At what age did you feel "physically old" and cranky?

“Physically old “ can happen faster than expected with a series of unfortunate accidents. DH (55 and in great shape) is building a deck for our house. DD’s boyfriend came over to help. DH shows off and lifts a large piece of lumber over head at exactly the same time he unfortunately stepped backwards into one of the post holes. Of course he drops the lumber on his own head. (Broken teeth, slight concussion, stunned, neck pain). Then not even two weeks later, he is trotting down our stairs with his hands full. Unexpectedly his feet go out from under him, elbows crush the drywall, his back and ribs crush the step tread. He ends up in ER bc with a fall that bad on top of a recent head injury it’s critical. He thought he broke his spine. The ER rules out broken ribs, bones and internal organ damage and diagnoses bruised ribs and damaged cartilage. This was the most painful injury imaginable. And deep breathing is encouraged to prevent pneumonia but your ribs don’t want you to breathe. These two injuries in close succession make DH measurably old and cranky. And hopefully he will be more careful with his physical condition going forward. We’ve already missed a minor league baseball game, a mountain biking trip, painting our daughters college rental house and finishing the deck project due to these injuries. It’s better to play it safe physically once you’re over 50. Health is the most important thing you possess.

Oh no.. sorry to hear that.. A work acquaintance in his 60s tried to do some roof work. He fell of the ladder and landed in the hospital. I guess it is better to hire contractors for these types of work.
I was feeling good for my age - early 60's UNTIL this summer. First, a breast lump was found - but luckily the testing was negative. Still it reminded me how quickly my health could change.
THEN I developed fatigue, neck pains, headache - probably Lyme disease (I live in a county with a real high rate) . I'm still on the antibiotics BUT the fatigue makes me feel VERY Old !!
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