2022 workout thread

1 mile walk outside today, it was still cold, but I wore the right clothing. It's dark when we go so no fashion worries. Then I did one hour strength and balance workout and .61 miles around my block as it got up to 48 degrees today, warmer than it has been for quite a while. A good workout day!
Ugh, workouts are going to be a challenge for the next 2 weeks until I FIRE. Training others is time consuming and I'm not getting the time during the day to break away, and after the day is done I'm exhausted from talking. Next week will be worse since I'm commuting into the office for Tues - Fri.

But - my last day is Friday the 21st - so after that my time is my own and I can get back on track :dance:
2 miles outside with my friend and I will also walk around my block here soon. It is 52 degrees here in Iowa today!
Yesterday - walk 50 minutes

Skipped lifting yesterday, I normally lift every 2nd day but we're leaving to visit friends 3 hours away for a couple days so I took an extra day off and will try to get to it this morning before we leave.
Managed to get my lifting in before we leave. I'm getting comfortable with the resistance bands and have more or less figured out the right angles and body positions:

overhead press - 5 x 10
bent over rows - 5 x 10
deadlifts - 5 x 10
Per my watch I got in 4.82 miles today. Two outside walks, which were very nice. We are waiting for a winter storm tomorrow. I also did an hour of yoga, which included breath work. Not a workout, but I had a great massage today.
Went for a 5 mile hike. Checked my Apple Watch step counter for accuracy. I counted my steps in 3 segments of 1000 steps each. Watch showed 948 on first segment, 987 on 2nd, and 999 on the 3rd. Maybe I miscounted on the first segment - but it appears that the apple watch counts steps fairly accurately. Disregarding the first segment, the watch matched my count to 99.3% accuracy.
Today, 4.50 miles so far on my watch. 1.84 outside in the snow the morning, it was pretty. I also shoveled the driveway, that got my heart rate up. There will be plenty more to shovel tomorrow. Also, 40 minute chair yoga.
1/2 hour yoga today. Not FIRED yet so looking forward to this three day weekend so I can get a really good workout in each day without "the tape" of mental exhaustion in my head and do some cleaning which counts as moving my body.
16.5 miles yesterday after 8.6 miles on Thursday. 112 so far in January on my quest for 5 miles /day. 37 miles ahead of schedule.
My yoga teacher, Mary McCarthy, has some really nice videos on you tube. I like the 30 minute strength and balance workout. Search you tube for Mary McCarthy yoga.

She has a paid subscription service, but of course her you tube videos are free.
I missed a few days working out while visiting our friends in West Palm Beach but did get one long day of walking in with them (2.5 - 3 hours spread out over the day). Unfortunately, my meniscus suffered and is still sore so I will be taking it easy walking and with leg exercises.

Yesterday I got back into lifting with the bands:

overhead press - 5 x 10
bent over rows - 5 x 10
deadlifts - 5 x 10
We got 14 inches of snow Friday/Friday night, so some of my days I helped with the shoveling and did workout videos inside. Yesterday was a nice day here, so we walked outside 1.8 miles with boots, which is quite a workout. Off to walk with my friend now, outside with boots.
I quit running last September due to back issues and have only hiked, biked and lifted weights since. Heart rate rarely gets over 90 now whereas it used to get up to 160 while running.

Noticed that my iPhone records VO2 max. My VO2max used to be around 46 last September, and it took a nose dive after I quit running. Now it's around 34.

First I don't know how accurate an iPhone can record VO2 max, and second I don't know how important it is. Supposedly it's a measure of cardiovascular fitness. I'm now running again to boost it back up.
I quit running last September due to back issues and have only hiked, biked and lifted weights since. Heart rate rarely gets over 90 now whereas it used to get up to 160 while running.

Noticed that my iPhone records VO2 max. My VO2max used to be around 46 last September, and it took a nose dive after I quit running. Now it's around 34.

First I don't know how accurate an iPhone can record VO2 max, and second I don't know how important it is. Supposedly it's a measure of cardiovascular fitness. I'm now running again to boost it back up.

Not sure what you back issues are, but have you ever tried a daily routine like this...

I found some golfers using it. I am only about a week in, but really like it.
Not sure what you back issues are, but have you ever tried a daily routine like this...

I found some golfers using it. I am only about a week in, but really like it.

Wow! I just did it. Some cracking and creaking, but it feels great.

My back problem is lower back. I can already see that this routine will be helpful.

Thanks for posting!
Body Weigh Combo.
- 10 burpees
- 10 burpees, 25 pushups
- 10 burpees, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
- 10 burpees, 25 pushups, 50 lunges, 100 sit-ups
- 10 burpees, 25 pushups, 50 lunges, 100 sit-ups, 150 air squats

Time: last year 29 minutes; this year 27 mins.
Getting ready to go up to my bedroom and do a 30 minute zoom strength and balance class that my yoga teacher teaches.
80 minute walk at Fort Funston with the dogs this morning.
PT twist bar for my lateral epicondylitis (boo, I want to be climbing again already)
.25m walk 12 degree incline on the treadmill
20 burpees
.25m walk 12 degree incline on the treadmill
40 cable leg kickbacks (20 each side)
.25m jog flat
60 jumping jacks
.25m run flat
20 lunges with 45lb olympic bar
10 front squats with 45lb bar
10 overhead squats with 45lb bar
.25m run 6 degree incline
10 sets of 10 of assorted abdominal exercise (several different styles of crunches, v-ups, leg raises, hanging leg raises, parallette leg raises)
10 tricep dips

Not being able to meet one of my friends for climbing has negatively impacted my workouts for sure, hopefully I can remember to post in here to keep myself on track, external obligations help me get my exercise in for sure.
Body Weigh Combo.
- 10 burpees
- 10 burpees, 25 pushups
- 10 burpees, 25 pushups, 50 lunges
- 10 burpees, 25 pushups, 50 lunges, 100 sit-ups
- 10 burpees, 25 pushups, 50 lunges, 100 sit-ups, 150 air squats

Time: last year 29 minutes; this year 27 mins.

That looks fun, will have to give it a try! :)
So far in 2022 I've run 30 miles and walked 20 miles. All in hilly terrain.

My runs speeds have really slowed down over the years (in younger part of 70's). Sometimes I'm even passed by young ladies. Oh well.
Just upper body today (resistance bands). I'm working a little harder, some of the sets were close to failure:

- overhead press: 6 x 10
- bent over rows: 6 x 10
76 and goal is a good workout 75% of the days in 2022.

A “good” workout can range from a 45 minute walk (on my lighter days) to a 30 min walk + a warmup (10-15 minutes) on my ancient Nordic Track X-C machine or rower + a Team Body Project (a subscription) workout of about 30 minutes. That’s on my heavier days. I try to alternate at least 2 heavy days with 1 light day. I have a way-too-anal point system I developed to score the relative values of workouts. Where I’m deficient is I weights/resistance which I’ve never been able to stick with for the long haul. Fortunately, many of the Body Project routines include some resistance.

ETA: I did one of the heavier workouts today.

Got off to a great start with the beginning of the new year. Then had to have surgery on one of my eyes. I knew that was going to curtail heavy exercise for a month or so. Unfortunately, there have been a few complications in my recovery so I think the month will be prolonged. All the doc will let me do is walk and even that at not a very brisk pace. And with the New England weather being as it’s been, I don’t even want to do that. Grrr…
Today was one hour of zoom yoga. It was a very good class with a nice challenge to it. This afternoon I walked in the neighborhood for just under a mile. It was very cold out, barely above zero today. I am heading to Florida Sunday and can't wait.

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