This weather is awful!! 2008-2021

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I do believe we had a little bit of sleet (at least that's what it sounded like, I didn't bother to look) and about 1/8" of rain according to the gauge. So far all we've seen is a few snow flurries a couple of weeks ago, and you had to look hard for those. However I do have the snow blower moved up to the garage in preparation for the hoped-for blizzard that will snow rear-end deep to a giraffe.

DW does not want any snow at all and hopes that the snow blower will be returned to the shed in the spring with the gas tank still bone dry.
It was 80 F and sunny here (South Texas) today. I still have the A/C on in the house. According to the forecast, we will see cooler weather starting next Sunday. They are forecasting mid 30's at night and 60's during the day. It sure will be nice to get a little cool weather around here.
The big issue here in No. CA is all the trees and power lines down. Massive power outages. Waiting for Highway to reopen so I can head up and get Mom … who has no power … and bring her down to our place where we have power and a hearty dinner waiting.
It was 80 F and sunny here (South Texas) today. I still have the A/C on in the house. According to the forecast, we will see cooler weather starting next Sunday. They are forecasting mid 30's at night and 60's during the day. It sure will be nice to get a little cool weather around here.

Here in the upper southeast, I'm still harvesting lettuce. All I did was cover it on some of the cooler nights. This is crazy. We simply haven't had any serious cold.

There are hints that we could pay the price in about 2 weeks as the wave moves east.
This mornings dump. Weber for scale. 20211228_075352~2.jpg
we got just enough dusting to fill in the footprints here. Our next snow is Wednesday night/Thursday.
@1242vintage I hope you were able to retrieve DM safely.
I went out to supervise roomate de-icing his motorhome door. He had icicles that formed and threatened to lock him in, and damage the door. We got that sorted and I broomed the trucks and cars that were exposed, started the work truck and Ram for the first time in a week and a month, respectively. I am back in with shoes off waiting for my toes to turn on again.
Lake Tahoe got 16 ft of snow, setting a new record for snow in the month of December.
Lake Tahoe got 16 ft of snow, setting a new record for snow in the month of December.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Lots of snow that is for-sure. Records are meant to be broken and looks like it has.
It is 70 degrees here today, with brilliant sunshine and blue skies. The forecast for the rest of the week is for more of the same.

As I do every year, I appreciate all the folks who post photos of their massive (or not so massive) snowfalls.

Days like this remind me why I don't miss New England (where I grew up) or Chicago (where I lived for many years) in the winter.

Give me sunshine and 70 degrees any day!
The record snowfall in Valdez Alaska is 81 ft (25 m) in a winter. It is currently running 33% more than the average, but it may be nothing compared to that record.

When I visited Valdez, chatted with a young man at the Visitor Center. He said it was a lot colder in Fairbanks where he went to college than in Valdez. It's because Valdez is near the ocean, while Fairbanks is deep inland.

However, he liked living in Fairbanks better. The extreme snow makes it hard to go outside. In Fairbanks, he said he could bundle up and still get out of the house.
We have snow in the valley and so far Tahoe got 194” a new record. Sunday night it was so windy that when my son went on my balcony to smoke he got covered in snow despite my balcony having a roof and 2 sides. I was laughing and he was unamused:)). Unfortunately a skier has been missing since Xmas day and rescuers can’t find any signs of him. He is experienced with avalanches, etc but new to the area.
Snow like that and epic tree holes, it is easy to get permanently lost. I'll never ski alone.
-35C where we were over Christmas. Lots of snow. Outdoor activities were cancelled.

Flew home yesterday to -28C daytime weather. was very sunny.

We were started after five days in the outside airport car lot. Not plugged in. Temps were down to -35 at night.

That Costco battery that I put in the car last spring must be a fairly good 'cold' cranker.
It is 70 degrees here today, with brilliant sunshine and blue skies. The forecast for the rest of the week is for more of the same.

As I do every year, I appreciate all the folks who post photos of their massive (or not so massive) snowfalls.

Days like this remind me why I don't miss New England (where I grew up) or Chicago (where I lived for many years) in the winter.

Give me sunshine and 70 degrees any day!

Make that 80 degrees and we're agreed.:cool::flowers:
83 degrees here today without a cloud in the sky. Yay.
Snowed all day here. The family and the dog went out and played in the snow with a rubber ball and a plastic sled for a couple hours this afternoon. Simple stuff but good times.
What a cluster here in the Republic or CA. PG&E is our power supplier and the local grid is currently down.

So I just got an email saying our power was restored. Huh? I’m on generator power currently and the electrical grid is most definitely down.

So I call customer service and the representative confirmed the grid is down in our area. And she must have been reading from a script because she tells me it’s because of the ongoing snow disaster in the mountains. NO! It’s because PG&E ignored maintenance of its lines for decades, letting trees grow too near and over their power lines. I told the customer service rep this and her response … “I already told you your power is down due to the snow in the mountains”.

What a cluster here in the Republic or CA. PG&E is our power supplier and the local grid is currently down.

So I just got an email saying our power was restored. Huh? I’m on generator power currently and the electrical grid is most definitely down.

So I call customer service and the representative confirmed the grid is down in our area. And she must have been reading from a script because she tells me it’s because of the ongoing snow disaster in the mountains. NO! It’s because PG&E ignored maintenance of its lines for decades, letting trees grow too near and over their power lines. I told the customer service rep this and her response … “I already told you your power is down due to the snow in the mountains”.


I'm sure it's part of the script she follows. She obviously has no idea nor does she care. She's just glad to have a (thankless) j*b. Maybe she also gets a discount from PG&E. YMMV
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