For men only! Why Viagra?

I saw an interesting PBS show on ED that explained how the erectile plumbing functions and how Viagra works. When aroused, arteries that deliver blood to the unit increase their flow and veins that return blood from the unit constrict and blood gets trapped in there causing it to pump up the spongy tissue. For a variety of reasons (psychological or physical) the constriction plumbing can fail. Viagra causes the same sort of venous constriction so, as long as there is a stimulus (to get the blood flowing) the constriction works and the unit inflates. Now the interesting thing about the documentary was the disclosure that smoking dramatically reduces the constriction. In fact it sounds like it is a miracle of over capacity that enables most smokers to function at all. I figured that would be a great point to make to high school boys to scare them off of smoking. The problem is they probably wouldn't believe it until too late - but then they have Viagra so what the hey.
  • Get a stiffy, in a jiffy...
  • So hard a cat couldn't scratch it...
  • Stiffer than a honeymoon cock...
  • Your pole is our goal...
I never laughed harder when I saw the "Viagra" sponsored car in a NASCAR race. My buddy made the best comment:

He's driving harder than ever!! :)
Fascinating topic!
Can women tell the difference if a man is on ED drugs? I am also curious about the quantity of different ED drugs out there. Is one particularly better than the other? Do they serve the same medical purpose? Cialis seems to have better commercials, but like FinanceDude said, Viagra has NASCAR - lol!
I heard an interesting story...more germaine to the power of med-related advertising...

A dad had to take his small son along to his doctor visit. When done, the doc asked 'is there anything else you want to ask me?'

The son tugged on his dads pantsleg and said "weren't we supposed to ask him about cialis?"
Fascinating topic!
In a thread labeled "For Men Only", you sure are asking a lot of questions!

None of us will admit to any personal expertise in the area of ED assistance. It never happens to us so you'll always have to "ask some other guy". You're probably better off swapping PMs with Rich or one of the other doctors...
For some reason this reminds me of a guy who told me that he used to masturbate so much in the shower while his wife was pregnant that now every time it rained he got a boner.

When he gets old he could move to Seattle. :)
Fascinating topic!
Can women tell the difference if a man is on ED drugs? I am also curious about the quantity of different ED drugs out there. Is one particularly better than the other? Do they serve the same medical purpose? Cialis seems to have better commercials, but like FinanceDude said, Viagra has NASCAR - lol!

The chances are that a 40+ single woman has met at least one Viagra enhanced man. So open up the thread to women and you may get the answer to your question.

Out of discetion married women may prefer to keep their experiences to themselves.:)

Fascinating topic!
Can women tell the difference if a man is on ED drugs? I am also curious about the quantity of different ED drugs out there. Is one particularly better than the other? Do they serve the same medical purpose? Cialis seems to have better commercials, but like FinanceDude said, Viagra has NASCAR - lol!

Best comment from my best friend:

How is Viagara going to sell ANY pills to MARRIED men??

None of us will admit to any personal expertise in the area of ED assistance.

Having been a member of this distinguished forum for about a year, I'm not sure I am in 100% agreement with you. It's not over until...
None of us will admit to any personal expertise in the area of ED assistance.

My wife still has to keep a bat at her bedside.

But this reminds me of a small funny experience I had recently.

While cleaning the kitchen in our new house, while wiping out the kitchen cabinets I tipped the uppermost shelf over the refrigerator. Out slides a sample pack of viagra, one pill missing, expired about 5 years ago. I'm guessing the stuff is good for 2-3 years minimum, so that would put it right around the time the original owner sold it to the guy I bought it from.

Last hurrah in the old place or yahoo...we got a new house! :confused:

And only one missing, and hidden in the best hiding spot in the house...hmm...
A close friends wife works for Glaxo --- selling levitra. He gave me a sample pack and said..."these are some majic beans to your 18 year old h*** o*. Long story short, I tryed the stuff after a great night out w/ DW...w/o her knowing. The results...while always good:cool: --
I found it to be more intense and almost to "inflated" When done "elevation" continued for 15-20 min w/ no stimulation (annoying)...long story short...if it works -- don't fix it.
A close friends wife works for Glaxo --- selling levitra. He gave me a sample pack and said..."these are some majic beans to your 18 year old h*** o*. Long story short, I tryed the stuff after a great night out w/ DW...w/o her knowing. The results...while always good:cool: --
I found it to be more intense and almost to "inflated" When done "elevation" continued for 15-20 min w/ no stimulation (annoying)...long story short...if it works -- don't fix it.

:D:D I guess there's hope for the future.........:) I think my wife bought the bat from the same store Fuzzy's wife did.........
Since you are opening the discussion to the women I have to say that when I started dating again at 52 ( after being widowed) several guys fessed up to viagra use way before necessary .One guy even admitted to injecting his p---- for arousal (ouch ).
Since you are opening the discussion to the women I have to say that when I started dating again at 52 ( after being widowed) several guys fessed up to viagra use way before necessary .One guy even admitted to injecting his p---- for arousal (ouch ).

I'll bet that was a real conversation-ENDER............:eek:

Male: "I hope you don't mind, but I use Viagra to help me out"........

Moemg: "That's nice, but I'm still trying to find out if I like you or not"..............:D
Beyond Viagra, Levitra, Cialis

To further complicate matters, some men with ED (i.e., impotent), for various reasons (I'm diabetic) find that none of the oral drugs work any more. However, there is still hope, if the male user is willing to drive a stainless steel spike into his male member when he and his DW want sex. Perhaps I'm overstating things. This is by using an injected Rx substance (for me, called bi-mix), a 29- to 31-gauge needle, and an autoinjector. Injection is to the side of the penis, and the resultiing 'sting' more resembles a geriatric bee than anything ... when I can feel it at all. That's the downside. The up-side (no pun intended) is a 3-5 hour erection, similar to the ones a man remembers when he was 18. Plus no more worries about 'performance anxiety,' as it just doesn't come down, no matter what you do. If you have to get it down, take a double or triple dose of a decongestant (such as Sudafed), and wait about a hour. As a result, DW requires 2-3 'rest periods' between 'activity sessions.'

It just depends on how much you want to continue having sex fun. In my case, at 64, I just wasn't ready to pack it in ... and, besides, I wanted to continue chasing DW around the house ... until she catches, trips, and beats me to the floor. >:D
However, there is still hope, if the male user is willing to drive a stainless steel spike into his male member when he and his DW want sex.
As a result, DW requires 2-3 'rest periods' between 'activity sessions.'
[-]Spikes[/-] Yikes!

"Stand back, Eve, I don't know how big this thing gets!"
-- Adam (the first "guy")

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