Isolate for non Covid virus?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 2, 2017
Des Moines
I am just wrapping up seven days or so of an unpleasant virus. I never tested positive for Covid. It started with a nasty sore throat and went right into a five day hacking cough which is just now getting better. I have been home this past week because I did not feel well at all, but I wondered if in the future we will isolate for viruses that are not Covid? I have not yet had Covid and it was very strange to have a non Covid illness. It changes the way you look at everything.
I have observed people being much more inclined to stay home when they aren't feeling well rather than to soldier on as normal. I hope this continues. (To be fair, I was one of the soldiers for most of my life...)
I avoid visiting family if I have a cold. I don’t want to pass it on.
I am just wrapping up seven days or so of an unpleasant virus. I never tested positive for Covid. It started with a nasty sore throat and went right into a five day hacking cough which is just now getting better. I have been home this past week because I did not feel well at all, but I wondered if in the future we will isolate for viruses that are not Covid? I have not yet had Covid and it was very strange to have a non Covid illness. It changes the way you look at everything.

Which Covid tests did you take and when? Some of the rapid tests can be unreliable. Get a nucleocapsid antibody test in a few weeks if you want to determine if this was Covid.
I have observed people being much more inclined to stay home when they aren't feeling well rather than to soldier on as normal. I hope this continues. (To be fair, I was one of the soldiers for most of my life...)

I have been retired for nine years, but back in the day people routinely came in sick with a cold, cough, fever, stuff that you could take medicine for and get by. I remember a lot of stuff spreading around. Seems silly now.
I have been retired for nine years, but back in the day people routinely came in sick with a cold, cough, fever, stuff that you could take medicine for and get by. I remember a lot of stuff spreading around. Seems silly now.

That older commercial for that temporary agency where the sick worker is told "don't worry, Bob is here!" scared a lot of sick folks into coming in :).

But seriously, I am so glad the first time I cam to work sick with a bad cold/flu, my manager took one look at me and sent me home. His line was classic: "don't ever think this company cannot afford you missing a few days to get better".

Since then, if I have a bad cold or virus, I avoid people. In fact, with a virus I really do not feel like being around people, so isolation is easy :). Twice during the pandemic I thought I had Covid, doctor tests came back negative, but I still isolated.

I suspect now, with so many similar virus symptoms, more people will try isolate when they have anything.
I have observed people being much more inclined to stay home when they aren't feeling well rather than to soldier on as normal. I hope this continues. (To be fair, I was one of the soldiers for most of my life...)

Yes, it's a welcome trend. I couldn't count all the days I went to w*rk with a miserable cold. It was simply expected then. I'm very glad this is changing.
Which Covid tests did you take and when? Some of the rapid tests can be unreliable. Get a nucleocapsid antibody test in a few weeks if you want to determine if this was Covid.

I took four at home tests over the space of a week, all negative. I saw two UC doctors who did not think I needed a Covid test based on my symptoms. I was good with saying it was not Covid.
I have observed people being much more inclined to stay home when they aren't feeling well rather than to soldier on as normal. I hope this continues. (To be fair, I was one of the soldiers for most of my life...)

It was expected that if you didn’t have a fever, you went into the office. That changed in my department when we hired a guy who was an organ transplant recipient (kidney & pancreas I think). Any minor illness for us was major for him, so we all would take more care when we got sick. It really helped everyone in the end for obvious reasons.
I am just wrapping up seven days or so of an unpleasant virus. I never tested positive for Covid. It started with a nasty sore throat and went right into a five day hacking cough which is just now getting better. I have been home this past week because I did not feel well at all, but I wondered if in the future we will isolate for viruses that are not Covid? I have not yet had Covid and it was very strange to have a non Covid illness. It changes the way you look at everything.

I've had the same sore throat and hacking cough the last 10 days. Had a Covid test and it came up negative. Never lost sense of taste which almost tells me it was the flu.

The problem is that I don't have time to get sick--this time of the year. I'm behind on honey do's, and the wife's due to have surgery soon.
I've had the same sore throat and hacking cough the last 10 days. Had a Covid test and it came up negative. Never lost sense of taste which almost tells me it was the flu.

The problem is that I don't have time to get sick--this time of the year. I'm behind on honey do's, and the wife's due to have surgery soon.

I hope you feel better soon!

I also have had no voice for three days now, which has been crazy. Thank goodness DH texts.
On day 10 I definitely feel better, lingering cough is better and I got out and walked 2 miles. I was going to go to lunch with three of my GFs and we trying to decide it we should postpone? Still do not have voice.
I would postpone, as long as you are symptomatic.
Hope you feel better soon.

As a retired public health RN, I appreciate all of you who said you stayed home while ill--Thank you for not spreading germs to others!
I always told my staff to stay home if ill, just bringing germs to work made a bad situation worse.
I would postpone, as long as you are symptomatic.
Hope you feel better soon.

As a retired public health RN, I appreciate all of you who said you stayed home while ill--Thank you for not spreading germs to others!
I always told my staff to stay home if ill, just bringing germs to work made a bad situation worse.

We postponed, thanks. I always get that cough that hangs on forever, but hopefully will have my voice back soon.
That older commercial for that temporary agency where the sick worker is told "don't worry, Bob is here!" scared a lot of sick folks into coming in :).

But seriously, I am so glad the first time I cam to work sick with a bad cold/flu, my manager took one look at me and sent me home. His line was classic: "don't ever think this company cannot afford you missing a few days to get better".

Since then, if I have a bad cold or virus, I avoid people. In fact, with a virus I really do not feel like being around people, so isolation is easy :). Twice during the pandemic I thought I had Covid, doctor tests came back negative, but I still isolated.

I suspect now, with so many similar virus symptoms, more people will try isolate when they have anything.

Based on the behavior of so many people during the past 2+ years I rather doubt that. Even if it starts out that way people will soon get tired of considering isolation. Again based on the behavior of people during the past 2 years. Sad.

I hope the trend continues. With so many jobs being able to be done from home, and so many people being prepared to do them that way, it just makes sense.
I know that in my bubble of people we have had very few illnesses of any kind in the last two years.
I would postpone, as long as you are symptomatic.
Hope you feel better soon.

As a retired public health RN, I appreciate all of you who said you stayed home while ill--Thank you for not spreading germs to others!
I always told my staff to stay home if ill, just bringing germs to work made a bad situation worse.

I worked in health and human services for 35 years.
I remember public health nurses promoting staying home when you are sick years ago.
Sadly, I personally didn’t listen but as a boss I would tell staff if you’re sick stay home. The world won’t fall apart. I wanted them to have the permission I wouldn’t give myself.

I’m quite glad I no longer have to choose between going to work or laying on the couch when I’m sick.
DH has an autoimmune disease and normally over a years time he will have a couple of colds, a sinus infection, a stomach virus and the flu every other year. For the last 2 and a half years DH has had no illness whatsoever (me neither). So we have learned that to keep him healthy we need to take more precautions. We have been going out in public the last few months but we are wearing KN 94 masks anytime we are indoors in public. We are also very careful about touching things in public and we constantly wash our hands. These things are working.
Don’t you wish the person who gave it to you would have stayed home?

I have racked my brain trying to think of where I could have picked this up. I don't know of anyone around me that has what I had. But then who knows, right? I definitely hear people coughing now when I am out in public.

And, yes, I wish they would have stayed home and believe me I would have stayed home if I knew.
I have racked my brain trying to think of where I could have picked this up. I don't know of anyone around me that has what I had. But then who knows, right? I definitely hear people coughing now when I am out in public.

And, yes, I wish they would have stayed home and believe me I would have stayed home if I knew.

For regular colds it is very easy to pick up the virus from touching a surface (like a door knob) and the virus can last for hours. So you may not have been exposed to someone coughing, you may have simply touched a surface that had the virus on it.
I have observed people being much more inclined to stay home when they aren't feeling well rather than to soldier on as normal. I hope this continues. (To be fair, I was one of the soldiers for most of my life...)
Same here. Times were different. Staying home with sniffles/symptoms in Corporate America was frowned upon. Big time.
I run a women’s social group and our members seem to have been very considerate about staying home when they don’t feel well, regardless of symptoms or specific illness. I really appreciate that. While it’s sometimes a bummer to get last minute cancellations for events, it’s way better than people coming anyway and spreading whatever they have.
Just to wrap up, I would say whatever I had lasted two full yucky weeks. Still have lingering cough.
Just to wrap up, I would say whatever I had lasted two full yucky weeks. Still have lingering cough.

Glad you are feeling better. I HATE colds and plan to be much more cautious in the future to avoid them (more hand washing, no shaking hands, wearing masks inside, avoiding sick people, etc).
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