pattern baldness as I am female. It was an autoimmune condition called alopecia areata. Fortunately most of my hair is back on my head, still missing a lot on arms and legs.

Does a woman need hairy arms and legs? :confused: Instead, I thought women spend a lot on Nair.
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I just let it happen and like many said, just went with a short cut. One thing I most always have to do is tell the lady, not to keep what’s left on top long. I comb my hair straight back. They like to keep length on top. I tell them a comb over is a comb over even if the direction is front to back. No toupee or come over for me. Just have to come to terms with who you are. If I cared what people think of me, and to some extent I do, I’d work more on my physique. I think that will look better and distinguish you more from other guys (in a good way) than a toupee on your head.
OP here,
I made an appointment today to get fitted for a toupee and then cancelled the appointment. I just got my hair cut short. It looks better. I think this is the best I can do. I almost got a toupee but in the end decided against it and just went with it short all around and the bald spot doesn't stand out as much. It is what it is.
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As the old joke goes:

Person 1: "Is that a toupee?"

Person 2: "Yes it is."

Person 1: "Wow, you'd never know it!"
Does a woman need hairy arms and legs? :confused: Instead, I thought women spend a lot on Nair.

Just because we shave, doesn’t mean we can’t tell when hair is missing.

I never shaved my arms.

It’s a bit weird when it’s splotchy.
OP here,
I made an appointment today to get fitted for a toupee and then cancelled the appointment. I just got my hair cut short. It looks better. I think this is the best I can do. I almost got a toupee but in the end decided against it and just went with it short all around and the bald spot doesn't stand out as much. It is what it is.

Congrats on a great decision.

I have to agree with this:

(hot take from a woman): Hair pieces on men are worse than botox or filler-duck-lips on women.

If you do end up going that route, make sure it's something that you update regularly, as your hair color and texture will change, and when your system doesn't match perfectly it stands out even more.

Far better to just trim what's left and deal. I'm guessing your DW or SO would agree.

I told my husband when we were first dating that a toupee or comb over would be grounds for divorce.... Fortunately, he listened. He's got grey balding hair - which he keeps trimmed short. Very attractive look for him. Much much much better than a comb over or toupee.
BIL said that the smarter he got the more his head poked out.
In a similar vein, I have heard that at a certain age, a man can simultaneously be 'Too Tall for His Hair' and 'Too Short for His Weight'...

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