Black Friday shopping plans


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Jan 31, 2008
Just wondering what kind of shopping plans folks have today and what Black Friday deals they are targeting. I prefer to stay at home on this particular day, sometimes traffic gets a bit crazy, but I will be going to the car doctor, and DW has an errand or two.

Edit to add: car doctor said to stay at home, tow the car in Monday morning. Looks like I'll be staying in the whole weekend.
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I need to change the oil in my riding mower and may try to get to an auto parts store just inside the city limits to buy a replacement filter. I'm pretty sure it isn't one of their doorbusters...
With the exception of a possible grocery run, I plan to keep a minimum distance of 1 mile from any physical shopping venues until Monday. However, I might do some internet shopping, or at least browsing for gift ideas today.
Stayed at home - shopped online

We did ours last night at Best Buy online. Purchased a new all-in-one PC (our 4 year old PC gave up the ghost 2 weeks ago), a GPS and a UPS)

Very good prices, and no need to be apart of the chaos on the show room floor
I plan to avoid the consumption orgy. #zombieapocolypse.

Of all our modern idiosyncronicities, I think one reflects most poorly on our culture. And the move to make people come to work retail on thanksgiving makes me nuts.
Have to go to the airport to pick up the in-laws. Other than that we are staying out of the fray.
We will try our luck with Small Business Saturday and our new AMEX card. We need a couple of small hardware items, and I want some non-sulfur-dioxide-preserved dried fruit from the expensive health food place. If SBS turns out like Ronstar's BF experience, we will just go home.

I owe my soul to the Amazon Store. Free Kindle Apps, a $49 Kindle reader for a Christmas gift, a bed jacket for my sister (not on sale).
I plan to avoid the consumption orgy. #zombieapocolypse.

Of all our modern idiosyncronicities, I think one reflects most poorly on our culture. And the move to make people come to work retail on thanksgiving makes me nuts.

It's a "Shopocolypse"!!

It's a "Shopocolypse"!!

First time I've heard of this. It's a activist website. From Wikipedia Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Church of Stop Shopping is an activist performance group based in New York City, led by Reverend Billy, the stage name of Bill Talen. Using the form of a revivai meeting, on sidewalks and in chain stores, Reverend Billy and his gospel choir exhort consumers to abandon the products of large corporations and mass media
I stay as far away from malls as possible.

I was hoping the nexus 5 phone would be available from google play (it's been out of stock ever since I identified it as the phone that will work with ting (sprint network CDMA) and in europe next summer. Apparently only nexus 5's purchased from the google play store will work on Ting's network (vs spring or att/tmobile purchased phones) so buying used has added risk. Unfortunately, it's still out of stock.

I've never done black friday shopping and don't plan to start now.
I don't plan to shop in person today because I don't like desperate crowds of half crazy shoppers. :D But I will check out some online websites like Amazon because I am in full consumer mode this year. The booming market plus starting SS this year are at least partly responsible for that :LOL:

So far, I haven't seen anything that has tempted me even one bit. There are lots of cheap TVs out there but I just got a new one last year.
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I really don't have anything that I'm looking to buy at the moment.

I don't mind browsing. But any browsing, I'm doing online to stay away from the madness of Black Friday crowds.
I'm trying to check Best Buy to see if the laptop I bought my son for his 30th birthday is now on sale. If it is, I'll bring down the receipt later today to get a bargain.

Unfortunately the Best Buy website has been down for the last 1.5 hours.

EDIT: Best Buy site up. No bargains.
DW just came in door having bought at incredible art canvas sale at local art supply store. Absolute chaos according to DW. But artists are generally nice people. You will not see this on the nightly news. :)
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I'm celebrating my 15th year of "buy nothing day" on Black Friday. I also avoid going out on the saturday and sunday that follow.
Good list :)

Yes!! This was interesting to me:

What's your rush? Studies of the last few years suggest that prices will stay low or go lower in early December.
Hmmm!! :) I just looked online and didn't see anything I wanted that was offered at a discount. But maybe in early December.... :D
This could also describe how I feel about people who boast of flipping houses during a bubble.


"We tend to ignore net cost when we shop because we're focused on the bargain story. Shoppers love stories—"This skirt was 80% off, I am a discount ninja!"—because when it comes to prices, nobody knows anything, and stories are all we have. Narratives fill the space where knowledge should be."

I love the smell of cooked books during the holiday season. More predator than prey, I execute on the premeditated list from the comfort of my catbird seat. Nothing rings in festivus quite like new auto parts at a discount. :)
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