Career: how to get where I want to be?

Laurence said: view on tatoos: I like the idea a lot, but I haven't found something yet that I would be passionate enough about to make that kind of commitment to. Researching....
I'm seeing some really elaborate tatoos placed over the but-tocks in my yoga that where you are considering puting yours L? :D
Laurence: Since it is one grade higher you might get an increase for the promotion of something like 5% because of the very recent normal increase.  If you don't get that, negotiate for the promotional increase after 90 days- or any cycle that is earlier than their normal cycle that doesn't disqualify you for their annual pay adjustment (assuming that they have such a system).  Work with your new boss and HR rep as they know how the process has worked in the past [warning: past practices are no guarintee of future action].  

IMHO the best time to caputure an increase is at selection because everyone is working for the relationship.  After a few months reality sets in.
Thanks for the tips, Brat! I will definitely negotiate for the timeline (in writing!). I'll update Thursday night.
Don't demand it in writing but do confirm the new boss's committment in writing the same day. Include any other agreements the both of you made.

Start of with something to the effect of: I am looking forward to joining your team .....
Laurence said:
:  I like the idea a lot, but I haven't found something yet that I would be passionate enough about to make that kind of commitment to.  Researching....
Congrats on making some progress!! As a self employed person, I can confirm there are significant economic advantages to the status but you also have some downside, in that self-employed can also mean, you can be/are the one who has to make something happen and a vacation that forgets work can be a challenge.
Your expertise in the IT world gives you a wonderful opportunity to have both employment and a separate business either consulting or providing technical services off-line.  You are more qualified to separate what you can do off-line but it is a great way to build a client base to cushion the transition if you ever decide to bag-it at the wage game.
Word of caution, is be sure your employer is aware of your activities if there is any chance of a conflict of interest.
Congrats again on the promo.
Laurence said:
UPDATE: Got a 12.5% raise today, and I have an interview this Thursday with a department that wants to nab me, maybe I can get another 10% on top!  FINALLY!  :)
Congratulations, you're rockin'!

Maybe you'll be able to save enough money to buy out Trombone Al and recode his software to execute your plan for world IT domination an accelerated ER...
Congratulations Laurence. Wow, 12.5% is a nice increase.
And goodluck on the other position.

I'm so glad I don't have to deal with any of that crap any longer.
Laurence said:
Well, interesting update, the "other" company wanted to hire me, but didn't want to pay enough to make starting over worth it.  So I'm still at the same place.  But now my promotion paperwork has been completed and is with HR.  Of course, HR is dragging their feet, "we don't normally do x, the metrics book say only do y" etc. etc.
If your bosses are reading today's newspapers, then be careful Laurence...


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