Time versus Money

Teacher Terry

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jun 17, 2014
Today I received a call from a good friend of mine since 4th grade. Her husband just died at 68. I lost another friend in October and today marks my 8th friend gone too soon. Not one of these people had unhealthy lifestyles or bad habits.

While it’s important to have enough money for a decent retirement I think more emphasis should be on enjoying the time you have left. Spend the time you have doing what’s important to you whether it be traveling, hobbies, family, friends, etc. I think the lesson is to make your soul happy because it might be the only thing you take with you in the end.
Teacher Terry, you are so right. The older that I get the more I realize time is the one commodity that is diminishing quickly. I am less frugal than in past years because I realize…if not now when.
While it’s important to have enough money for a decent retirement I think more emphasis should be on enjoying the time you have left. Spend the time you have doing what’s important to you whether it be traveling, hobbies, family, friends, etc. I think the lesson is to make your soul happy because it might be the only thing you take with you in the end.
I've been practicing that philosophy since "before" I retired. Since I retired my DW says I've been burning the candle at both ends... Maybe she's right and I overdo it sometimes, but it makes me happy.
The older I get the more precious time becomes.
Today I went to watch my grandsons play basketball. 9 am on a Saturday morning but that is so much easier to do when you are retired and have all the other days to get things done.
I’ve enjoyed a lot of time this first holiday season since retiring with my grandkids. No stress. No hurry.
You can’t get these years back and I intend to make the most of whatever time I have left.
Irish, my kids remember fondly all the things my mom did with them and she has been gone now for 13 years. They also made the time to travel across the country to see her every year once we moved away. You are building wonderful memories with them.
I think almost too much emphasis is put on just life and death. Things can happen where you're still alive yet really take the joy out of life. Things that may never have even entered into your mind as a possibility of becoming an issue, and suddenly your life has been turned upside down.
Today I received a call from a good friend of mine since 4th grade. Her husband just died at 68. I lost another friend in October and today marks my 8th friend gone too soon. Not one of these people had unhealthy lifestyles or bad habits.

While it’s important to have enough money for a decent retirement I think more emphasis should be on enjoying the time you have left. Spend the time you have doing what’s important to you whether it be traveling, hobbies, family, friends, etc. I think the lesson is to make your soul happy because it might be the only thing you take with you in the end.

my father passed at 48 and most of his brothers were gone by 65. OTOH, the males on my mom's side were working in the patent office when dirt was patended. my dad's death was the primary motivation for RE @ 50 but I couldn't get the employer to pony up their share of 5-yrs of payments to the retirement system. so, i went at 55. no regrets even though I have now outlived dad and most of my uncles.
Irish, my kids remember fondly all the things my mom did with them and she has been gone now for 13 years. They also made the time to travel across the country to see her every year once we moved away. You are building wonderful memories with them.

I sure hope so Terry!
I’m the only grandparent that they spend the night with too. That’s another perk I take full advantage of now that I’m retired.
I think almost too much emphasis is put on just life and death. Things can happen where you're still alive yet really take the joy out of life. Things that may never have even entered into your mind as a possibility of becoming an issue, and suddenly your life has been turned upside down.

Isn’t that the truth!
I tell people-most things I worry about never happen. It’s those things I never even thought of that I get blindsided by.

Once you have enough money, time is more important.
Gen x , my main career wasn’t teaching but helping people with disabilities obtain employment. I am very familiar with all the horrible things that happen to people. I always felt lucky to not have something life changing happen.
Irish, my dad was thrilled when my oldest son arrived and was as involved as my mom but had a massive stroke at 59 that ruined his life. We always hated that he couldn’t enjoy more time with them. The other grandparents never did things with them. My parents had my kids spend the night also.
I’m sorry to hear that Terry. Another example of how precious time is.
My dad died at 52, before I had kids. He was a saver all of his life and never got to enjoy it.
I guess this was always in the back of my mind.
^^^^^^ TT & IG I'm sure the grands will remember time spent with them. My parents were divorced early and if it wern't for my maternal grandmother I wouldn't be here. She basically raised me as well as 3 of my younger cousins because my mother and her younger brother couldn't be bothered to take the time to do it. My daughter never got to spend the night with either of my parents but loved going to my DW's parents. We were talking not too long ago and she told her daughter that she should really be thankful to have 2 sets of grands that loved and supportrd her because she never really had that. We have also seen that in the activities we attend involving our DGD a lot of the kids don't have anyone there to support them whether it is a ball game, school play,or possibly a party of some kind. As long as we are phisically able we will always try to support and help both our daughter and her daughter. Bravo to y'all as well as any others who will do this. Off my horse now ---Happy New year!!!
I'd like to get to the point where Time = Money. But it's tough. The older I get, the less I want to spend. And the older I get, the amount of Time left can only go down.

The solution is to find something or somewhere that I really like and go out and buy it before I run out of time.
Ron, that’s why I went to Ireland last year and am going to Europe again in April of 23 and 24. That completes the things I really wanted to do.
I don't see it as time vs. money.

It's always about time. No matter what phase of your life, whether you are working (or need to work) or not, whether you have a lot of money or a little, make an effort to appreciate your time, carve out quality time, and don't waste it. Time is precious: money is a tool/ a means to an end. Of course, YMMV.
While it’s important to have enough money for a decent retirement I think more emphasis should be on enjoying the time you have left. Spend the time you have doing what’s important to you whether it be traveling, hobbies, family, friends, etc. I think the lesson is to make your soul happy because it might be the only thing you take with you in the end.
Being reminded of longevity exceptions serves a purpose as long as remember they are exceptions. Time and money is a balance, not one more important than the other.

Most of us will live a long life, so we should plan accordingly financially. AND we should also live every day-week-month-year to it’s fullest (don’t put off things you enjoy) - because you never know when your mental and/or physical abilities will take away options. Or while unlikely you could leave this earth before your natural time (fortunately few of us will).

I disagree with some here who suggest time is all that matters…there’s no reason we can’t have a good life while working, and enjoy new freedoms in retirement. You can’t know if you’ve planned $ adequately until you do go poof…
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I disagree with some here who suggest time is all that matters…there’s no reason we can’t have a good life while working, and enjoy new freedoms in retirement. You can’t know if you’ve planned $ adequately until you do go poof…

Sometimes things can happen that make it impossible to have a good life even while you're working. This is what I was referring to in my earlier post that it's not just a matter life and death. Other things can happen that turn your life upside down.
I am thankful for every day and am blessed I have the money to live my life the way that makes me happy.
Sometimes things can happen that make it impossible to have a good life even while you're working. This is what I was referring to in my earlier post that it's not just a matter life and death. Other things can happen that turn your life upside down.
Certainly. But the point is that’s an exception, not true for most of us, if we’re unhappy most of us could change that with some effort. Many just settle for less. We should all plan on a long life, that’s most likely.
I just looked it up and life expectancy in the United States is decreasing. It’s 73 for men and 79 for women. Obviously you don’t want to retire and be homeless but generally time is more important than money.
I just looked it up and life expectancy in the United States is decreasing. It’s 73 for men and 79 for women. Obviously you don’t want to retire and be homeless but generally time is more important than money.

86 & 83 if your already old.
Murf, already old with no previous cancer or heart disease.
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