Origin of your ER.org user name?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 14, 2016
Washington State
It's always interesting to see peoples user names on the ER forum. Some are straightforward, some are funny, some leave me guessing. How did you come up with your user name? Does it mean anything?

When I signed up on the forum a few years ago, my life revolved around my business. I live on a mountain and I write computer software, so mountainsoft seemed like a logical choice. No, it has nothing to do with being soft and cuddly. :)

I would probably choose something different if I were to sign up today, but that's what I went with at the time.
Biblical reference. I like the verse.

Also, it's unlikely to be a username that someone else would pick, so I can use it anywhere and have the convenience of one username everywhere. So if you see a secondcor521 elsewhere, it's probably me.

Someone once thought I had had a second heart attack on May 21st. Nope.
When I was very young, I read a book called the ShockWave Rider. Ever since then I dropped the "C" and used the name, first as my CB handle in the UK, then the name of our boat (Long Gone), then my first web site / BBS (Bulletin Board) called "The ShokWave" and so on. I have used it ever since for most things that require such. I would estimate about 52 years.

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I didn't know I'd stay so long and didn't frequent forums. When it asked for a username I got flustered and decided on "Tadpole" to convey I was highly unsophisticated when compared to the FIRE crowd. I just wanted to ask questions about stuff like paying my mortgage off. That was 2004. I never left and never changed the username.
The first submarine I served on was the USS Lewis and Clark, SSBN 644.

As far as I know, it was the only ship in the Navy named after two people.
Mine is obvious.
It is the name I use on 99% of fora that I participate in.

I believe in publicly standing up for your comments.
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When I joined this forum, I was a few years away from retiring - just didn't quite have the $$$ together yet. So, instead of being SomeDay, I thought I'd be SUMDay, since it was all adding up the $$$.
Since 1988, I work for a business that makes synthetic latex products for many, many applications, the most common one being house paint. I have been directly and indirectly involved in the design and construction of many plants and dozens of reactor lines around the world.

So, along the lines of Tony Stark, I am . . . Latexman. :cool:

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Callsign for 20 years in the Navy was Corn. I flew F/A-18s.
Even after all these years...bewitched bothered bewildered am I.
As a person I am calm and low key. with just a bit of a twist.
When I was a teenager I befriended a young lass and she once took me water-skiing behind the family boat. As I was in the water with the ski rope in my hand I noticed that "PB4USKI" was on the stern of the boat. I always thought it was clever. Since I also snow ski, it seemed appropriate.

I have been amused at how long it has taken some member to see the light on the meaning.
Assumed you worked for Vandelay Industries.
"...and you want to be my latex man."
Since 1988, I work for a business that makes synthetic latex products for many, many applications, the most common one being house paint. I have been directly and indirectly involved in the design and construction of many plants and dozens of reactor lines around the world.

So, along the lines of Tony Stark, I am . . . Latexman. :cool:

Mine...lack of imagination.
I used the name on a sister site, Discuss Cooking. My wife is an excellent cook, and I do the prep and cleanup, hence the name Souschef.
I just carried it over to this site.
Back in the day before GPS navigation, people would ask me all the time for directions. One of DW’s friends nicknamed me Ronstar because I was like Onstar.
Miss Hathaway was a character on the sitcom The Beverly Hillbillies when I was in grade school. I thought she was SO old. I could not imagine that I would ever be that old. Now I look like Miss Hathaway.
When I was a young teenager, while browsing the yellow pages (since there was no internet at the time), I noticed the name of a dive bar, and thought it was pretty funny. Since I haven't since progressed much from my teenage humor level, I decided to adopt it. In hindsight maybe I wish I would have picked something a bit more sophisticated.
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