Can Do - Things You're Really Good At!


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Dec 21, 2008
I'm taking NW-Bound up on his challenge in the "Cannot Do" Thread. He said:
" I will wait for someone to start a "Can do" thread, then I will post more."

What are you really good at? No need to be bashful! Anything goes, as long as the moderators will put up with it. :D Your talent could even be something that others don't recognize.

OK, here is my small list:


Always know which colors go with what.


Good at simplifying very complex things.
(Tend to complicate simple things, too :blush:).

Managing money the risk of sounding egotistical :blush:...just about everything I set my mind to learn about and perform. The effort I expend to do things is extensive. I get a real thrill out of mastering new challenges. :D
Arriving exactly on time, no matter if the destination is 5 or 500 miles away.
I'm an extrovert can meet people easily, throw me in a bar/party/whatever of strangers and I'll know most of 'em within an hour.

Good sense of direction so can usually find my way around, even exiting a subway usually know immediately which way is which.
I'm really good at napping - especially after a big helping of homemade biscuits and gravy...

Me too. I am really good at napping. I frequently enjoy a peaceful and constructive afternoon snooze in my armchair, even though I haven't had homemade biscuits and gravy in quite some time. Martha, you need to move down here.
Me too. I am really good at napping. I frequently enjoy a peaceful and constructive afternoon snooze in my armchair, even though I haven't had homemade biscuits and gravy in quite some time. Martha, you need to move down here.
I imagine besides myself, Martha can make good biscuits and gravy too...:flowers:
A few things I'm good at:

Keeping finances in order
Public speaking
Socializing fearful kittens
Making chili
Loving that man o' mine;)
Anything involving mathematical operations on numbers.

I don't know if I'd say *really* good, but I can do pretty well in just about any sport I set my mind to. Some I don't pick up well right away--skiing was a good example--but once I get the hang of it, it usually goes well for me. Still looking for the consistency in golf though.
Taming cats

Used to be: Maintaining mainframe code; math
While I haven't had to tame any cats (mine were socialized as kittens), certainly have herded my share. Cat-herding falls into the category of "Don't especially enjoy it; nonetheless, very good at it."


Taming cats
I am a perfectionist so I would never say that I am really good at anything. But I am not too bad at a number of things:

Analytical/critical thinking, sciences, giving presentations, speaking several languages, cooking, handling money and investments, history & geography, building stuff, sewing, skiing, remembering stuff, vegetable gardening, and efficient tasking.
I used to be good a multi-tasking, but not any more...only one thing at a time for me now. I also used to be good at finding mislaid items for my husband and daughter...but not now. Simple times for simple mind.:ROFLMAO:
logistics (which I actually hate)
gathering information and applying knowledge
visionary stuff
I'm an extrovert can meet people easily, throw me in a bar/party/whatever of strangers and I'll know most of 'em within an hour.

Good sense of direction so can usually find my way around, even exiting a subway usually know immediately which way is which.

I wish that I were good at both of those, but I am not unfortunately. I don't think that I am really good at anything. I can do alot of things, but would consider my abilities to be average or slightly above..
Handy for getting things down from high places. Know a lot of simple things that make maintaining the larger expenditures in life - houses & cars - fairly inexpensive. Pretty fair at hearing what people are saying and giving them enough room to say it. Economical in expending energy - but efficient and effective. Don't add to stress levels, tend to keep things low key.
Also, fitting maximum number of odd shaped items into a cargo area.

And sewing anything from slipcovers to handbags to lingerie.
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