My Dabbling Has Brought About a Old W*rk Dream


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Jun 11, 2008
My Dabbling Has Brought About an Old W*rk Dream

I've been dabbling the past few days with computer code. For fun, computer scripts.

I think from that I had an old w*rk dream. The dream was like I was transported back to the 1980's where offices were in cubicles. Almost like when I was starting out.

Many co-workers were there. I was going through lots of computer printout like decades ago. But in the dream, I'm thinking to myself, "I'm kind of freelancing and not so much into programming of a work project, but for personal interest, hobby."

After interacting with some of the co-workers I hear the voice of a former one then I start to think to myself "This can't be real. I remember reading her obituary." Then I think, "What if I end up stuck here in the past and can't return to the present?". I do talk to this co-worker a bit, then I wake up.
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I've been dabbling the past few days with computer code. For fun, computer scripts.

I think from that I had an old w*rk dream. The dream was like I was transported back to the 1980's where offices were in cubicles. Almost like when I was starting out.

Many co-workers were there. I was going through lots of computer printout like decades ago. But in the dream, I'm thinking to myself, "I'm kind of freelancing and not so much into programming of a work project, but for personal interest, hobby."

After interacting with some of the co-workers I hear the voice of a former one then I start to think to myself "This can't be real. I remember reading her obituary." Then I think, "What if I end up stuck here in the past and can't return to the present?". I do talk to this co-worker a bit, then I wake up.

Twilight Zone material.:cool:
I've been dabbling the past few days with computer code. For fun, computer scripts.

I think from that I had an old w*rk dream. The dream was like I was transported back to the 1980's where offices were in cubicles. Almost like when I was starting out.

Many co-workers were there. I was going through lots of computer printout like decades ago. But in the dream, I'm thinking to myself, "I'm kind of freelancing and not so much into programming of a work project, but for personal interest, hobby."

After interacting with some of the co-workers I hear the voice of a former one then I start to think to myself "This can't be real. I remember reading her obituary." Then I think, "What if I end up stuck here in the past and can't return to the present?". I do talk to this co-worker a bit, then I wake up.

Glad you didn’t get stuck there in the past!
@easysurfer, your OP reads like it could pass for the intro of one of TromboneAl's novels.
@easysurfer, your OP reads like it could pass for the intro of one of TromboneAl's novels.

Kind of nuts the detail of the dream which I thought was tucked long away. Details of old computer type printouts and the arrangement of the old cubicles.
@easysurfer, your OP reads like it could pass for the intro of one of TromboneAl's novels.

Speaking of which, has anyone heard from him? Unless I missed something recent, he has not posted in quite a while.
Kind of nuts the detail of the dream which I thought was tucked long away. Details of old computer type printouts and the arrangement of the old cubicles.

DW also dreams in incredible detail. I know that I dream during sleep but rarely, if ever, am I able to recall them after waking.
Dreams in general

I regard dreams as being in the same category as action-adventure TV shows. In fact, most of my dreams ARE action-adventure stuff, with Frank and me running around saving the universe and such. So, what I am trying to say, is that while they can be interesting to me, I don't take them seriously at all. These dreams are just there for my fun and enjoyment and I do not expect them to have any significance.

Now, that might be different if I was having repeated, disturbing dreams of some kind. But that has not happened in a very long time.
I'm sure my dream was brought on by my activity of computer coding (like when back at megacorp).

Kind of makes me now believe in the dream recall hypnosis thing.
These are sure signs of getting older (in a constructive way) when our good old days of first professional job memories come out of subconscious mind. That's when we learn new things (in my case : UNIX, Oracle Pl/SQL, Perl) and get paid for it. Learning is always fun but with age we move on to more administrative roles where creativity is replaced by life management (work, family, FIRE etc.)

So nothing wrong. Getting stuck in the good old past is normal as we age ! Enjoy those memories for now while we last :)
Speaking of which, has anyone heard from him? Unless I missed something recent, he has not posted in quite a while.

He posted nearly two years ago, logged off, and never logged on again since.

There are a few others who left around the same time. There was a lot going on in the world and things got chippy around here. I was off for my own personally imposed 6 month cool down at the time too.

I hope he is OK. Same for Ray in Penn, who liked to post nice and easy musings here. Miss those.
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