What is your pet peeve of the day? -- 2021

Oh don't get me started on Walgreens. In our small town just outside of our state capital there are 2 Walgreens a couple miles apart. Neither is open 24 hours a day. The nearest 24 hour Walgreens is an hour drive. Why not close one store and expand the hours on the newer larger store? No reason to have both stores open with our population density here.
I would imagine it's a safety/security issue and well worth it. Lighting is very cheap now days compared to energy hogs like A/C, heating, vehicles and such. I don't see that as something to be upset about as it doesn't cost much in terms of energy or money and makes their business and the community safer.

Can't they use motion-sensitive lights?

I have a pet peeve about items being sold in multi-packs when it’s something you most likely only need one of. I wanted a new white out correction tape thing. All I was finding was packs of 3 or 4. I buy one maybe every 8-10 years. Why would I want three? Or Sharpie markers coming in 4-packs. Plenty of other examples. And I don’t just mean online where they need to account for shipping but in stores too.

+1. I bought glue sticks- 2 to a pack- and by the time I needed the second one it was dried out. I found an ancient bottle of Elmer's Glue in the basement. It worked fine. No more glue sticks. Costco was mentioned and I love Costco even though I live alone. I just accept that I'll do a separate run to the grocery store for things that Costco sells in quantities that I can't use up, freeze or give away.
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I had my mail held while I was gone for Thanksgiving with the accumulated mail to be delivered 12/1; I got it yesterday 12/8 even though they resumed regular delivery on 12/1. I also used to be able to count on 2-3 days on the east coast but now need to mail at least 6 days out for birthday cards (about the only mail I send) to get there on time. I also expect UPS to miss the delivery window most of the time and for FedEx to damage everything (or at least the packaging even if the item survived). My expectations have been adjusted down significantly -Only Amazon Prime seems to do a good job delivering on time and in good condition.

Clearly we need to pay the P.O, workers more and give them better health benefits and an even better retirement system, oh, and let them work loads of overtime their last two years to really bump their retirement pay.
My pet peeve today is that all local hardware stores, big box or otherwise have quit selling PVC cement (glue) in 4 oz or smaller sizes. This stuff comes in metal cans with screw-on metal lid and try as I may, I ALWAYS find it evaporate/hardened to a solid block, the next time I need to use it. Today, I needed to fix a cracked PVC pipe. Easy: had a spare piece of pipe and the connecting sleeves on hand, as well as a can of the "purple solvent". However, the can of cement was dried out (bought for a similar repair in late Spring 2022).... off we go to Lowes.... The have plenty of choices, but all are 8 oz or more. So, the cheapest brand it is: $9.78. Get home, do the repair, use about 1/100th of the 8oz can and I know for sure that next time I need to use it again, it will be a solid block.
So, any repair that would cost maybe 75 cents in materials now costs over $10 because it requires a new (8 oz) can of glue. What a pain in the neck and a waste!

Does anyone know how to preserve the cement so it lasts a little longer after it has been opened?

On the upside, I actually did some searching and found out that Walmart still sells the 4 oz can for $3.75! With MY luck, they too will switch to the 8oz can by the time I need to do another repair and my current 8ox can is a solid block :(
No advice. I share the PVC cement peeve.

I'll also add that they have changed some of the formulations (like a push to all purpose), and I don't like them.
My pet peeve today is that all local hardware stores, big box or otherwise have quit selling PVC cement (glue) in 4 oz or smaller sizes. This stuff comes in metal cans with screw-on metal lid and try as I may, I ALWAYS find it evaporate/hardened to a solid block, the next time I need to use it.
Looks like the 4oz can is about $7 on Amazon including shipping.

I've had the same trouble with Gorilla glue. I buy the tiny 20gm bottle which runs about $8. I use it a couple of times and then it dries out and hardens. I did that a few times before I finally got fed up and switchd from Gorilla glue to E6000 which comes in a tube and so far has shown no sign of drying out and it's only a couple dollars more than the tiny bottle of Gorilla glue.
I understand why they do it but I hate when companies eliminate the print version of their publication and switch to online only. At least 3 magazines that I can think of offhand have done this in recent years. The result is I no longer read any of them. Reading on the computer just isn’t the same and doesn’t appeal to me. A physical magazine is always sitting there. I don’t have to navigate to a site and find where I was.

Yeah, I'm down to Kiplingers as my only magazine subscription. Because of their recent embracing of ESG investing (they have a whole story this month) I'm dropping them as soon as my subscription runs out. I find very little of interest otherwise as well. All their editorial protestations aside, I'm totally uninterested in do-gooder investments. I'll invest the way I want to and if I want to be a do-gooder, I already know how to do that in a much more efficient and direct manner than investing with someone who claims to do it for me. I've been saving the planet since I sold my Vette in 1970.

Heh, heh, guess that's MY Pet Peeve of the day!:facepalm:
Yeah, I'm down to Kiplingers as my only magazine subscription. Because of their recent embracing of ESG investing (they have a whole story this month) I'm dropping them as soon as my subscription runs out. I find very little of interest otherwise as well. All their editorial protestations aside, I'm totally uninterested in do-gooder investments. I'll invest the way I want to and if I want to be a do-gooder, I already know how to do that in a much more efficient and direct manner than investing with someone who claims to do it for me. I've been saving the planet since I sold my Vette in 1970.

Heh, heh, guess that's MY Pet Peeve of the day!:facepalm:

I used to subscribe to multiple different science and technology magazines. Despite the completely different disciplines, they now all focus on That One Thing.

I'm done. Cancelled them all.

That One Thing is important, but sometimes I just want to read about semiconductors, you know what I mean? After all, that was supposed to be your topic, right?
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Not exactly a peeve but related to the posts above about inaccuracies in TV shows and movies. I want, I mean I really, really want one of those pocket knives that can cut a large tywrap handcuff with a single flick. How cool would that be?
None of my various knives can cut a tywrap that quickly. They all take quite a bit of sawing action regardless of how sharp they are.
Maybe Santa will bring me one?

I use a flush wire cutter. Many places sell them for $2-3. HD wants too much for it at $6-7, but is convenient to go get.

This is used to snip off excess leads of electronic components after they are soldered to the circuit board.

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My pet peeve today is that all local hardware stores, big box or otherwise have quit selling PVC cement (glue) in 4 oz or smaller sizes. This stuff comes in metal cans with screw-on metal lid and try as I may, I ALWAYS find it evaporate/hardened to a solid block, the next time I need to use it. Today, I needed to fix a cracked PVC pipe. Easy: had a spare piece of pipe and the connecting sleeves on hand, as well as a can of the "purple solvent". However, the can of cement was dried out (bought for a similar repair in late Spring 2022).... off we go to Lowes.... The have plenty of choices, but all are 8 oz or more. So, the cheapest brand it is: $9.78. Get home, do the repair, use about 1/100th of the 8oz can and I know for sure that next time I need to use it again, it will be a solid block.
So, any repair that would cost maybe 75 cents in materials now costs over $10 because it requires a new (8 oz) can of glue. What a pain in the neck and a waste!

Does anyone know how to preserve the cement so it lasts a little longer after it has been opened?

On the upside, I actually did some searching and found out that Walmart still sells the 4 oz can for $3.75! With MY luck, they too will switch to the 8oz can by the time I need to do another repair and my current 8ox can is a solid block :(

I store mine upside down, I think they last longer that way.
About PVC glue, I can extend its life a bit by putting in a bit of acetone bought for another application.

It's not quite right because the real solvent is ketone, but works OK.
I use a flush wire cutter. Many places sell them for $2-3. HD wants too much for it at $6-7, but is convenient to go get.

This is used to snip off excess leads of electronic components after they are soldered to the circuit board.

I got two pair in Oct from Amazon ($7.99). But mine say Plato Model 170.
I get the same safety glass warning.
Not a bad warning, years ago while on a ladder putting in a ceiling light, I snipped a 14 gauge wire and it hit me in the eye, I saw a halo for a while before it healed.
I got two pair in Oct from Amazon ($7.99). But mine say Plato Model 170...

I bought mine as part of an order from Batteryhookup. The shipping charge would be ridiculous otherwise.

They all look the same. Mine says Battery Hookup. $1.99. Probably all made by one Chinese maker, who then puts on any logo the buyers want.
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My pet peeve today is that all local hardware stores, big box or otherwise have quit selling PVC cement (glue) in 4 oz or smaller sizes. This stuff comes in metal cans with screw-on metal lid and try as I may, I ALWAYS find it evaporate/hardened to a solid block, the next time I need to use it. Today, I needed to fix a cracked PVC pipe. Easy: had a spare piece of pipe and the connecting sleeves on hand, as well as a can of the "purple solvent". However, the can of cement was dried out (bought for a similar repair in late Spring 2022).... off we go to Lowes.... The have plenty of choices, but all are 8 oz or more. So, the cheapest brand it is: $9.78. Get home, do the repair, use about 1/100th of the 8oz can and I know for sure that next time I need to use it again, it will be a solid block.
So, any repair that would cost maybe 75 cents in materials now costs over $10 because it requires a new (8 oz) can of glue. What a pain in the neck and a waste!

Does anyone know how to preserve the cement so it lasts a little longer after it has been opened?

On the upside, I actually did some searching and found out that Walmart still sells the 4 oz can for $3.75! With MY luck, they too will switch to the 8oz can by the time I need to do another repair and my current 8ox can is a solid block :(

I've had good luck with Plumber's Goop which I got in an 8 ounce tube (I think). I used it a few times, and it has gotten thicker, but still comes out of the tube. I still have 90 % of it inside the tube. Don't know how much more I can use before it becomes a hardened blob-o-junk, lol.
I wish PVC glue would be sold in a tube like caulk. That should solve the problems of it turning into unusable goo.
Hmmm. Now I wonder if my peeve about the PVC cement may work to my favor? My peeve was that Big Box is now typically carrying "All Purpose" glue, which can handle ABS, CPVC and PVC. Maybe this stuff won't harden as quick?

I still don't like it. It looks like snot.
Here's one that is starting to bother me: writing that is either speech to text or even worse is writing that is obviously AI written. Some titles or even the text makes no sense whatsoever. Are people that lazy? This is getting to be as bad as misspelling or misused words.

Looking at the year, and recent decade. Looking at what is to come.


Either give 100% purity or you're out.

Be it investing, public policy, nutrition, lifestyle -- absolutism doesn't tolerate being questioned - not even respectfully or gently.

Aside from that.....

Food that is not hot. Piping good right off the stove hot. Lukewarm or cold food...yes, a huge peeve in my first world existence. Rushing, and not properly enjoying food. "I dont have time. So I'm gonna get it to-go and eat it at home" (Nevermind you'll spend that same amount of time eating at home.....)
Food that is not hot. Piping good right off the stove hot. Lukewarm or cold food...yes, a huge peeve in my first world existence. Rushing, and not properly enjoying food. "I dont have time. So I'm gonna get it to-go and eat it at home" (Nevermind you'll spend that same amount of time eating at home.....)

I thought it was just me!

The past year or so I’ve become very particular. I want hot foods HOT and cold foods very cold. I reheat in the microwave anything that’s not the right HOT. All beverages have to be with ice.

I think this might be related to having no sense of smell, maybe. Or maybe I’m just getting old and fussy.
A lot of folks are very peeved at Southwest right now. Over 70% of flights cancelled the day after Christmas, over 60% cancelled today. Add in delays and around 80%-90% of their flights have been impacted the last 2 days. Incredible.

Lots of folks are facing multiple day delays. We have friends trying to return to the East Coast from Los Angeles. They chose to fly separately and both were to return yesterday. He is still in Los Angeles and was wait-listed on a flight for tomorrow; he has been able to switch to AA and should be home today. She made it to Denver yesterday and is currently scheduled for a Thursday flight, but is also trying to switch to return late tonight or early tomorrow, last time we heard from her.
A lot of folks are very peeved at Southwest right now. Over 70% of flights cancelled the day after Christmas, over 60% cancelled today. Add in delays and around 80%-90% of their flights have been impacted the last 2 days. Incredible.

Lots of folks are facing multiple day delays. We have friends trying to return to the East Coast from Los Angeles. They chose to fly separately and both were to return yesterday. He is still in Los Angeles and was wait-listed on a flight for tomorrow; he has been able to switch to AA and should be home today. She made it to Denver yesterday and is currently scheduled for a Thursday flight, but is also trying to switch to return late tonight or early tomorrow, last time we heard from her.

I feel so blessed that I no longer need to travel at holiday time. In times past, I got a week of vacation at Christmas holiday, courtesy of Megacorp. So that's when we typically traveled. I spent way too many nights sleeping in air ports, waiting for good weather. I just would not be willing to do that now - so no travel around holidays.

Best luck and travel mercies to your friends!
A lot of folks are very peeved at Southwest right now. Over 70% of flights cancelled the day after Christmas, over 60% cancelled today. Add in delays and around 80%-90% of their flights have been impacted the last 2 days. Incredible.

Lots of folks are facing multiple day delays. We have friends trying to return to the East Coast from Los Angeles. They chose to fly separately and both were to return yesterday. He is still in Los Angeles and was wait-listed on a flight for tomorrow; he has been able to switch to AA and should be home today. She made it to Denver yesterday and is currently scheduled for a Thursday flight, but is also trying to switch to return late tonight or early tomorrow, last time we heard from her.

Most places I have worked have had a no-fault attendance policy. Basically that means they don't care why you aren't there, if you miss a day you get a point or an occurrence and get too many you get fired. I would be seriously pi$$ed if I got fired because a flight was cancelled. Some work places might give you a pass but nowhere I have ever worked would give you a pass for this type of thing. Maybe the office workers but not the blue collar people. One of the reasons I don't fly anywhere, ever.
Overuse of the following phrases, usually with regard to weather. No, you are not living in a special time. Extremes always happen and have happened before. Last week's cold snap was less extreme than the Christmas 1983 snap.

Those peevish phrases, meant for clicks:
- "Unprecedented"
- "Once in a generation"
- "100 year"
- "500 year"
I don't think so. I have never had a tube of caulk last to the very end unless I used it all at one time.

They know make a Tube in which you insert the the old caulking to preserve it. Do a quick search on Amazon.
AirTite - Preserves Open Caulking Tubes
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