I Voted

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We called the Supervisor of Elections today in FLA. They actually answered the phone. They said just take our unfilled mail ballots to the Polling place and they will take it and issue us a regular in person ballot.
I marked my mail in ballot this morning with the proper black ink keeping the mark in the box and completely filling the space as advised. Signed and sealed the envelope and will drop in the mail at the post office when I make the lunch rounds. Postage paid too!
I visit an outdoor site and there has been a thread started on this subject. Some on there have voted by mail already and have gotten another absentee ballot in the mail after they have already voted.

Interesting and they few I read are from different states.
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Started filling out my mail-in ballot yesterday. Still researching some of the candidates, but I noticed something I haven't seen before.

Two offices have no candidates listed, just a space for a write-in.
Another has "Vote for Four" but only three candidates and four write-in spaces.

These are just local county offices, but I wonder why nobody is interested enough to file for them.
..........These are just local county offices, but I wonder why nobody is interested enough to file for them.
Next time, run for one of these offices and you'll find out.
We received our Florida vote by mail ballot on Oct. 9. We filled them out and dropped them off at a early voting drop off location on Oct. 12. Glad to have time to study the ballot at home to ponder all the proposed amendments to state constitution.
My DW and I voted a couple weeks ago and dropped our ballots off at the Election Center in town. Good to have it in.
Glad to see a steady flow of people at the in-person absentee ballot site. Now, how do I display my “I voted” sticker for the duration?
Today was our first day. I passed to let things calm down. Maybe TH. If not, next week.
First day of early voting in my county, and they have added tons of extra locations, and even have a live-ish showing on the official county site showing wait times so you know whether to try a less crowded location if your usual one is longer than you'd like.

Going tomorrow!
My wife and I dropped off our ballots this morning at the county supervisor of elections office. They were ready for lots of people like us, though we were the only people dropping off ballots at the time.
We all received our mail-in ballots Friday and returned them to our County Board of Elections office yesterday. It's has a small lobby and it was a bit tight on space, though people tried to distance. We were inside such a short time we could hold our breath.

We can track our ballots online now too, which is great. I voted absentee in California all the time, for 20 years. It seems more secure than the foolish machines we were using in PA (no paper trail).
I FINALLY received my requested mail-in ballot. Our county doesn't have the capability to track anything, and I don't think they care to. I'll take it inside a post office to mail back. Our wonderful governor has verily decreed that there shalt be only one ballot drop-off box per county, no matter how big of area or populous the county. It is a long drive in very nasty high-accident-rate traffic from my place to get there. So mail-back it will be.
We voted last week, and the website to check has our ballots marked as received.

There were some mess ups with other mail, a flatpack was mailed in state and after 2 months was returned. The address was clear and correct. We sent the pack by UPS and it was there in a few days.

After that, I had zero confidence in mailing, so we hand delivered our ballots.
The DW "decided" that we would vote today....:cool: Early voting started here in Texas yesterday.... We went during lunchtime (maybe a mistake) since it was the longest line I've ever seen here.... It still wasn't to bad since we were in and out in about 30 mins.
We voted by absentee ballot about 10 days ago now. Dropped off the ballot at the drop-box outside the city clerk's office. Very easy and quick. I like having the ballot at home to look over, as it gives me time to do any research I need to do on candidates and/or ballot proposals I'm not that familiar with.
I voted today, and glad to have that over and done with. My county has two secure drop boxes, and one is very convenient, only a mile from home.

I can't remember ever being less enthusiastic about all the major candidates on both sides, but to quote one of our greatest Presidents, "Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters."
I can't remember ever being less enthusiastic about all the major candidates on both sides,
I'm the exact opposite.... This was by far the easiest and important election choice I've ever made.
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Just got a second ballot in the mail yesterday from a county that I previously lived in. Wonder how many people will mail in multiple ballots from different counties. What a mess.
We voted early in-person in NC today. Arrived 10 minutes before they opened at 8am, there were already 175 people in line ahead of us. Took 2 hours to get to vote, 7 minutes to actually vote. The line was just as long when we left at 10am - so arriving early/late wouldn't have made any difference. The operation was well run though, thanks to all the volunteers. Could've been a lot worse.

Just make sure you vote however you choose to do so!
Just got a second ballot in the mail yesterday from a county that I previously lived in. Wonder how many people will mail in multiple ballots from different counties. What a mess.
As you hopefully know, that doesn't mean they would count more than one. Doesn't matter how many you get, only that you're vote counts once, no more no less.
We voted early in-person in NC today. Arrived 10 minutes before they opened at 8am, there were already 175 people in line ahead of us. Took 2 hours to get to vote, 7 minutes to actually vote. The line was just as long when we left at 10am - so arriving early/late wouldn't have made any difference. The operation was well run though, thanks to all the volunteers. Could've been a lot worse.

Just make sure you vote however you choose to do so!

I agree Midpack, I hope everyone votes! I have already voted by absentee ballot but I am seeing pictures of the early voting sites in my town (early voting started today) and the lines are the longest I have ever seen. I am glad so many people are enthusiastic about voting this year.
As you hopefully know, that doesn't mean they would count more than one. Doesn't matter how many you get, only that you're vote counts once, no more no less.

Not planning to vote twice, but I don't know that different counties do a cross check to make sure that only one ballot is counted.
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