what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Talked through a few things and feel so much better :) It is so good to have options and I sure have a lot of them!
Did an hour massage....I think I need to do them as much as my clients need them!
Took a long nap and went food shopping for Casanova.
Congratulations to her and to you Dawg. I am sure having you as her involved uncle was a great comfort and strngth to her.


Thanks. Although kind of tiny, she is a very strong girl. Enjoyed watching her step on stage and receive her diploma. But wish I could have slipped out the back door when she was done. Lord that was a long ceremony. :(

Afterward we all went to a nice restaurant. I had a fillet and boy was it good. Best part about it, my sis-in-law picked up the tab.:D
Annual Mother's Day rituals completed

We successfully prepared our burnt offerings on the sacrificial altar of Weber, in the hopes of bringing the blessings of the Earth Mother to our home for another year.

Translation from Early Hippie:

We did out annual Mother's Day BBQ, serving up helpings of BBQ chicken, corn, and asparagus (favorites of DW and DMILaw). A nice spinach salad was consumed, and we finished with fresh strawberries.

Yum. :D
My daughter called from Oregon to wish me Happy Mother's Day. That was so thoughtful of her.

Then Frank took me out to eat at a local Chinese restaurant. The waitress wanted to give me free wine for Mother's Day, but I told her that I don't drink - - so she brought free orange slices after our meal, instead. I felt suitably pampered.
Mexican, the SO wanted Mexican so we did a highly recommened(by my doughnut shop buddies) restaurant. Prior to dinner next door Scout had escaped so I caught the little buzzard and put him back behind his fence(neighbors were out for Mother's Day dinner also). When we got back - it turns out Anne(little mixed breed mutt) had escaped also - so joined the neighbor walk around search - found two streets over on a porch visiting.

Luckily beat the Dog Catcher - it cost money to bail em out - or worse lost permanently.

heh heh heh - :D Went to Walmart and bought 5 plastic planters for the plants she picked out for her pre Mother's Day pick yer own plants/flowers at the nursery Saturday treat. We ate late yesterday - 5 hours of Brisket done on the Cajun II barrel smoker.

What's that Ha Ha tag line - eat what you want and die like a man? - not helping my 'ideal weight' any.
We took MIL to a new fondue restaurant for mother's day. We had a blast and the "flaming turtle" chocolate dipping sauce (milk chocolate/caramel/pecans) was fantastic. Had to take a bit of a nap afterwards though... Must have been all that fat.

Made reservations for our trip to San Fran. We used skymiles to pay for the airfare so we decided to splurge on a very nice hotel. We upgraded to a suite for only $30 extra per night. Actually, with our hotel rewards card I think we will get the upgrade for free. We are pondering whether to upgrade to business class for the flight. That would be a first for us. But for a 4.5 hour long flight it might be worth it...
Need to build new ones, but decided to use the flower boxes on the deck rail one more year.

Picked bright razz-berry and bright orange geraniums to put in them. Dazzling!

Want to put a bunch of basil in the big pot on the deck to use for making pizza.

As for pizza - for a special treat, make it with fresh mozzarella! Yum. (I have a pair of scissors that I use only for food prep - use them to cut thin slices of fresh mozzarella for pizza and for cutting the fresh basil. Also use them for cutting one of the pizza toppings: sun-dried tomatoes that are in olive oil. Fortunately these scissors go through the dishwasher without affecting the cutting operation. That is, they don't get stiff like my manual can opener does if I put it in the dishwasher).
Crazy week coming up - today is my only scheduled goof off day. :D
I need to get shots for overseas travel for the summer cruise. I haven't been vaccinated for anything since 1976 (college) except the annual flu shot. Local county health clinic recommended I get MMR, Hep A/B combo, and TDAP. Then I go back for a 2nd shot (one of the Hep) in June.
Waaaaaaahhhhhhhh...I hate needles worse than w*rk. :( Hope they have good lollipops.
Other items...Teeth cleaning, dog to vet, Chinese buffet, lunch with retired former cow*rker, 2 expired car inspections, finish staining the porch floor, gardening...
It's tough being FIREd and being able to get these things done without you-know-what getting in the way. ;)
Did a tour of my gardens, peonies are now up an inch. Daffodils blooming and the crocuses about done. Need to get a load of compost. Lots of weed pulling in my future. Pulled a few dandelions using my forked stick. Took a snooze, still recovering from my flu.

Tried to get on the computer after being off for a few days. Internet was not working right. Spent 1.45 hours on phone with ISP then .75 with router manufacturer. Finally up and running after a reinstall of router software. I begged the guy from India to please, please explain what could happen to cause previously working software to glitch out and require a reinstall? But he could not explain for me. But I did get him to laugh with me over the top begging. :)
Got my shots today - MMR, Hep A/B combo, and TDAP. 1 in left arm, 2 in right arm. Waaaaaaahhhhhhhh...no lollipops. Cheapskate county outfit. I pay taxes, ya know.:rant:
Teeth cleaning was very productive. I have a tooth that bothers me when I bite down on something resilient, like pizza crust or broccoli. It used to be infrequent and mild discomfort, now it is frequent and definitely not mild pain. Xrays showed an internal crack in the tooth itself, not the filling.
I am down to 2 months til our trip. Dentist said he can drill out the filling, bond it inside and hope, refill it, OR we can do the permanent fix. My choice.
For 12 days, there will be some serious gourmet food with my name on it. I need every tooth to be perfectly tuned up.
Anyone wanna guess how I will proceed ? :cool:
I have just enough time to get a temp crown done, and the permanent one will arrive 4 days before my trip. Whew! :D
Got my shots today - MMR, Hep A/B combo, and TDAP. 1 in left arm, 2 in right arm. Waaaaaaahhhhhhhh...no lollipops. Cheapskate county outfit. I pay taxes, ya know.:rant:
Teeth cleaning was very productive. I have a tooth that bothers me when I bite down on something resilient, like pizza crust or broccoli. It used to be infrequent and mild discomfort, now it is frequent and definitely not mild pain. Xrays showed an internal crack in the tooth itself, not the filling.
I am down to 2 months til our trip. Dentist said he can drill out the filling, bond it inside and hope, refill it, OR we can do the permanent fix. My choice.
For 12 days, there will be some serious gourmet food with my name on it. I need every tooth to be perfectly tuned up.
Anyone wanna guess how I will proceed ? :cool:
I have just enough time to get a temp crown done, and the permanent one will arrive 4 days before my trip. Whew! :D

I would have demanded some high quality drugs.
Finally finished the installation of new ceramic tile in the master bath. It started as a simple DIY project, removing 80 SF of carpet and 20 SF of existing tile. Yeah, simple...:nonono:

Once the carpet was removed I discovered the slab underneath had lots of paint on it - overspray from painting the cabinets and woodwork when the house was built. Can't tile over paint, can't remove it chemically (mortar won't stick), so I had to scrape it up. :(

The existing ceramic tile was much more difficult to remove than I expected. The process involved a grout removal saw (major dust storm!), stone chisel, a 6 pound sledge hammer, and lots of bad words.

I still have to put down quarter round and paint the baseboards, but I completed the grouting today, and all the [-]mud pie making[/-] hard work is done.
Laundry, Chinese buffet, then a multi-hour road trip in the Stang with best guy friend (retired). We went to see a waterfall at a state park and to a bakery outlet for "everything" bagels and lemon toast cookies (low fat).
Still trying to finish up staining that porch floor but the humidity has been high and it has rained a lot. :mad:
Tomorrow, tomorrow...:D
Wrote a hefty check to roofing company. 3 days, 9 roofers a hammerin' and voila, a new roof.

Found a good number of rotted spots, especially over one of the bathrooms, where the PO had directly vented the room into the attic. That I remedied shortly after we bought house. While adding extra 6" insulation, routed ducting to outside. Though the damage was done over the previous 25 or so years.

None of the chimneys or abutments had flashing, now they do.

Good for 30 years or 6000 miles.:)

The contractor was highly recommended by several old time locals. His foreman has been with the co for 37 years. They did a fine job. The owner, who is in his late seventies is the sole salesman, estimator, and gofer to get stuff in the hurry if it is needed "right now".

He has currently 9 more jobs in the pipeline (signed contracts). No recession for him.
Finally finished the installation of new ceramic tile in the master bath. It started as a simple DIY project, removing 80 SF of carpet and 20 SF of existing tile. Yeah, simple...:nonono:

Once the carpet was removed I discovered the slab underneath had lots of paint on it - overspray from painting the cabinets and woodwork when the house was built. Can't tile over paint, can't remove it chemically (mortar won't stick), so I had to scrape it up. :(

The existing ceramic tile was much more difficult to remove than I expected. The process involved a grout removal saw (major dust storm!), stone chisel, a 6 pound sledge hammer, and lots of bad words.

I still have to put down quarter round and paint the baseboards, but I completed the grouting today, and all the [-]mud pie making[/-] hard work is done.

You should have been here when the contractor used sledge hammer to remove ceramic tile and cast iron bathtub.
Farmers' Market today: two small steaks, spinach, asparagus, FL tomatoes, spring onions.

By Friday I have to do laundry or buy underwear.
Farmers' Market today: two small steaks, spinach, asparagus, FL tomatoes, spring onions.

By Friday I have to do laundry or buy underwear.

Im getting excited about our local farmers market. We got a really good one here in Sacramento. So cheap and fresh. Ha Im salivating at the mouth for summer. Only problem is here they run on Sunday when everyone can go. I need to find one during the week when people are working.. :angel:
Woke up way too early (7am)
Drank coffee....talked to some friends
Surfed on a few sites
Get ready for second to last day at the spa (Yay!)
Im getting excited about our local farmers market. We got a really good one here in Sacramento. So cheap and fresh. Ha Im salivating at the mouth for summer. Only problem is here they run on Sunday when everyone can go. I need to find one during the week when people are working.. :angel:
Chamber of Commerce may have a listing of vendors.
Go straight to the source - the farmers themselves. Some may have small roadside stands set up.
I have been on travel for megacorp. Domestic locale, not an exotic overseas location. But they pay me for my time, and for my meals, so why not make the most of the occasion to compensate for boring meetings? I have tried a few local restaurants here, and found a nice one I would not mind going back to. I also went to a well-known and expensive place that was a letdown.

Surfing Web now, looking at how much money I "lost" in the market this week... Anybody here "making" any money?
Damn I did nothing real important today. Exercised and ate. Lets see if I can keep up the good work.

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