Poll: Have you had Covid?

Have you had Covid?

  • Yes

    Votes: 221 55.4%
  • No

    Votes: 178 44.6%

  • Total voters
I've not seen any numbers beyond 75-80% and would be interested to know the details of your 100% number. Can you provide a link to your source?

By the way, I hope the 100% rate is factual as that would mean everyone in the US has some level of immunity to future infection.

I guess the article I read awhile back may have referred to "exposed to" rather than "infected", but I could have sworn it said infected. By awhile back I mean early 2023. By now I would think that anyone who lives in the USA and has left their home at least once since the pandemic began has been exposed to and potentially infected by the SARS-CoV2 virus, whether they were symptomatic or asymptomatic. I would also guess that many who have been infected never knew it due to never having symptoms. A friend of mine said he had never been infected but tests revealed otherwise. He had to have a CT-scan for a different issue and the scan showed quite a bit of scarring on his lungs, so his doc said he had to have had COVID at least once.
Not thatI know of, anyway. Knock on wood it stays that way
CDC was tracking Seroprevalence on their Covid data tracker but they stopped in 2022 (link below). The last numbers there were that 77.5% had infection-induced antibodies through December 2022.

77.5% of people having been infected with COVID sounds pretty high, but it's possible. Of course, many of those were from old strains, so they are not protected very well from the current dominant strains that have evolved and evade earlier protections.
I voted no because I have never experienced any symptoms and have always tested negative. However, as others have said, maybe I had it and didn't know?

I have an appointment in 2 hours for my annual flu shot and a new COVID shot. I'm guessing that from now on, this is how it will be - a once a year shot, administered at the same time as my flu shot. As I just turned 60, I'm going to ask if they can give me an RSV shot as well.
What always surprises me, especially because free tests are so easy to get, is that folks don't immediately self-test on day 1 of a cold, and then continue to test even if they are negative.

If I have anything that could remotely be covid, I'm testing. Even if it's just the sniffles, so I can take precautions for those around me.

I was sick before home tests were available. At that time, I asked my PC to test me (since I had a "virus which wasn't the flu, fever, pneumonia and other symptoms) but I didn't "qualify" for Covid testing. I was laid out for 10 days, coughing and extremely weak, subsisting on cough medicine and tea brought to me by DS. After I "recovered" (but still didn't feel right) I had DH bring me to the ER as everything was closing down. I was not put into ER - but sequestered by myself in a little room (maybe because I stated I was a cancer patient). A Q-Tip was stuck up my nose after had been admitted for several days, but the person collecting the sample did not know why the sample was collected.

When DH and DS were positive, I self-tested, continue to self-test, and went to urgent care. (I also quarantined myself so as to not risk spreading it.)
DW and I haven't had it, but everyone else in the family (brothers, sister, mother, kids, grandkids) have had it. I went over for a week to take care of brother and mother (92) while they were sick with covid last year. I wore a black rubber half-mask with the purple cartridges while I was in the same part of the house as they were, and came away without getting sick.

Well, I guess I should have left well enough alone and kept my (digital) mouth shut. DW just came home from a conference yesterday afternoon not feeling well, and it turned out to be covid. She's had all her vaccinations/boosters, so hopefully it ends up being only a mild case.
I voted no, not that we know of. DH and I went on a cruise early 01/20 and he got a cold. We went to a drug store and got cold supplies in Puerto Rico. After we got home, he was laid up in bed for close to a week and said that he felt like his body was on fire at times. He recovered. I felt fine and left WV to go to my DD's house in NC. I was almost there and felt an overwhelming sense of fatigue. I wanted to pull my car to the side of the interstate and take a nap. I knew that I could not do that and kept arguing with myself to just drive to DD's house. I got there and was in bed for 3-4 days. They left bottles of water and a banana outside of the bedroom door. I don't know that I lost my sense of taste or smell, because I did not eat anything. When I am sick, I just want to be left alone and I sleep. I do remember throwing up once and I had diarrhea once, so it might have just been a virus. DD and my SIL did not think that I had Covid, because they said that I did not experience the symptoms the media was saying. One could not get Covid tests at that time.
DW 2 times. I just got it a few months ago. First time sick in 3 years...
DH and I got it a few days before Thanksgiving. It was like a short-lived cold, but with a headache and some fever and chills. I didn't get the lingering sinus congestion and nighttime cough that I usually get with colds.

My last vax was a year ago, and DH never got vaxed.
I was a "no" until yesterday. Was exposed last weekend via someone who said they just had a mild cold, so I foolishly ASSumed they had a negative test. Nope! When I got a scratchy throat on Sunday afternoon I asked them if they had checked and they had not, and an hour later said they had a positive test. AAARGH! I tested negative Sunday night but faint line positive yesterday at noon. Fortunately it feels like a mild cold. I've had all the vaccinations including the bivalent booster so I think my immunity to serious symptoms is pretty strong. I plan to do a bunch of yard work today as I'm going a bit stir crazy holed up in the guest room to protect DH, who has not had it yet and I hope to keep it that way.
No, but also not that I know of. In the last 3 to 4 years, I have had a few times I felt like a common cold but no high fever and just a few days of it, but nothing described like covid.
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I KNEW I shouldn't have responded to this poll...:(

My revised response is now "Yes".

Sorry, my friend. I hope you are both better soon.
I was a "no" until yesterday. Was exposed last weekend via someone who said they just had a mild cold, so I foolishly ASSumed they had a negative test. Nope! When I got a scratchy throat on Sunday afternoon I asked them if they had checked and they had not, and an hour later said they had a positive test. AAARGH! I tested negative Sunday night but faint line positive yesterday at noon. Fortunately it feels like a mild cold. I've had all the vaccinations including the bivalent booster so I think my immunity to serious symptoms is pretty strong. I plan to do a bunch of yard work today as I'm going a bit stir crazy holed up in the guest room to protect DH, who has not had it yet and I hope to keep it that way.
I KNEW I shouldn't have responded to this poll...:(

My revised response is now "Yes".

Oh no!!! Take care, you two, get lots of rest and sleep, and good nutritious food. Hope both of you only have a mild case of it, and are feeling much better, soon. :(
I KNEW I shouldn't have responded to this poll...:(

My revised response is now "Yes".

This one is said to be more contagious, and most people have let their guard down. Hope it's just like a cold for you, as it was for me and DH.
Thanks for all the good wishes. REWahoo, I hope your case is as uneventful as mine.

I did have two days of a pretty nasty sore throat and went through half a box of Kleenex, but yesterday I felt much better and today I feel mostly normal with just a bit of lingering congestion. Never did have a fever or any breathing symptoms. I'm still isolating to protect DH and will test this afternoon (7th day) but from what I've read, I'll be surprised if it's negative as most people are testing positive for weeks. Fortunately, they also say few are contagious after 5 days, but I'm being conservative.
I fell into the "Yes" category this week too. DW brought it home from a conference on Sunday evening, and despite my precautions I had a headache and 101-103F fever by Tuesday night. After a couple of days of fever and a couple of days of congestion, I'm 75% back to normal today.
I fell into the "Yes" category this week too. DW brought it home from a conference on Sunday evening, and despite my precautions I had a headache and 101-103F fever by Tuesday night. After a couple of days of fever and a couple of days of congestion, I'm 75% back to normal today.

Scrinch, you too? Take care and I hope you continue to recover and feel better every day.
I KNEW I shouldn't have responded to this poll...:(

My revised response is now "Yes".

Did you test for Covid ?

I suggest if you test (+), to get the Paxlovid as it makes certain you will recover/not get seriously worse.

I just phoned my Doc, and they sent prescription to the pharmacy, the Doc didn't want to see me :LOL:

I'm basically over it now, but DW caught it from me and is also now on the Paxlovid.

Paxlovid is free right now when on Medicare.
Did you test for Covid ?

I suggest if you test (+), to get the Paxlovid as it makes certain you will recover/not get seriously worse.

Yes, I tested positive this morning. DW did not.

I started having mild symptoms Thursday evening. If I'm not feeling better by Monday morning, 3 1/2 days after symptoms first appeared, I will get a Paxlovid script from my doc.
Yes, I tested positive this morning. DW did not.

I started having mild symptoms Thursday evening. If I'm not feeling better by Monday morning, 3 1/2 days after symptoms first appeared, I will get a Paxlovid script from my doc.

Hope you feel better soon :flowers:

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