Baseball 2019

I recall reading a statistical analysis of the home field advantage across multiple sports some years ago. The math suggested that the primary contributor was bad umpiring in the home team's favor, likely subconsciously influenced by the crowd. Now with instant replay able to reduce the number of bad calls, perhaps the advantage for home teams (which was small) is diminishing.
When I looked after game 5, I saw a study that said baseball was least affected by the home field advantage, and hockey had the most. Perhaps that's due to the crowd influence on the officiating, since hockey possibly has the most judgement calls. But baseball is the one sport of the big 4 where the home team actually has an advantage in the game in that it gets to bat last, plus each field is unique so you could build a team that better suits your park. I also remember reading something about hockey years ago, that suggested the enthusiasm of the home crowd could be a disadvantage as players might push too hard and get out of position. Dunno.
One more chance tonight to live down the name that so many Houston sports teams have earned many times in the past. Choke City.
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When I looked after game 5, I saw a study that said baseball was least affected by the home field advantage, and hockey had the most. Perhaps that's due to the crowd influence on the officiating, since hockey possibly has the most judgement calls. But baseball is the one sport of the big 4 where the home team actually has an advantage in the game in that it gets to bat last, plus each field is unique so you could build a team that better suits your park. I also remember reading something about hockey years ago, that suggested the enthusiasm of the home crowd could be a disadvantage as players might push too hard and get out of position. Dunno.

I think it is also due to the momentum type sports, in which Baseball is probably the least of the Big 4.
I always felt basketball had the big home field advantage, but who knows all the reasons.
Yikes. A beautiful game but too much attention absorbed by antiquated rules and poor judgement. The runner ruled to have interfered with the throw was improperly called out in the very first at bat in the game which was overturned on replay.
"Today the cities of Houston and Washington announced they have traded their entire baseball team for the other's. Next year the Astros will play 81 games in Washington, and the Nationals 81 in Houston. Excellent seasons are expected from both teams."
Yikes. A beautiful game but too much attention absorbed by antiquated rules and poor judgement. The runner ruled to have interfered with the throw was improperly called out in the very first at bat in the game which was overturned on replay.

they have their eyes on that guy
One more chance tonight to live down the name that so many Houston sports teams have earned many times in the past. Choke City.

I don't think being down 0-2 then coming back to 3-3 is really a choke, but yes, we choke a lot
Yikes. A beautiful game but too much attention absorbed by antiquated rules and poor judgement.

What is this antiquated rule that you speak of?

What poor judgment?

The runner ruled to have interfered with the throw was improperly called out in the very first at bat in the game which was overturned on replay.

Yes, that is why they have replay. It only took a minute and a half.
I thought Baseball more than other sports benefited from home field advantage as the home team got to sculpt their park to their team. The Astrodome was known as a pitchers park, I have heard, due to the distance to the fences it was hard to hit home runs. The Juice box, is more of a hitters park. Other than the distance between home plate and the bases, I don't know if there are min or max distances to the fences, but, I believe the home team gets to reconfigure the park prior to the start of a season. I have no idea what are the limits.
I don't think being down 0-2 then coming back to 3-3 is really a choke, but yes, we choke a lot

The only game that really counts is tonight.

If they play as well as I know they can, they'll win, since I do believe they are the best team. If not, they probably won't since the Nat's will be going all out for this one!
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The Nats are a team of destiny.

All teams have been thought of the same way at one time or another for 100+ years.

Look at the Yankee's record for the last decade and see what they have accomplished as a "destiny" type team.

Even though I live in Houston, I believe the Nats will win tonight. However, my lifetime sports betting record is one which caused me to go to work for a living.:facepalm:
What is this antiquated rule that you speak of?

What poor judgment?

Yes, that is why they have replay. It only took a minute and a half.
Well, yes except the replay was not to rule on the accuracy of the call. The call was not reviewable. The only thing they did was "review" whether the Nats could protest the call. The ruling was they could not.

So, that was a terrible call exacerbated by a delay. Nats manager got bit upset. Understandably, as that call could have turned the series.
Well, yes except the replay was not to rule on the accuracy of the call. The call was not reviewable. The only thing they did was "review" whether the Nats could protest the call. The ruling was they could not.

So, that was a terrible call exacerbated by a delay. Nats manager got bit upset. Understandably, as that call could have turned the series.
Why was it a terrible call? The runner is supposed to be running on the outside of the line that far down the line. The first baseman understandably was thrown off by the batter/runner barreling right toward him.
Go Astros!!

It looks like it was interference to me. I think the Nats are an amazing team but be prepared tonight for the ASTROS to TAKE IT BACK!! Go Astros!!!

Game 7 is one for the ages, very tight and tense. Nats have scored 3 in the 7th to take a 3-2 lead.
Game 7 is one for the ages, very tight and tense. Nats have scored 3 in the 7th to take a 3-2 lead.
It's not over till the fat lady sings......Go Astros!!

Update----she just sang. The Nats had a great game and series. Weird series - road team won every game.
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Quite a game. Congrats to the Nationals. First time in MLB (or NHL or NBA) history the road teams won the games in a 7 games series.
Why was it a terrible call? The runner is supposed to be running on the outside of the line that far down the line. The first baseman understandably was thrown off by the batter/runner barreling right toward him.
Not crossing the bag he is not. Just a bad throw.
I had to run out just at the end of the game and did not see the last out or the presentation of the trophy. When I got home, they were awarding the MVP (nice car) to a basically empty stadium. Question, did the Huston fans stick around for the awarding of the World Series trophy? Or, did they just leave when the game ended, which would be totally rude.
One more chance tonight to live down the name that so many Houston sports teams have earned many times in the past. Choke City.
History repeats itself. Once again, defeat is snatched from the jaws of victory.

They had this one won until the 7th inning.... :facepalm:
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