November 22, 1963 - -
I was a sophomore in high school. As we chattered happily to one another in home room before the bell rang, one of the guys came running in and told us the President had been shot. This guy was a real card, so we thought he was cutting up and nobody believed him. Several were making jokes about it.
We realized he was serious when the teacher came in with tears streaming down her face, and the Principal got on the P.A. to tell us and to lead us in prayer for the President (not a parochial school, either). Then, we were allowed to go over to the auditorium and watch television coverage on the big TV that was available over there, if we wanted to do so. I did that.
I found it very hard to believe, since up to that time I had thought that in the 20th century assassinations were something that occurred in third world countries, and not in the U.S. It just seemed impossible.
The assassination of JFK still intrigues me and bothers me. For me, it changed the world in so many ways.