Do you miss anything from your work days?

The catered lunches! :D

Whenever Subboards or other SMEs came for meetings onsite, we had amazing lunches catered for them. Once the royalty had eaten, we peasants were allowed to dine on whatever was not consumed by the ruling class. It was lovely. And free. And delicious.

Still not worth going back for, though! :LOL:
I miss the free toilet paper, soap, and paper towels.
Hey, somebody had to say it! ;)

And remember, when you're ER'd, all sick days are on you!

But seriously, it's been so long, I don't miss anything! And if I need reminding of that, an occasional work dream will fix that right up. Not being responsible for people anymore, having a big cut-back in hours in retirement vs. working, no commute, no work trips, stress cut waaay back, etc. has added years to my life.

For the first year, I DID feel a bit funny being out and about during the day. The only people out were moms with little kids, "old people", and undesirables. That changed long long before Covid-19 arrived. So many people started being out during the day, I wondered if anybody was working anywhere besides retail! There's almost no quiet time/no traffic time during the day anymore.
Must have been really special..... :)
From Wiki....
"A quark (/kwɔːrk, kwɑːrk/) is a type of elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter. Quarks combine to form composite particles called hadrons, the most stable of which are protons and neutrons, the components of atomic nuclei.[1]"

I guess this is why I never went very far in physics. Chemistry was more my style. After all, it was a lot easier to keep track of the four elements (air, earth, fire and water) than quarks which come in six flavors.

Returning you now to tonight's scheduled symposium.
I have been retired 7 years now. I cannot say that I missed anything when I first retired. I hit the ground running. I had reached burnout at work and felt like I was being held back from Life. Looking back on it now...Work was in the way of Life. My Life has expanded, many more friends to do things with and I am no longer held back. My "salary" now is larger than when I was working because of my investments. Life is really good.
I miss some hugs from clients, I was kinda a different lawyer.
I don't know. For me, it is a tough choice between the windowless basement cubicle and the annual performance review charade.

I did at least have a window- not that I had time to look through it. :LOL: My mega-corp had personal development plan that we had to submit yearly- it was so silly. The last few years, as I planned my escape, I cobbled up something or other as additional goals (as if there was much chance to do these tasks while being paid- more homework- UGH!). Everything else was about metrics & adherence to policy & procedures.

I miss absolutely nothing. :dance:
Love a lot of these comments. I miss absolutely nothing. So damn grateful my time is mine now. Like others have stated, I truly love my life!
I'm still w*rking, but about to retire. I've pulled back from management, sales and general corporate nonsense and have now fashioned a job where I just solve technical problems that others can't solve. I will miss solving the problems and most of all will miss teaching the younger folks, especially on those occasions where I believe the person actually can apply what I told them.

But our portfolio is more than big enough, I am tired of the crazy deadlines, unreasonable expectations and the scramble for billable hours. So in a month or so, will put in my notice.
I am in exactly the same place - working as a technical advisor. I think I have 6 months to go but may call it sooner.
I miss some of the people I used to work with and some of the people I used to see at conferences. I, however, stay in touch with some of them. I do not miss the annual reviews (either receiving or giving them) and personnel issues. By in large, I do not miss work. Pre Covid I had numerous other activities that filled in for the contact with people. I still research and write (local history), which offers intellectual stimulate without the pressure of deadlines, and I served on some boards, both public and private, but I have avoided getting overly obligated for things I do not want to do. Retirement does take planning, and it is not just financial planning.
I did at least have a window


Oh yeah. I forgot, my last assignment, the one I more or less created for myself, I too had a window. I recall watching herds of deer cavorting in the meadow/forest across the road. That had to be one of my favorite perquisites of that position.

Many of my years at Megacorp, I was "confined" to a lab or office in the bowels of a windowless "industrial" building. It's a good thing I pretty much enjoyed what I was doing or I could have become claustrophobic.

But, now my lanai and living room window (at home) look out on the Pacific Ocean. So, I guess the window office wasn't all that great after all. YMMV
Found out I miss absolutely nothing that leaning towards not going back when WFH is over.
For me. I don't miss the work, but I DO miss the travel to other countries, and particularly eating dishes I had never seen before.

I usually had a local counterpart to see me around. When it came time to eat, some would ask if I wanted to find "American" food. I always asked them to take me to a place they would like, and to order for me. Some were a little leery about this, but after being there a few times, they knew they could really order anything, and I would try it.

While I did get some unusual things, 90+% of the time I got something I would never have found on the menu, and really enjoyed.

How about you?

This is so absolutely cool! A few years back, I had the opportunity to travel to Paris for work a few times. There was one guy everyone hated to travel with. He would find the closest McDonald's and eat there. Fortunately, I never had to travel with him. If I had, I would have told him he was on his own! I don't even eat Mickey Ds when I'm home!

As to your question, ask me in 22 weeks...
The comments about windowless w*rkspaces remind me of a trip to Motorola's Florida Radio pager manufacturing catacombs. Marveled at the many people employed there.
Every j*ob I had a window, some was outdoors, with chartered airplanes, boats, trains and helicopters thrown in as fringe benefits.
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Honestly, when I had to travel 2+ weeks out of the month, it could become a grind. As some have noted, getting away from home has its benefits though. Sometimes I needed the time away to better appreciate what I had at home, and it was always so nice to get back home to DW. That part is probably what I miss the most...coming home to DW after being gone for a while. The last 14 years of the career, I lived in Japan, and most of my travel was overseas. I miss being able to associate with the friends I have in the 25 or so countries that I visited frequently. I do not miss the phrase “I’m here from Corporate, and I’m here to help.”
Honestly, when I had to travel 2+ weeks out of the month, it could become a grind.

That's variable though. I also traveled an enormous amount during my career, and I'll never forget one year early on when I actually made more money in per diem payments than my regular salary (which wasn't that much). The cool part was that I thoroughly enjoyed all the travel because I was single and loved going new places and learning new things.
Miss some of the people, some of the plant challenges but none of the corporate BS and office politics. Been off the work hamster wheel fifteen years now and couldn't be happier with no second thoughts or regrets about taking ER at 54 years of age.
For me. I don't miss the work, but I DO miss the travel to other countries, and particularly eating dishes I had never seen before.

I usually had a local counterpart to see me around. When it came time to eat, some would ask if I wanted to find "American" food. I always asked them to take me to a place they would like, and to order for me. Some were a little leery about this, but after being there a few times, they knew they could really order anything, and I would try it.

While I did get some unusual things, 90+% of the time I got something I would never have found on the menu, and really enjoyed.

How about you?
I miss the adrenaline rush and some of the people I served with.
I traveled a lot domestically, particularly in the years I was a lobbyist, I basically commuted to DC from Arkansas. Having a lavish expense account in that town was fun to be sure. I don't miss the work at all, but the wining and dining I do miss a little.
This is so absolutely cool! A few years back, I had the opportunity to travel to Paris for work a few times. There was one guy everyone hated to travel with. He would find the closest McDonald's and eat there. Fortunately, I never had to travel with him. If I had, I would have told him he was on his own! I don't even eat Mickey Ds when I'm home!

As to your question, ask me in 22 weeks...

So, I guess you are 22 weeks to RE? Congrats!

There was often one person in a larger group that HAD to have Mickey D's, or equivalent. That was their loss. If I have it twice a year, that is a lot.

Any way, different foods was a big plus to me. Everything from Chinese banquets to street food.

The few things I don't eat;
Fried bugs ( I might try them, but no desire)
Sea snails: BTDT, slimy, chewy and no flavor. But an honor to be served, so I ate some
Chicken feet: enough said, BTDT

But that is a short list. Things that I have enjoyed is much longer, but too long to list, a few are:
Baby octopus (must be eaten with chop sticks)
Whole fried river fish (Shanghai)
Pretty much anything served to me in Shanghai.
Any Lamb in North Africa
Pretty much any thing Moroccan or Tunisian or Israeli or middle eastern
I miss some of the people I worked with. I made some "work friends" and kept in touch with several but as the years have gone by those are fading.
I don't miss the work at all, but the wining and dining I do miss a little.

Yup, me too. Eating large on the Company dime was a fit reward for having to travel. I don't miss the airplane rides and the rent a cars, but I do miss the stone crabs!

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