California Water Restrictions

So they keep issuing permits to build new housing, apartment complexes and such but yet they want the existing residents to cut their usage of water, electricity, gas to reallocate to the new communities. Same ole stuff.

I am reminded of a friend who recently put up a new wood fence. Afterwards, he is complaining about the 'rapacious' logging going on in the state and federal forests.

I think we all do this to some extent. But, often those who benefit are our children and grand children. They have to live somewhere. My 2¢.
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We live in MN, land of 10,000 lakes and we have a permanent sign posted for water restrictions on the street to our neighborhood. They are even restricting us even further this summer. Lake levels are dropping a bit, but its always a debate as to "why". DW does laundry just about everyday because we have 3 kids and we like having them in clean clothes. We also like taking baths and showers to maintain good personal hygiene. I have to flush my bodily waste too, cuz if I didn't that would be gross.

Is the hearst castle's pools still drained bone dry?
just remember, no pipelines from the Great Lakes region to the West Coast. That would only amplify an already apparently unsustainable situation by encouraging folks to move to an area for climate, but discover when they get there that water is an issue.

Eh, when oil and gas wells run dry, if you want some solar power sent up north, you will need to send some water westward.
We live in MN, land of 10,000 lakes and we have a permanent sign posted for water restrictions on the street to our neighborhood. They are even restricting us even further this summer. Lake levels are dropping a bit, but its always a debate as to "why". DW does laundry just about everyday because we have 3 kids and we like having them in clean clothes. We also like taking baths and showers to maintain good personal hygiene. I have to flush my bodily waste too, cuz if I didn't that would be gross.

Is the hearst castle's pools still drained bone dry?

Imagine living in a village where one member of the family (usually, the mom) walks 3 or 4 miles one way to obtain all the family's daily drinking/cooking/bathing water in plastic containers. Lucky water carriers use the technological enhancement of a kid's wagon. YMMV
We’ve spent quite a bit of time on tropical islands where they take water conservation way more seriously than we do in the continental US. Examples:
- Take camp showers - ie, get wet, turn water off, lather up, turn water back on to rinse off.
- When it’s yellow, let it mellow.
- Wear clothing multiple times before washing; spot clean as needed.

We have it easy here. Lots of opportunity to save more water if we really need to.
It's not moving to where I am.
Places that have water may have other things that are undesirable.
Is that true? And if the ice caps are melting doesn’t that increase the water on Earth? Serious question!

It may increase water where people already have water up to their nose, and don't want more.

And it does not increase water where people are in dire need of some. Like where I am.

It has to do with disturbing the weather pattern, I was told.
Is that true? And if the ice caps are melting doesn’t that increase the water on Earth? Serious question!

Ice is water. The ice caps melting are increasing the amount of liquid salt water.
Conservation of mass does not apply to compounds, only their components. Water (H2O) can be formed in different reactions and consumed (broken down into H and O atoms) in other ones.
Just watched "American Experience" on PBS - "Flood in the Desert". It gives some history on the subject of water to LA.
Ice is water. The ice caps melting are increasing the amount of liquid salt water.

Ice is frozen water which is why we call it ice and not water.
If I said the earth amount of water is always the same I would not include ice.
If I was including ice I would say water and ice.
Ice is frozen water which is why we call it ice and not water.
If I said the earth amount of water is always the same I would not include ice.
If I was including ice I would say water and ice.
So when what's water in Summer turns into ice in Winter, is there less water? The USGS and most "experts" count ice as part of the earth's water, so the replies to your question were consistent with most experts. Interesting that there's WAY more ice and fresh groundwater than surface or atmospheric fresh water.


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Am in Calif. there is more than enough water on earth for the spec of population that covers it. .
Maybe Ca. could use 70% of its water for agriculture rather than 80%?
Or not let its rainwater run back into the ocean? "California wastes most of its rainwater, which simply goes down the drain"
Problem solved. Not to mention desalination..
Am tired of these man made emergencies.
I really am.
Sorry if I cant get all fired up about it. "mismanagement of this world's resources by governments"
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So when what's water in Summer turns into ice in Winter, is there less water? The USGS and most "experts" count ice as part of the earth's water, so the replies to your question were consistent with most experts. Interesting that there's WAY more ice and fresh groundwater than surface or atmospheric fresh water.

If I was an expert I wouldn’t have asked the original question.

And per the chart they do separate for clarity.
Am in Calif. there is more than enough water on earth for the spec of population that covers it. .
Maybe Ca. could use 70% of its water for agriculture rather than 80%?
Or not let its rainwater run back into the ocean? "California wastes most of its rainwater, which simply goes down the drain"
Problem solved. Not to mention desalination..
Am tired of these man made emergencies.
I really am.
Sorry if I cant get all fired up about it. "mismanagement of this world's resources by governments"

As a person who lives in a community that flooded in 1986, an official drought year, due to holding onto water for Southern California it’s a lot more complicated than it seems.

And by flood I mean people’s houses were under 8 ft of water.
In my lifetime Ca. went from 16m to 40m. With few major infrastructure changes. Might be part of the problem.
almost there; said:
In my lifetime Ca. went from 16m to 40m. With few major infrastructure changes. Might be part of the problem.

I saw it coming and left permanently in 1987. Don’t miss it one bit.
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