What was your happiest moment today?

This made me so happy - I've been waiting for the chance to share this!

I was having a dream - an AWFUL dream! Over two hundred employees from Megacorp were waiting for me. I was getting ready in a back room - combing my hair, straightening my tie and such. A presentation was being made of my over six years of work overseeing national and international employee surveys examining productive activity, theft and counterproductive behavior in the workplace. I was going to have to speak, but my fairly toxic VP was going to scrutinize me first and I had no idea what he was going to say. I was wound up and very anxious, dreading the moment. Just before I had to walk out on stage, I woke up and remembered - I don't have to endure ANY of that - I'M RETIRED! A flood of joy washed over me, and I jumped out of bed to start my day!

Now c'mon - does it GET any better than that? :)

Nope! :LOL:
Woke up to frost on the ground, but right now the sun is shining, dog is sleeping peacefully on the deck and I am enjoying my coffee.
Heading over to pick up DGS, age 2, in about 3 hours. Mom and Dad need to do some home repairs and painting, not easy with a little one about! Grandma and Grandpa to the rescue:)
My happiest moment yesterday was completing the purchase of two pairs of glasses for our grown son. He doesn't always take care of himself and had been w*rking and getting around with no glasses for well over a week. After hearing his glasses had been smashed I figured that would happen, so I drove two hours to where he was, ensured he had some glasses, and spent the better part of the day with him.
I went on a family bike ride with DH, DS, DDIL, and baby DGD. We had lunch with nice burgers and fried green beans. There was a nice playground for the baby.
It was actually a sad moment, but it felt good to give the tiniest amount of comfort to someone that lost a child. It's been a couple weeks, but she broke up after a long hug. I'm sorry for her.
Being able to go in the high country and spend the day hiking and just taking in the beauty and freedom I have.
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Took a 2.4 mi. hike on a 57 degree day with a light top over T-shirt, no hat, no gloves, no boot spikes, encountered no snow or ice that I couldn't easily walk around. All the while glowing that tomorrow is going to be 71 degrees and sunny. I truly have come to hate winters in New England and this time of year the feeling of months of increasingly warmer and longer days ahead is empowering.
DSIL came through her hip replacement surgery in good shape and is recovering in a hotel room nearby.
When my kids got home and they were all chatty about how they almost saw and almost caught a leprechaun at school. Our 4 yr old proceeded to tell me how fast and sneaky they are.
My happiest moment yesterday was completing the purchase of two pairs of glasses for our grown son. He doesn't always take care of himself and had been w*rking and getting around with no glasses for well over a week. After hearing his glasses had been smashed I figured that would happen, so I drove two hours to where he was, ensured he had some glasses, and spent the better part of the day with him.

What a great thing to do for your son!
DH was so excited to see the space station tonight! He came back into the house beaming like a little kid :dance:.
DH was so excited to see the space station tonight! He came back into the house beaming like a little kid :dance:.

Me too, me too, several years ago, took my son down to a local marina where it was a little darker. And we sat waiting for it to rise over the horizon.
When it did, there were two items very close together, I might have got a finger width between them at arms length. They followed like that until they disappeared. I didn't know what was happening until I got home and googled it. The space shuttle had just separated from the ISS and it landed at 9 am the next morning.
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I have a friend recovering from brain surgery. She called me today and we had a lovely, normal conversation. This would not have been possible for most of the past couple months. She sounded fabulous. I know her recovery has been much tougher and longer than anticipated but she seems on track now. It was a joy to talk with her.
Seeing & joking around with my sister today. It was the first time in several months, & it felt just like we were kids again! :)
Seeing & joking around with my sister today. It was the first time in several months, & it felt just like we were kids again! :)

Adult siblings are so much fun! I am blessed to have mine all nearby and we get together frequently.
We just finished a zoom meeting with the UK contingent of the family, which is fabulous.
This will likely be topped later today with a visit with my Canadian brother, who we have not seen in 3 years for various reasons. He has taken the bus down from Vancouver and is at my sister's house.
I woke up this morning and took the dogs for a hike before the winds pick up. On a ridge line I could see up my river valley from the town below to the snow capped mountains of the continental divide above. Happiest moment of my day so far was up on that ridge watching my puppies ears blow in the breeze.
I got an email from the charity where I volunteer. They wanted to let me know that I won the raffle- a week in a cabin on a lake in Georgia!
After questioning the Mrs. about the water resistance of the Kindle she was reading while floating in the pool, I did a cannon ball into the deep end fully clothed. It was just as fun at it was 50 years ago, but I don't think I jumped as high - but the wave was certainly larger.
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