Agree we need to reopen without vulnerable/elderly at first?

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It has been a lesson passed down through the years that we do best when we work together, rather than separately. We should each do our part to get through this with the least amount of collective pain and destruction. There must be a balance between the immediate public health protection issues and the economic destruction issues, which may have their own public health ramifications down the road. And that balance point necessarily will change over time as events dictate. I certainly do not envy those whose job it is to determine where that balance lies.

One thing I do know, however, is that it is usually foolish to base decisions on how people "feel". All of us have rights, but "feeling" anything is not among those rights, primarily because it is entirely subjective. That is, there are people who will "feel safe" no matter what is happening and those who will never "feel safe". Our leaders should make determinations based on objective criteria regarding the health risks and the economic damage required to mitigate those risks, not based on our feelings.

Hear, hear! :clap:
They are predicting that flights will be more expensive because they will have to leave middle seats open, etc. We had round trip nonstop tickets from San Fran to Warsaw for 650.

Got an email from United this morning saying they were going to leave the middle seats open.

OTOH, saw a piece on the news yesterday that people were complaining about an American flight being full and only half wearing masks. The flight attendant was also concerned. I'm sure this full flight was the result of a lot of cancelled flights.
Why are people so angry about having to wear a mask? I have been wearing one when out in public and I don't see any big deal. Is it like when seatbelts were made mandatory and people just did not want to be told what to do?

Personally, I think it is a big deal. It's a major change in habits and how we present ourselves, and it has a major impact on how we interact with others since we can't see facial expressions.

You may not mind wearing them, but I find them very uncomfortable. They can be hard to breathe through, they can fog my glasses, they can rub against my ears if worn around the ears, they can get tangled in my hair if worn around the head, the fabric itself can be uncomfortable against my skin.

I've been wearing a mask since the CDC changed their advice to say maybe we should wear them, which is before my state required them. But I don't like them in the least.
If a person doesn't want to wear their mask they should make sure they tell that to the Dr. when they or someone they care about catches COVID.

That way they can get the proportional treatment for their effort to help control the spread.

Ya right....
Unfortunately, what MrLOCO says is not uncommon. It's exactly what my DB says. So, us vulnerable people need to stay out of their way - or else.

I am a "vulnerable person" (COPD) it is my responsibility not to go to a concert, bowling alley, bar, restaurant or events of any type, it is not "your" responsibility not to have an event. It is time to get on with life, the curve has flattened unless you are in a state that never had a curve to start with.
Because you say so?
Yeah, I'm curious why no one else is questioning this. For a forum insistent on providing support when making large-scale summaries, and rightfully so, most are strangely silent on those stats.
If we'd all take a deep breath and let this sink in, things might move toward and consensus.
I hope you’re right, but there’s almost no evidence we’re capable of that on any issue. I think 9/11 was the last time we seemed to have a broad consensus that stood for any appreciable time. We’ve took sides on the 2008-09 financial meltdown almost immediately, and we’ve already started splintering on SARS-CoV-2...
What's the point of outrage over something in the past..
Oh boy. The finger-pointing is everywhere, which includes, and it has been obvious since day one. Certain political leaders were getting ripped to shreds for supposedly not reacting properly, while at the same time medical experts have been given a pass for being wrong on so many fronts regarding COVID-19.

A lot of discussion right now is centered on what we don't know about COVID-19, which seems to be more than what we do know about it. Despite that, what was said in the past keeps getting repeated, and few appear willing to step back from that.
It is obvious that we are going to have a physically divided society for the near term. However, let's all agree there is no need to add virtual division here in the forums.
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